/| Mario Kart PC |\

@ Anonymous, the track stealer


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Messages 1697 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs15549 pts ★ Master
battle6049 pts ★ Racer
United States
Messages 3290 - King Mario King Mario
vs66561 pts ★ Titan
battle13296 pts ★ Champion
circuit111 wrote:
BAD NEWS: https://mkpc.malahieude.net/map.php?i=31007 A TRACK MADE TODAY WAS ALSO STOLEN
oh my gosh! i thought we had him
Messages 555 - Mario Mario
vs31908 pts ★ Legend
battle12902 pts ★ Champion
CG_Ximana wrote:
circuit111 wrote:
BAD NEWS: https://mkpc.malahieude.net/map.php?i=31007 A TRACK MADE TODAY WAS ALSO STOLEN
oh my gosh! i thought we had him

I think he made an alt account because I noticed the original account was DELETED, not banned. So the automatic alt account checker didn't work as the original account was deleted.
Messages 46 - Koopa Koopa
vs556 pts ★ Unlicensed
battle5114 pts ★ Novice
United States
It's so obvious who it is
Messages 78 - Boo Boo
vs8745 pts ★ Expert
battle4939 pts ★ Budding pilot
United States
who is stoling the tracks
Messages 3290 - King Mario King Mario
vs66561 pts ★ Titan
battle13296 pts ★ Champion
@circuit111, do you have any images?
Messages 555 - Mario Mario
vs31908 pts ★ Legend
battle12902 pts ★ Champion
CG_Ximana wrote:
@circuit111, do you have any images?

no but here's the link to one of the tracks made (stolen) by anonymous https://mkpc.malahieude.net/map.php?i=31007
Messages 3290 - King Mario King Mario
vs66561 pts ★ Titan
battle13296 pts ★ Champion
circuit111 wrote:
CG_Ximana wrote:
@circuit111, do you have any images?

no but here's the link to one of the tracks made (stolen) by anonymous https://mkpc.malahieude.net/map.php?i=31007
we checing all profiles
Messages 555 - Mario Mario
vs31908 pts ★ Legend
battle12902 pts ★ Champion
CG_Ximana wrote:
circuit111 wrote:
CG_Ximana wrote:
@circuit111, do you have any images?

no but here's the link to one of the tracks made (stolen) by anonymous https://mkpc.malahieude.net/map.php?i=31007
we checing all profiles

the thief deleted it again
he's afraid of getting caught lol
Messages 78 - Boo Boo
vs8745 pts ★ Expert
battle4939 pts ★ Budding pilot
United States
yeah hes done for
Messages 216 - Toad Toad
vs7828 pts ★ Racer
battle5113 pts ★ Novice
United States
His original username was @SNES. he stole some tracks from @SNES.(I think thats the username from memory.) So he takes the usernames too. conntact the creators of the stolen tracks (@m26g is here so yeah) somehow and get their help!


EVEN BUP is asking you to help. please get this dood banned from MKPC
Messages 10125 - King Mario King Mario
vs36958 pts ★ Legend
battle6102 pts ★ Racer
Au pire quittons le sujet personne ne le saura jamais, cette ..... de pseudo pour voler.
Messages 3290 - King Mario King Mario
vs66561 pts ★ Titan
battle13296 pts ★ Champion
let's stop people from stealig and 1 star trolling :/
Messages 10125 - King Mario King Mario
vs36958 pts ★ Legend
battle6102 pts ★ Racer
Je ne comprends pas ?

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