Take one add one But Pokemon style
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On 2021-02-19 at 21:38:53
Remove Wigglytuff (I hate this pink chubby guy) and add Lord Gliscor
Remove Igglubuff add Lugia
On 2021-02-20 at 22:30:22
i remove Igglybuff into Charzard
On 2021-02-21 at 15:12:52
Remove everything and replace it with Growlithe
you can't just do that!
Yes I can, I made the original Add 1, remove 1 topic, I know what the rules are.
Several people did more than one at a time.
Remove Growlithe and add everything back
On 2021-03-01 at 10:58:42
remove charizard replace with charmeleon
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