MKPC Update Suggestions

On 2025-03-04 at 21:36:12
Allow us to change the color/font of the "Time" and "Lap" Text
On 2025-03-04 at 22:51:06
Allow us to change the color/font of the "Time" and "Lap" Text
Then everyion would have different colors.
On 2025-03-05 at 00:02:27
Add pitfall traps as an item that you can place and if anyone touches the pitfall trap they get trapped for 10 seconds
On 2025-03-05 at 08:53:23
Add pitfall traps as an item that you can place and if anyone touches the pitfall trap they get trapped for 10 seconds
10 seconds is a bit excessive.

On 2025-03-05 at 20:41:57
think it is necessary you get more rewards for challenge mode points, e.g custom colour nametags online or badges on your profile
maybe some official challenge mode things aswell?
maybe some official challenge mode things aswell?

On 2025-03-05 at 20:43:16
Add pitfall traps as an item that you can place and if anyone touches the pitfall trap they get trapped for 10 seconds
3 seconds would be better...
On 2025-03-05 at 20:44:21
also it would be so cool to have custom item boxes , eg one where you alwayse get mushrooms
more togglables such as the POW would be cool too, maybe boomerang and boo could mmake a return
more togglables such as the POW would be cool too, maybe boomerang and boo could mmake a return
On 2025-03-05 at 20:44:38
Add pitfall traps as an item that you can place and if anyone touches the pitfall trap they get trapped for 10 seconds
3 seconds would be better...
3 seconds is too short should we agree on 5 seconds
On 2025-03-05 at 20:44:57
Add pitfall traps as an item that you can place and if anyone touches the pitfall trap they get trapped for 10 seconds
3 seconds would be better...
3 seconds is too short should we agree on 5 seconds
Okay good.
On 2025-03-05 at 20:45:51
more togglables such as the POW would be cool too, maybe boomerang and boo could mmake a return
Should we add the thunder cloud as an item but instead of speeding you up and shrinking you the thunder cloud should instead speed you up and make you big like in ctgp wii
On 2025-03-05 at 20:59:52
more togglables such as the POW would be cool too, maybe boomerang and boo could mmake a return
Should we add the thunder cloud as an item but instead of speeding you up and shrinking you the thunder cloud should instead speed you up and make you big like in ctgp wii
Please No...

On 2025-03-05 at 21:00:39
more togglables such as the POW would be cool too, maybe boomerang and boo could mmake a return
Should we add the thunder cloud as an item but instead of speeding you up and shrinking you the thunder cloud should instead speed you up and make you big like in ctgp wii
Please No...

I said speed up and make bigger not make smaller
On 2025-03-05 at 21:02:06
more togglables such as the POW would be cool too, maybe boomerang and boo could mmake a return
Should we add the thunder cloud as an item but instead of speeding you up and shrinking you the thunder cloud should instead speed you up and make you big like in ctgp wii
Please No...

I said speed up and make bigger not make smaller
Still not a great item bro.
On 2025-03-05 at 21:56:02
Besides Making 6X6 10X10, Adding an Offroad Tile in QM, and Combining QM Tiles from different Styles, I think That's All of the Suggestions I have.
On 2025-03-05 at 22:34:40
Make mobile controls better
On 2025-03-05 at 22:35:42
Team picked tracks, like in LittleBigPlanet. They would be chosen by the devs, and would appear in some sort of "Featured" or "Team Picks" category, or maybe a new list on the home page. If a track of yours got team picked, maybe you could get like an icon on your profile or next to your name showing that you have made a featured track. Maybe even with cups and multi cups too.

On 2025-03-05 at 22:36:00
Make mobile controls better
we have motion controlls.WHAT MORE COULD YOU WANT???
On 2025-03-06 at 01:00:42
Add golden lightning to the game which is an item that you can spam like a golden mushroom

On 2025-03-06 at 01:02:53
Add golden lightning to the game which is an item that you can spam like a golden mushroom
that would be so BS (im sorry) that it would be too OP, so that's never happening + the lightning item is already yellow, we don't need a golden one.

On 2025-03-06 at 01:44:36
Add golden lightning to the game which is an item that you can spam like a golden mushroom
The shock is already the most powerful item in the game and you want to make it even stronger ☠️ terrible idea