Uh... I think I broke my PSP...
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On 2025-02-05 at 23:08:11
So, Self explanatory. My PSP-1000's battery won't charge, the UMD drive is trash, the works.
I have a cool project in mind though. To use the PSP's Display Out feature and custom firmware to make some sort of portable PS1. Any other ideas? (I know this is just trash...)
I have a cool project in mind though. To use the PSP's Display Out feature and custom firmware to make some sort of portable PS1. Any other ideas? (I know this is just trash...)
On 2025-02-05 at 23:53:42
Good idea, personally I don't know anything about psp I use the ppsspp emulator on my phone
On 2025-02-05 at 23:54:22
I have a cool project in mind though. To use the PSP's Display Out feature and custom firmware to make some sort of portable PS1. Any other ideas? (I know this is just trash...)
This is a good idea, I think it should be at least easy to hack
On 2025-02-08 at 00:03:25
I've been looking at some mods. I just need to figure out how to get this two-decade old paperweight to work!

On 2025-02-08 at 00:42:39
I managed to get it to boot, and I have a Spiderman theme on it still... I don't really have anything on it, besides some save data.
On 2025-02-08 at 01:33:16
If you could recover the data from the memory card like the wii nand backup
On 2025-02-08 at 01:35:28
Everything's there, it's just damaged and I can't use the UMD drive or battery. They're both too far gone. I'm using my AC adapter to power it.
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