Rating your complete mode multicups from 0-100

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On 2025-02-15 at 06:59:47
The title says what I’m doing, so post some of your multicups (don’t be crazy with the races, still follow community guidelines) and have fun.
I added grading scores now
Track Layout:50%
Cup Design:10%
I added grading scores now
Track Layout:50%
Cup Design:10%
On 2025-02-15 at 07:37:02
On 2025-02-16 at 10:06:29
Track Layout: 38/50
Characters: 20/25
Music: 13/15
Cup Design: 6/10
Total:77% (C)
Fun Multicup, and a good Character Roster
On 2025-02-16 at 12:04:54
this one is quite old and bad ngl but here you go
On 2025-02-17 at 01:49:39
this one is quite old and bad ngl but here you go
Track Layout:42/50
Cup Design: 9/10
Total:71% (C-)
It’s not that bad as for it being quite old, but I heard no music (it’s probably my stupid internet)
On 2025-02-17 at 01:56:06
On 2025-02-17 at 01:59:11
Uses quick mode, but I feel like my QM tracks do what the mode was made for instead of hot garbage like half of the other quick mode tracks
On 2025-02-17 at 02:01:58
Uses quick mode, but I feel like my QM tracks do what the mode was made for instead of hot garbage like half of the other quick mode tracks
Yeah… please use the Complete Mode Multicups…
On 2025-02-17 at 02:08:21
On 2025-02-17 at 02:14:24
I’m probably not going to grade this if I were to, it probably be lower than a 30% also use complete mode please
On 2025-02-17 at 02:26:14
Uses quick mode, but I feel like my QM tracks do what the mode was made for instead of hot garbage like half of the other quick mode tracks
Yeah… please use the Complete Mode Multicups…

On 2025-02-17 at 04:50:21
This was back when I was still ToadFan99. At that time I was still getting used to complete mode (primarily the first half)
In a modern lens, man did I suck at making tracks back then
This was back when I was still ToadFan99. At that time I was still getting used to complete mode (primarily the first half)
In a modern lens, man did I suck at making tracks back then
On 2025-02-17 at 08:38:57
Track Layout:20/50
Cup Design:8/10
Total: 57% (F)
Word of Advice, Draw tracks in future multi cups and don’t steal any other existing tracks (Not to be mean)
On 2025-02-17 at 09:01:10
This was back when I was still ToadFan99. At that time I was still getting used to complete mode (primarily the first half)
In a modern lens, man did I suck at making tracks back then
This was back when I was still ToadFan99. At that time I was still getting used to complete mode (primarily the first half)
In a modern lens, man did I suck at making tracks back then
Track Layout:24/50
Music: 6/15
Cup Design:10/10
Total: 55% (F)
Well, I don’t have anything to say actually…
On 2025-02-19 at 07:06:50
I changed the Title so that the rules apply better

On 2025-02-19 at 08:35:06
It's theme is 30 seconds, you can finish each course in 30 seconds, and it has characters to fit the 30 second theme.
It's theme is 30 seconds, you can finish each course in 30 seconds, and it has characters to fit the 30 second theme.
On 2025-02-20 at 13:06:33
Its theme is 30 seconds, you can finish each course in 30 seconds, and it has characters to fit the 30 second theme.
Its theme is 30 seconds, you can finish each course in 30 seconds, and it has characters to fit the 30 second theme.
Track Layout:34/50
Cup Design:7/10
Total: 62% (D-)
The multicup is fun to race in, but these ratings are more about style and efficiency, rather than speed and uncommon appearance.
On 2025-02-20 at 13:20:44
you cant rate characters for oany of mine cuz idk how to
On 2025-03-05 at 07:08:23
Still waiting for more Multicups…
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