Fun Facts about food

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On 2025-02-17 at 16:36:50
Did you know peanuts aren't actually nuts? They are actually related to beans 

On 2025-02-17 at 18:04:46
Did you know I'm a fatass and can eat almost anything?

On 2025-02-17 at 18:06:10
Pringles aren't actually potato chips, they're made from a paste.

On 2025-02-17 at 19:12:22
- In World War I food was scarce in Germany because most of the economy was spent on sending people to fight for the Kaiser: substitute (Ersatz) food was created, mainly from turnips or completely inedible items
- To tell if a mushroom is edible, break a chunk off: if it's white and doesn't give off spores (usually identifiable as a powder released when the mushroom has been broken) then it's most likely edible
- In some countries you can return a meal from McDonald's and other fast food joints if it doesn't look like how it's advertised (I'm fairly sure this is just how Karens exploit customer service workers because it's not technically illegal)
- In Japan, images of food on packaging have to be equivalent to the size of the actual food by law
- In Ireland, a nationally beloved fast food joint, Supermac's, was sued by McDonald's on the premise of using "mac" in the company name: the court ruled in Supermac's favour as it was a family-run business led by Patrick MacDonagh (Mac being a common prefix in Irish and Scottish surnames); this has since been used by a lot of Western European fast food establishments to ridicule McDonald's, including a Swedish Burger King joint that named one of the burgers after the Big Mac
- You can ask for as many patties on a burger as you like at Burger King
- Carrots used to be purple but were made orange as a request by the Dutch royal family of Orange
- The white of an egg is called the glair
- There is a type of coffee that has been banned which contains almost thrice the recommended caffeine intake per day
- Your skin can gain an orange tint if you consume enough beta-carotene
- Thai Red Bull (Kratingdaeng) is not carbonated: it is still - and the family who introduced Red Bull to Thailand are the second richest family in the kingdom (yes, Thailand is a kingdom)
- It's possible to eat live crabs and octopus tentacles, but both are around as dangerous to eat as fugu
- To tell if a mushroom is edible, break a chunk off: if it's white and doesn't give off spores (usually identifiable as a powder released when the mushroom has been broken) then it's most likely edible
- In some countries you can return a meal from McDonald's and other fast food joints if it doesn't look like how it's advertised (I'm fairly sure this is just how Karens exploit customer service workers because it's not technically illegal)
- In Japan, images of food on packaging have to be equivalent to the size of the actual food by law
- In Ireland, a nationally beloved fast food joint, Supermac's, was sued by McDonald's on the premise of using "mac" in the company name: the court ruled in Supermac's favour as it was a family-run business led by Patrick MacDonagh (Mac being a common prefix in Irish and Scottish surnames); this has since been used by a lot of Western European fast food establishments to ridicule McDonald's, including a Swedish Burger King joint that named one of the burgers after the Big Mac
- You can ask for as many patties on a burger as you like at Burger King
- Carrots used to be purple but were made orange as a request by the Dutch royal family of Orange
- The white of an egg is called the glair
- There is a type of coffee that has been banned which contains almost thrice the recommended caffeine intake per day
- Your skin can gain an orange tint if you consume enough beta-carotene
- Thai Red Bull (Kratingdaeng) is not carbonated: it is still - and the family who introduced Red Bull to Thailand are the second richest family in the kingdom (yes, Thailand is a kingdom)
- It's possible to eat live crabs and octopus tentacles, but both are around as dangerous to eat as fugu

On 2025-02-17 at 19:12:40
Did you know I'm a fatass and can eat almost anything?
what about paper, i've taken a bite out of a paper

On 2025-02-17 at 22:39:57
did you know that you can eat blue shells if you play as kirby in mkpc
On 2025-02-18 at 11:49:36
When Mr beast gives people feastables they look like they were just given immortality by God.
On 2025-02-18 at 16:42:05
Did you know I'm a fatass and can eat almost anything?
what about paper, i've taken a bite out of a paper
yeah (i eat it on a regular basis)
On 2025-02-18 at 16:43:18
When Mr beast gives people feastables they look like they were just given immortality by God.
I don't think god God gives people moldy cheese or supported a p*dophile before they were called out.

On 2025-02-18 at 17:03:24
Did you know that if you play as Kirby you can eat every item you see
On 2025-02-18 at 17:03:39
On 2025-02-18 at 17:03:52
It's true actually
On 2025-02-18 at 17:04:05
No one believes you
On 2025-02-19 at 15:49:23
Did you know that honey never spoils?

On 2025-02-19 at 16:11:37
Did you know that honey never spoils?
Yeah, I knew that before
On 2025-02-19 at 16:36:12
Did you know that honey never spoils?
oh thats cool
On 2025-02-19 at 16:40:48
Did you know that if u play as Kirby u can eat blue shells
On 2025-02-19 at 16:43:43
Did you know I'm a fatass and can eat almost anything?
what about paper, i've taken a bite out of a paper

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