What are the most underrated and overrated Mario games?

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On 2025-02-19 at 17:30:28
In my opinion, Super Mario Bros 1985 is the most Overrated Mario game because it's just very basic but people like it because it was the first Mario game. And the most underrated Mario game in my opinion is Super Mario 3D Land. people really never play or talk about Super Mario 3D Land, it's very fun and people should play it more, what's yours?
On 2025-02-19 at 17:33:23
Overrated: Mario kart tour
Reason: microtransactions
Underrated: Super mario land 2 and the 6 golden coins
Reason: no one talks about it for being irrelevant in 2025 but in reality it's a game more people should play
Reason: microtransactions
Underrated: Super mario land 2 and the 6 golden coins
Reason: no one talks about it for being irrelevant in 2025 but in reality it's a game more people should play
On 2025-02-19 at 17:59:13
Underrated: Super Mario 3D Land
Overrated: Super Mario 64
Overrated: Super Mario 64
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