Share your time trials from Mario Kart games

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On 2025-02-21 at 02:04:38
Some of the title says it. All you need to do is share your times from any mario kart game (copy the time and put it in the topic). You can compare your's to a different game or something. Sadly, you can't do MK Home Circuit. No one will (most likly) have to make the same setup as you in order to play against you. You're also welcome to get a video capture from your nintendo switch (if you have one) and somehow send it to the topic. Good luck! Have a good time sharing your times! Don't also lie so you can say "You're the best or something". Also, be respectful so you don't hurt other people's feelings please. Alright, now good luck or whatever!
On 2025-02-21 at 03:08:43
I have 1:32 on mario kart 8 deluxe bcp snow land
On 2025-02-23 at 05:07:04
In MKPC, For Mario Circuit 1, I have 0:33.241 at 150 cubic centimeters
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