What does it take to become a mod or admin?

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On 2025-02-25 at 23:42:51
Bein' curious.
On 2025-02-26 at 01:46:26
I have NO IDEA. I wanna be one even though I have no idea what the job is. Ask an moderator or someone how they got it. Good luck knowing how! (Tell me when you're done, I wanna know too).
On 2025-02-26 at 05:22:43
yeah, i think a lot of people (including me) want to know but there's no where to find the answer
On 2025-02-26 at 08:49:42
They add a new one every so often. you need to provide a lot of information then the moderators pick one or two people from all those that apply to become moderators.
Pretty much just check this topic.
Pretty much just check this topic.
On 2025-02-26 at 22:36:45
But that one is locked. They add a new one every so often. you need to provide a lot of information then the moderators pick one or two people from all those that apply to become moderators.
On 2025-02-27 at 08:38:06
But that one is locked. They add a new one every so often. you need to provide a lot of information then the moderators pick one or two people from all those that apply to become moderators.
I said check, not message, as the first message has all the requirements for when they next recruit.
On 2025-02-27 at 09:47:30
You need to send an application (a detailed one) to Wargor, and the moderation team will review it to see if you are capable of handling the job or not. Something new though, that happened with me, was the trial moderator system. For an uncertain time, you have moderator permissions but you have to leave the bigger stuff to other moderators and let them know about any decision you will take except if it's banning a bot or deleting racist content. After that time, you will be promoted or rejected by the moderation team, but with a concrete experience as proof.

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