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Can i get ctgp7 with a digital copy of mk7?

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Messages 332 - Peach Peach
vs19399 pts ★ Master
battle6877 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
???????? I haven't found anything on google about it
Messages 142 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs5868 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
just hack your 3ds
Messages 58 - Boo Boo
vs36119 pts ★ Legend
battle6671 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
it works by hacking your ds
Messages 657 - Mario Mario
vs13773 pts ★ Champion
battle6967 pts ★ Racer
United States
???????? I haven't found anything on google about it

if you have the digital version (either via the eShop or yar har har), yes
Messages 332 - Peach Peach
vs19399 pts ★ Master
battle6877 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
Im using universal update and installing it rn cant wait to play

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