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What track should be added to the game?


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Messages 3 - Goomba Goomba
vs9616 pts ★ Expert
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
Some of the tracks are good, when some of them are okay. But ive been thinking if Wii Moo Moo Meadows would be added. So, Here's a stupid question. What track should be added into the game?
Messages 2316 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs39043 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
None. there aren't going to be any new tracks added, just play cts
Messages 26 - Koopa Koopa
vs5661 pts ★ Novice
battle5370 pts ★ Novice
United States
their should be N64 tracks!
Messages 191 - Bowser Bowser
vs16674 pts ★ Master
battle5294 pts ★ Novice
United States
It should add N64 tracks
Messages 560 - Mario Mario
vs11635 pts ★ Champion
battle3809 pts ★ Unlicensed
United States
Wario colosseum
Messages 121 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs35439 pts ★ Legend
battle5323 pts ★ Novice
United States
Wario colosseum

how would it be possible to add wario colosseum
Messages 560 - Mario Mario
vs11635 pts ★ Champion
battle3809 pts ★ Unlicensed
United States
Wario colosseum

how would it be possible to add wario colosseum

Go to the GCN specual cup

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