delaying updates for my mutilcup

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On 2025-03-12 at 13:11:23
im delaying the update for the mutilcup since there is complaints about the checkpoints and walls an im going to fix every track with this issue so the next update for the multicup is going to be o the 20 or net month or the 15 but im still going to push out little updates untill the final update
On 2025-03-13 at 00:33:19
im delaying the update for the mutilcup since there is complaints about the checkpoints and walls an im going to fix every track with this issue so the next update for the multicup is going to be o the 20 or net month or the 15 but im still going to push out little updates untill the final update
How about if I teach you a little about complete mode track making? I'll make a topic that will help people make complete mode tracks soon.
On 2025-03-13 at 00:35:34
sure thanks for the help
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