Challenges completed by LuigiDawg
The Completioner
WiiU Excitebike Arena : Complete the track

The Completioner
GPDX Tropical Coast : Complete the track

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner
GPDX Tropical Coast : Finish in the 1st position

Read it below!
𝗪𝗘𝗘𝗚𝗘𝗘 : Touch one of his shoes!

Lava mess
Bowser Castle : Go to the Glider zone in Time Trial mode, without using any item, in less than 21s

Luigi is not a Dinophobe
Don't be a Dinophobe : Finish the game in the 1st position with Luigi

It takes all the colours to make a Rainbow...
Don't be a Dinophobe : Test the Arena

Luigi Circuit Staff Ghost
Luigi Circuit : Complete the track in less than 1:42 in Time Trial mode

L is actually real!
SM64 DS Princess Peach's Secret Slide : Finish in the 1st position in VS mode, with Luigi, in medium mode
With 8 participants

Galactic-Ufos Practice : Complete the track in less than 39s

Galactic-Ufos Practice : Complete the track in less than 59s

Galactic-Ufos Practice : Complete the track in less than 1:09

The Completioner
3DS Rosalina's Ice World : Complete the track

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner
3DS Rosalina's Ice World : Finish in the 1st position

3DS Rosalina's Ice World : “Find the secret shortcut”

The Completioner
GP2 Diamond City : Complete the track

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner
GP2 Diamond City : Finish in the 1st position

The Completioner
Wii Moo Moo Meadows : Complete the track

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner
Wii Moo Moo Meadows : Finish in the 1st position

The white arena picture
N64 Big Donut : Now reach the white picture of the arena