Challenges completed by LuigiDawg
The wall behind the picture
N64 Big Donut : Look at the map carefully and hit the at the wall that it is exactly behind from the picture
With 8 participants, no teams

The Completioner
Crabby Sands : Complete the track

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner
Crabby Sands : Finish in the 1st position

Tuurning Plazza 1 : Hit The Last Box! without touching item boxes

The Completioner
DS Figure 8 Circuit : Complete the track

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner
DS Figure 8 Circuit : Finish in the 1st position

The Completioner
Return to Puppy Castle : Complete the track

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner
Return to Puppy Castle : Finish in the 1st position

Bowser Time!
Quaint Highway : Finish in the 1st position with Bowser

The Lonely Box
PC Looped Plains : Collect the excluded Item Box in less than 30s

La base pour commencer !
The Azoumix's Arene : Finish the game

Toujours dans les bases !
The Azoumix's Arene : Finish the game in the 1st position

Trouve le canon caché (j'ai mis moyen car il est caché mais facile a trouvé... je crois)
The Azoumix's Arene : Un canon est caché (bon j'en ai mis aussi sur mon serre-tête)

Où est la lumière des lucioles ? (elles te feront envolé quelque par...)
The Azoumix's Arene : Va sur mon serr-tête lumière (sa s'appelle comme ça dans ACNL)

Alerte : COVID-19
The Azoumix's Arene : Protège-toi de COVID-19 en allant sur le masque !

Luigi's Ghostly Tour
Melany's Mansion : Take the ramp shortcut in Time Trial mode, with Luigi, in less than 10s

the music was not able to loop.
Sunshine Tour (Sonic & Sega All Stars Racing) : Complete the track in less than 1:00 in Time Trial mode

Mayonnaise Circuit : Complete the track in less than 30s in Time Trial mode, with Daisy

Mettez 5/5
N64 Toad's Factory.GGradulin : Complete the track

Star 6: Behind Chain Chomp's Gate
Bob-Omb Battlefield : Go behind chain chomp's gate with Mario