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I made a speedrun track

Messages 161 - Bowser Bowser
vs17016 pts ★ Master
battle5132 pts ★ Novice
BluePikmin wrote:
Hey guys look, I made the sequel: https://mkpc.malahieude.net/circuit.php?id=184866

Fun, but you can skip half the track
Messages 161 - Bowser Bowser
vs17016 pts ★ Master
battle5132 pts ★ Novice
21 seconds

Shower thoughts

Messages 161 - Bowser Bowser
vs17016 pts ★ Master
battle5132 pts ★ Novice
A glass is never empty, its always filled with something.
Messages 161 - Bowser Bowser
vs17016 pts ★ Master
battle5132 pts ★ Novice
Glitched wrote:
if there's mariokart what about kartless mario

what about kart mario?

you mean mario in kart form? that's funny

Umm... Actually that one's also real. They made a Hotwheels car of Mario once. (And I have it)

I don't know how I feel about that...
Messages 161 - Bowser Bowser
vs17016 pts ★ Master
battle5132 pts ★ Novice
Glitched wrote:
If maroo is bald than where's his hair


Look at the message again, bro.

I still don't get it
Messages 161 - Bowser Bowser
vs17016 pts ★ Master
battle5132 pts ★ Novice
If maroo is bald than where's his hair

Messages 161 - Bowser Bowser
vs17016 pts ★ Master
battle5132 pts ★ Novice
I found a YouTuber's MKPC Account!
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This person is very clearly not a youtuber because they played the game for like 2 seconds

They played it in a video and I don't see it anymore but @teedleyt" class="type1" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">here's his channel if that helps...

but this is not a shower thought.
Messages 161 - Bowser Bowser
vs17016 pts ★ Master
battle5132 pts ★ Novice
I found a YouTuber's MKPC Account!
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thats not a shower thought,
unless im missing somthing
(123 messages)
Messages 161 - Bowser Bowser
vs17016 pts ★ Master
battle5132 pts ★ Novice
If Sonic eats at Sonic, is he a cannibal?
Messages 161 - Bowser Bowser
vs17016 pts ★ Master
battle5132 pts ★ Novice
If a dog eats a hot dog is it a cannibal?
Messages 161 - Bowser Bowser
vs17016 pts ★ Master
battle5132 pts ★ Novice
Fiery wrote:
Fiery wrote:
Glitched wrote:
if you put ham in a hamburger is it a hamhamburger

no its a double hamburger

No it's a hamburger with 2 hams

Yeah so it’s a double hamburger???

but a piece of ham is not the same as a hamburger patty.
also, is the plural of football feetball?
Messages 161 - Bowser Bowser
vs17016 pts ★ Master
battle5132 pts ★ Novice
BluePikmin wrote:
If you put pepperoni on pepperoni pizza, is a pepperpepperroni pizza?

a pepperoni pizza is a pizza with pepperoni on it
so it stays the same
but if you put pepper...
Messages 161 - Bowser Bowser
vs17016 pts ★ Master
battle5132 pts ★ Novice
if you put ham in a hamburger is it a hamhamburger
Messages 161 - Bowser Bowser
vs17016 pts ★ Master
battle5132 pts ★ Novice
Why do you bake cookies and cook bacon?
Messages 161 - Bowser Bowser
vs17016 pts ★ Master
battle5132 pts ★ Novice
Are shower thoughts thoughts that showers have?
Messages 161 - Bowser Bowser
vs17016 pts ★ Master
battle5132 pts ★ Novice
If there's spiderman is their manspider

If there is a bat man and a super man then is there a man bat and a man super

Man bat
Messages 161 - Bowser Bowser
vs17016 pts ★ Master
battle5132 pts ★ Novice
Does Yoshi come out of an egg because he is a dinosaur and the ones not in eggs went extinct?
Messages 161 - Bowser Bowser
vs17016 pts ★ Master
battle5132 pts ★ Novice
What type of plant is a power plant?
Messages 161 - Bowser Bowser
vs17016 pts ★ Master
battle5132 pts ★ Novice
If you put a wood chip in a potato, is it a potato chip?
Messages 161 - Bowser Bowser
vs17016 pts ★ Master
battle5132 pts ★ Novice
If there is new super mario bros the where is old super mario bros

They retired

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