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Jazzys winter track building contest
On 2023-12-25 at 02:34:20
Why did you do no CAPS LOCK?
What do you mean ? Also reading all caps is quite annoying except in some contexts like wishing others Merry Christmas
YoshiLOVER's name on the leaderboard lacks the capital letters...
another reason why kids (<10 years) shouldn't be on Internet imo (with some exceptions maybe)
Another reason why the most immature moderator shouldn't play the big boy on the Internet imo (with some exceptions maybe)
On 2023-12-25 at 01:41:41
Why did you do no CAPS LOCK?
What do you mean ? Also reading all caps is quite annoying except in some contexts like wishing others Merry Christmas
Un Mario kart 9 ?
On 2020-07-23 at 11:31:51
SVP on a dit Mario Kart: Next Game pour éviter les débats
On 2020-07-07 at 16:42:11
Pourriez-vous revenir sur le sujet du MK9 et arrêter de débattre sur le nombre du prochain Mario Kart et sur les tablettes et consoles ? MERCI
On 2020-07-07 at 16:36:02
Et pardon tu t'appelles elliottheqwer.
On 2020-06-28 at 18:37:36
J'ai abouti tout !
Champistade : Des virages serrés et des pneus égarés serait le principal obstacle. Il y aurait des deltaplanes, loopings et rampes. L’antigravité serait présente et une portion de route formerait un M de Mario tandis qu'une statue de Luigi géante serait là. Il y aurait des tubes, comme dans les premières courses des trois jeux précédents.
Parc Peach : Inspiré de Jardin Peach, les bosquets seraient cette fois sans matière lors des étoiles.
Il y aurait des Topi Taupes partout, et des grilles de parc s'ouvrant durant les 3,2,1,GO ! Une réplique en marbre de Peach serait sur un bosquet indestructible.
Vallée Toad : Avec deux voies possibles, un champignon d'or pur et massif dans un rond, en clin d’œil à un morceau épique, N64 Vallée Yoshi, des Toads partout de toutes les couleurs.
Circuit Luigi:
Se déroulant dans l'ancien aéroport de 2001 et 2005, celui de GBA Circuit Luigi, le soleil a enfin pu être trouvé ! Mais des avions tombent du ciel en se crashant, pouvant faire de gros dégâts.
Îles Koopa : Des îles rondes forment le circuit, avec un lagon profond ou peu profond, et des bancs de sable ou des tombolos. La marée est bien sûr là.
Plage Daisy : Encore de l'eau, cette fois dans Sarasaland. On voit le Paquebot Daisy au loin, et il est même possible de s'en servir comme accès à une plateforme secrète au 3ème tour.
Circuit Mario : Il y aurait nombre non quantifiable de boosts pour faire valser le joueur soit en avant, soit vers le vide.
Sanctuaire sauvage Yoshi:
Plein de terre forme la route, qui ralentit parfois. Au loin, on voit Yoshi Valley, car ce circuit est vu juste inscrit sur une pancarte du même circuit. Rien d'autre ne sera mis en place.
Chemin des canons DK : Digne de la Coupe Etoile, il y a un canon au début, jusqu'à une banane géante et qui peut servir de route, un deuxième qui mène jusqu'à une jungle et au temple Banane de Forêt tropicale DK. Le canon final ramène jusqu'au départ. Ce circuit réintroduit les canons, mis au placard depuis MK7.
Cité Wario : Je vais garder l'idée que m'a donné un participant de ce forum: des Toads qui, à l'arrêt, sont fous et vendent des cigarettes. Si le joueur en achète une, (en fait si il est entre la 9ème et la 12ème place et que les Toads ont dit que c'était une arme redoutable) la police, Lakitu, ramène le joueur plus tôt. Il y a des feux rouges. Il faut les respecter, car le même Lakitu veille au grain.
Parc aqua Koopa:
Le joueur descend parfois des toboggans aquatiques pour arriver dans une piscine, mais il faut éviter les Miis qui descendent en bouée.
Égout Goomba :
Il y aurait des Goomba, et deux quarts du circuit viendraient d’Egout Piranha.
Arène Funky:
Il y aurait beaucoup d'antigravité et la piste serait en 2 tours comme Arène Wario, en raison de sa longueur.
Ascension céleste :
Il y aurait une montée dans la neige et les nuages. POINT FINAL.
Château de Bowser :
Récurrence: lasers, lave, Thwomps, pièges et feu.
Route Arc-en-ciel
Ce serait une version Wii avec des carreaux HD.
Plage Wuhu:
On verrait un peu le littoral, et le pic aussi. Il y aurait plein de Miis.
Pays givré :
Une course avec plein d’élévation, qui monte un sentier de montagne avec des sapins et alpages de Meuh Meuh.
Château de Peach :
Avec plein de secrets, la salle de la fausse couronne, de la vraie, celle d'entrée, celle du trône pour terminer sur le sable de Royal Raceway et rentrer dans le château.
Temple Boo :
Des pièges et des Boos, surgissant comme dans un train fantôme. Il y aurait un manoir délabré ancien.
Supermarché Toad :
Deux quarts viendraient du Supermarché Coco. Sinon, il y aurait des boutiques Toad de champignons de fleurs de feu et autres.
Jardins fleuris :
Ce serait une descente dans un potager soigné et fleuri, avec trois options pour terminer : un couloir sombre, un bâtiment et une route périlleuse et vieille.
Descente désertique :
Une descente dans les cactus sur un chemin de sable, avec piliers et Pokeys. La fin se déroule dans une arène géante où il y a le Yoshi Sphinx.
Aérodrome Alpin :
Une station de ski avec un remonte-pente canon, puis de la descente en antigravité avec des bords de nuages de Jardin volant. Une decente serait présente, avec halfs-pipes et antigravité. Fin comme dans Descente givrée.
Et voilà !
Et, désolé de te présenter anonyme, cher ???, mais je n'ai pas pu voir ton pseudo quand je faisais cela.*
Cela m'a pris du temps, du travail et de l'énergie, alors SVP ne critiquez pas trop !
Champistade : Des virages serrés et des pneus égarés serait le principal obstacle. Il y aurait des deltaplanes, loopings et rampes. L’antigravité serait présente et une portion de route formerait un M de Mario tandis qu'une statue de Luigi géante serait là. Il y aurait des tubes, comme dans les premières courses des trois jeux précédents.
Parc Peach : Inspiré de Jardin Peach, les bosquets seraient cette fois sans matière lors des étoiles.
Il y aurait des Topi Taupes partout, et des grilles de parc s'ouvrant durant les 3,2,1,GO ! Une réplique en marbre de Peach serait sur un bosquet indestructible.
Vallée Toad : Avec deux voies possibles, un champignon d'or pur et massif dans un rond, en clin d’œil à un morceau épique, N64 Vallée Yoshi, des Toads partout de toutes les couleurs.
Circuit Luigi:
Se déroulant dans l'ancien aéroport de 2001 et 2005, celui de GBA Circuit Luigi, le soleil a enfin pu être trouvé ! Mais des avions tombent du ciel en se crashant, pouvant faire de gros dégâts.
Îles Koopa : Des îles rondes forment le circuit, avec un lagon profond ou peu profond, et des bancs de sable ou des tombolos. La marée est bien sûr là.
Plage Daisy : Encore de l'eau, cette fois dans Sarasaland. On voit le Paquebot Daisy au loin, et il est même possible de s'en servir comme accès à une plateforme secrète au 3ème tour.
Circuit Mario : Il y aurait nombre non quantifiable de boosts pour faire valser le joueur soit en avant, soit vers le vide.
Sanctuaire sauvage Yoshi:
Plein de terre forme la route, qui ralentit parfois. Au loin, on voit Yoshi Valley, car ce circuit est vu juste inscrit sur une pancarte du même circuit. Rien d'autre ne sera mis en place.
Chemin des canons DK : Digne de la Coupe Etoile, il y a un canon au début, jusqu'à une banane géante et qui peut servir de route, un deuxième qui mène jusqu'à une jungle et au temple Banane de Forêt tropicale DK. Le canon final ramène jusqu'au départ. Ce circuit réintroduit les canons, mis au placard depuis MK7.
Cité Wario : Je vais garder l'idée que m'a donné un participant de ce forum: des Toads qui, à l'arrêt, sont fous et vendent des cigarettes. Si le joueur en achète une, (en fait si il est entre la 9ème et la 12ème place et que les Toads ont dit que c'était une arme redoutable) la police, Lakitu, ramène le joueur plus tôt. Il y a des feux rouges. Il faut les respecter, car le même Lakitu veille au grain.
Parc aqua Koopa:
Le joueur descend parfois des toboggans aquatiques pour arriver dans une piscine, mais il faut éviter les Miis qui descendent en bouée.
Égout Goomba :
Il y aurait des Goomba, et deux quarts du circuit viendraient d’Egout Piranha.
Arène Funky:
Il y aurait beaucoup d'antigravité et la piste serait en 2 tours comme Arène Wario, en raison de sa longueur.
Ascension céleste :
Il y aurait une montée dans la neige et les nuages. POINT FINAL.
Château de Bowser :
Récurrence: lasers, lave, Thwomps, pièges et feu.
Route Arc-en-ciel
Ce serait une version Wii avec des carreaux HD.
Plage Wuhu:
On verrait un peu le littoral, et le pic aussi. Il y aurait plein de Miis.
Pays givré :
Une course avec plein d’élévation, qui monte un sentier de montagne avec des sapins et alpages de Meuh Meuh.
Château de Peach :
Avec plein de secrets, la salle de la fausse couronne, de la vraie, celle d'entrée, celle du trône pour terminer sur le sable de Royal Raceway et rentrer dans le château.
Temple Boo :
Des pièges et des Boos, surgissant comme dans un train fantôme. Il y aurait un manoir délabré ancien.
Supermarché Toad :
Deux quarts viendraient du Supermarché Coco. Sinon, il y aurait des boutiques Toad de champignons de fleurs de feu et autres.
Jardins fleuris :
Ce serait une descente dans un potager soigné et fleuri, avec trois options pour terminer : un couloir sombre, un bâtiment et une route périlleuse et vieille.
Descente désertique :
Une descente dans les cactus sur un chemin de sable, avec piliers et Pokeys. La fin se déroule dans une arène géante où il y a le Yoshi Sphinx.
Aérodrome Alpin :
Une station de ski avec un remonte-pente canon, puis de la descente en antigravité avec des bords de nuages de Jardin volant. Une decente serait présente, avec halfs-pipes et antigravité. Fin comme dans Descente givrée.
Et voilà !
Et, désolé de te présenter anonyme, cher ???, mais je n'ai pas pu voir ton pseudo quand je faisais cela.*
Cela m'a pris du temps, du travail et de l'énergie, alors SVP ne critiquez pas trop !
On 2020-06-27 at 22:08:47
Mushroom Cup :
Parc Peach
Vallée Toad
Circuit Luigi
Flower Cup :
Îles Koopa
Plage Daisy
Circuit Mario
Sanctuaire sauvage Yoshi
Star Cup :
Chemins des canons DK
Cité Wario
Parc aquatique Koopa
Égout Goomba
Special Cup:
Arène Funky Kong
Ascension céleste
Château de Bowser
Route Arc-en-ciel
Crown Cup:
Plage Wuhu
Pays givré
Château de Peach
Temple hanté Boo
Acorn Cup :
Supermarché Toad
Jardins fleuris
Descente désertique
Aérodrome Alpin (en hommage à une très belle piste CTGP )
Amusez-vous à mélanger les circuits rétro que je propose ici en vrac :
Vallée Daisy
Lagon Cheep-Cheep
Galion Wario
Animal Crossing
Big Blue
Aéroport Azur
Désert Toussec
Promenade Toad
Temple Thwomp
Plage Koopa 1
Plaines Donut 2
Château de Bowser 2
Lac Vanille 2
Île Choco 2
Montagne Choco (musique changée)
Stade Wario
Pays neigeux (musique Lacs Vanille)
Désert Yoshi
Route Arc-en-ciel
Route Clair de Lune
Ruines Sec Sec
Pic DK
Circuit Daisy
Usine Toad
Flipper Waluigi
Quartier Delfino
Corniche Champignon (avec moins d'ennui)
Pont Champignon
Circuit Luigi
Arène Wario
On 2023-11-29 at 21:05:23
Sorry for revive but I need to ask y'all something: Should I remove the battle aspect and rename MKPC Battle? I was writing a part of Episode 4 and I realized that the battle part wouldn't really work and it'd get boring fairly quickly, also I noticed that as I introduced the mechanic it wasn't really reacted upon... so whaddaya think? Should I rename the fanfic and remove the battles, or should I keep it as is?
Nah keep it as it is
On 2023-11-04 at 20:18:23
I am NOT having a dance off on the sidelines 💀
Forgot about that. We are used now, it became part of the environnment
On 2023-11-04 at 19:03:42
I am NOT having a dance off on the sidelines 💀
On 2023-10-04 at 14:04:38
I just think Illu needs time and inspiration, she might just not have any ideas for this fanfic right now. When you force yourself to create content it's as clear as rock water, bc it's much worse usually.
But yeah I understand why you would ask this question and it's normal.
But yeah I understand why you would ask this question and it's normal.
On 2023-09-03 at 15:50:49
but who's making alts to make a mass up voting then???
Edit:What if they used a different email so they can't track the person.🤔
the trickster
On 2023-09-03 at 03:45:24
Color: Blue
Personality: A DANGEROUS SON OF A GUN that is not afraid to put people in their place but had a good heart but a short temper and abuse substances
Any abilities or weapons: does not feel pain because he is a drunk , the ability to drown opponent in a concentrated juice of of high pressure liquid poop
Gender: non binary
Height: 6"11
Weight class: Extremely Obese , a massive individual
holy s*1t. 187 upvotes. damn, thats the most reactions to a message i have ever seen by far.
They're probably those alts who spammed something on the forum, or the alts who mass facepalmed my message, mass subscribed to Mudky or Fways and mass upvoted something else. It's not rare to have a lot of alts mass upvoting or facepalm messages although it doesn't really make sense and is quite dumb
On 2023-09-02 at 22:17:21
D4RK SLAYED OH MAH GAWD SLAYYYYYY MY GURLYPOPPPP 😋☺😍🙃😍🥲🤑🥲🙃🥲🤑🥲😗😍😝😋🙃🥲🤑🥲🥲🙃😍🤣🙃😍😊🥲😊🥲🥲🤪🤭😝🤗🤗☺😙😉😇😊😍😚😍🤭😝🥲😗
On 2023-08-29 at 23:12:03
Episode 2: The Disquieting Gentleman (Don't blame me for the several innuendos, Osc-omb wanted them
SS: (Semi-conscious and lying flat on the sand) Owowowowow...
Watermelon: (Getting up, almost dead from back cramps) Where in the name of living fuck are we?
Ruri: The last thing I remember is that crappy Nintendo 64 literally absorbing all of us- Oh yeah! Is everyone alright? You're not hurt are you?
Nudge: Yes, I'm okay, I almost died and got knocked unconscious, I'm completely fine though.
Osc: But you're fine to suck on my explosive balls right?
Ruri: Oh my-
Lely: Well THAT escalated quickly...
Max: Osc, watch your mouth next time.
Osc: Watch my mouth? Come on, we all have urges.
Ruri: Are you okay? Like, do you GENUINELY have a problem?
Osc: You're one to talk. I know about the DMs.
Ruri: (Falters for a second, then responds completely flushed) W-what DMs?
Watermelon: Holy shit-
Osc: You know what I mean, the ones with Illu. I can leak them right no-
Ruri: You just dare...
Lely: Please don't, I think I'm aware of where this is going and I don't like it. At all.
Watermelon: (To self) Whew, dodged a bullet there...
???: (Pops in out of nowhere) HA-HA-HOW-DIDDILY-HEYYY!
Nudge: Jeez, ANOTHER Monokuma knockoff?!
Max: The hell have we dragged ourselves into?
Watermelon: (Strongly pissed off) Grr, who are you and what do you want with us, midget?!
???: (Twirling around on one leg, uncannily looking like he's going to fall) I... am THE HOST!
Ruri: The... Host? Are we in some kind of gameshow...?
The Host: Ahahaha, oooh no, my little kitten, you're in MY game. (Smiles devilishly)
Watermelon: (Snaps from bottling up too much) AHAHAHAHA, 'LITTLE KITTEN'?! NO WAY DO YOU CALL HER THAT, AND IT'S MY GAME, YOU CLOWN! (Watermelon runs for The Host, attempting to attack him)
Ruri: (Grasps Watermelon's shoulder to prevent them from doing anything hastily) Wait. We don't know what that... thing has up his sleeve. It's best to play it safe.
Chilli: Nuh uh, girl, I'm with Illu on this one, this weird shit can be crushed under my Red Yoshi foot!
Osc: I misheard that as 'Red Yoshi Bu-'
Lely: You say another word and I'm blowing you up.
Osc: Yes, please blow m- (Lely sets Osc's fuse alight) AAAAAAARRRRGGHH! GET IT OUT GET IT OUT GET IT OUT!
Chilli: (Punches The Host to the ground and steps on him) Heh, not so strong now, are you?! Now how do we GET OUT OF HERE, YOU FREAK?!
Croassung: (Notices a thermonuke attached to The Host's back) Chilli, wait! There's a thermo-
The Host: 4.
The Host: 3.
The Host: 2.
Max: Holy shit...
Osc: This is gonna explode harder than me when I'm-
Lely: (Pulls out a lighter) You dare...
The Host: 1.
xrunner: (Entering from another corner of the island) Yo guys what's-
The Host: 0.
Chilli: Whoops.
xrunner: Uh-oh...
(The Host explodes, blowing Chilli into pieces, sending both his remains and xrunner hurtling into the sea)
Max: What...
Lely: The...
Nudge: Fuck...
Osc: Please do-
With Chilli dead and the status of xrunner yet to be confirmed, the team somberly went onward to find shelter, meanwhile Lely was still mad at Osc for making an innuendo out of anything and still chased him around. They eventually found solace in a nearby rock hut and spent the night there, traumatized by the death of Chilli. Who is The Host? What is he hiding? What has everyone dragged themselves into by playing this wretched game? What secrets is this fictional world hiding? Find out in the next episode of MKPC Battle, coming soon!
SS: (Semi-conscious and lying flat on the sand) Owowowowow...
Watermelon: (Getting up, almost dead from back cramps) Where in the name of living fuck are we?
Ruri: The last thing I remember is that crappy Nintendo 64 literally absorbing all of us- Oh yeah! Is everyone alright? You're not hurt are you?
Nudge: Yes, I'm okay, I almost died and got knocked unconscious, I'm completely fine though.
Osc: But you're fine to suck on my explosive balls right?
Ruri: Oh my-
Lely: Well THAT escalated quickly...
Max: Osc, watch your mouth next time.
Osc: Watch my mouth? Come on, we all have urges.
Ruri: Are you okay? Like, do you GENUINELY have a problem?
Osc: You're one to talk. I know about the DMs.
Ruri: (Falters for a second, then responds completely flushed) W-what DMs?
Watermelon: Holy shit-
Osc: You know what I mean, the ones with Illu. I can leak them right no-
Ruri: You just dare...
Lely: Please don't, I think I'm aware of where this is going and I don't like it. At all.
Watermelon: (To self) Whew, dodged a bullet there...
???: (Pops in out of nowhere) HA-HA-HOW-DIDDILY-HEYYY!
Nudge: Jeez, ANOTHER Monokuma knockoff?!
Max: The hell have we dragged ourselves into?
Watermelon: (Strongly pissed off) Grr, who are you and what do you want with us, midget?!
???: (Twirling around on one leg, uncannily looking like he's going to fall) I... am THE HOST!
Ruri: The... Host? Are we in some kind of gameshow...?
The Host: Ahahaha, oooh no, my little kitten, you're in MY game. (Smiles devilishly)
Watermelon: (Snaps from bottling up too much) AHAHAHAHA, 'LITTLE KITTEN'?! NO WAY DO YOU CALL HER THAT, AND IT'S MY GAME, YOU CLOWN! (Watermelon runs for The Host, attempting to attack him)
Ruri: (Grasps Watermelon's shoulder to prevent them from doing anything hastily) Wait. We don't know what that... thing has up his sleeve. It's best to play it safe.
Chilli: Nuh uh, girl, I'm with Illu on this one, this weird shit can be crushed under my Red Yoshi foot!
Osc: I misheard that as 'Red Yoshi Bu-'
Lely: You say another word and I'm blowing you up.
Osc: Yes, please blow m- (Lely sets Osc's fuse alight) AAAAAAARRRRGGHH! GET IT OUT GET IT OUT GET IT OUT!
Chilli: (Punches The Host to the ground and steps on him) Heh, not so strong now, are you?! Now how do we GET OUT OF HERE, YOU FREAK?!
Croassung: (Notices a thermonuke attached to The Host's back) Chilli, wait! There's a thermo-
The Host: 4.
The Host: 3.
The Host: 2.
Max: Holy shit...
Osc: This is gonna explode harder than me when I'm-
Lely: (Pulls out a lighter) You dare...
The Host: 1.
xrunner: (Entering from another corner of the island) Yo guys what's-
The Host: 0.
Chilli: Whoops.
xrunner: Uh-oh...
(The Host explodes, blowing Chilli into pieces, sending both his remains and xrunner hurtling into the sea)
Max: What...
Lely: The...
Nudge: Fuck...
Osc: Please do-
With Chilli dead and the status of xrunner yet to be confirmed, the team somberly went onward to find shelter, meanwhile Lely was still mad at Osc for making an innuendo out of anything and still chased him around. They eventually found solace in a nearby rock hut and spent the night there, traumatized by the death of Chilli. Who is The Host? What is he hiding? What has everyone dragged themselves into by playing this wretched game? What secrets is this fictional world hiding? Find out in the next episode of MKPC Battle, coming soon!
What if I like being blown up 😳😳😳😳😳
Be my guest 😏
LELY I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'RE BETRAYING ME LIKE THIS!1!1!!111!!!1!!11!!1!1!!111!!!1!!11!!1!1!!111!!!1!!11! 🤣💀🤣🤣💀💀😍🥰😘😭😭😂😅😂💀😭💀🤣😍💀💀🤣🤣💀🤣🤣💀💀😍🥰😘😭😭😂😅😂💀😭💀🤣😍💀💀🤣🤣💀🤣🤣💀💀😍🥰😘😭😭😂😅😂💀😭💀🤣😍💀💀🤣🤣💀🤣🤣💀💀😍🥰😘😭😭😂😅😂💀😭💀🤣😍💀💀🤣
wdym betraying YOU everyone know it's me
Your tail is smaller than the seconds it takes to Osc to get [the item that destroys the blue shell in MK8]y
I've never been Bullet Billy, the fuck does that even mean
Do you really wanna get HONKed up or what ?
On 2023-08-29 at 23:08:38
Episode 2: The Disquieting Gentleman (Don't blame me for the several innuendos, Osc-omb wanted them
SS: (Semi-conscious and lying flat on the sand) Owowowowow...
Watermelon: (Getting up, almost dead from back cramps) Where in the name of living fuck are we?
Ruri: The last thing I remember is that crappy Nintendo 64 literally absorbing all of us- Oh yeah! Is everyone alright? You're not hurt are you?
Nudge: Yes, I'm okay, I almost died and got knocked unconscious, I'm completely fine though.
Osc: But you're fine to suck on my explosive balls right?
Ruri: Oh my-
Lely: Well THAT escalated quickly...
Max: Osc, watch your mouth next time.
Osc: Watch my mouth? Come on, we all have urges.
Ruri: Are you okay? Like, do you GENUINELY have a problem?
Osc: You're one to talk. I know about the DMs.
Ruri: (Falters for a second, then responds completely flushed) W-what DMs?
Watermelon: Holy shit-
Osc: You know what I mean, the ones with Illu. I can leak them right no-
Ruri: You just dare...
Lely: Please don't, I think I'm aware of where this is going and I don't like it. At all.
Watermelon: (To self) Whew, dodged a bullet there...
???: (Pops in out of nowhere) HA-HA-HOW-DIDDILY-HEYYY!
Nudge: Jeez, ANOTHER Monokuma knockoff?!
Max: The hell have we dragged ourselves into?
Watermelon: (Strongly pissed off) Grr, who are you and what do you want with us, midget?!
???: (Twirling around on one leg, uncannily looking like he's going to fall) I... am THE HOST!
Ruri: The... Host? Are we in some kind of gameshow...?
The Host: Ahahaha, oooh no, my little kitten, you're in MY game. (Smiles devilishly)
Watermelon: (Snaps from bottling up too much) AHAHAHAHA, 'LITTLE KITTEN'?! NO WAY DO YOU CALL HER THAT, AND IT'S MY GAME, YOU CLOWN! (Watermelon runs for The Host, attempting to attack him)
Ruri: (Grasps Watermelon's shoulder to prevent them from doing anything hastily) Wait. We don't know what that... thing has up his sleeve. It's best to play it safe.
Chilli: Nuh uh, girl, I'm with Illu on this one, this weird shit can be crushed under my Red Yoshi foot!
Osc: I misheard that as 'Red Yoshi Bu-'
Lely: You say another word and I'm blowing you up.
Osc: Yes, please blow m- (Lely sets Osc's fuse alight) AAAAAAARRRRGGHH! GET IT OUT GET IT OUT GET IT OUT!
Chilli: (Punches The Host to the ground and steps on him) Heh, not so strong now, are you?! Now how do we GET OUT OF HERE, YOU FREAK?!
Croassung: (Notices a thermonuke attached to The Host's back) Chilli, wait! There's a thermo-
The Host: 4.
The Host: 3.
The Host: 2.
Max: Holy shit...
Osc: This is gonna explode harder than me when I'm-
Lely: (Pulls out a lighter) You dare...
The Host: 1.
xrunner: (Entering from another corner of the island) Yo guys what's-
The Host: 0.
Chilli: Whoops.
xrunner: Uh-oh...
(The Host explodes, blowing Chilli into pieces, sending both his remains and xrunner hurtling into the sea)
Max: What...
Lely: The...
Nudge: Fuck...
Osc: Please do-
With Chilli dead and the status of xrunner yet to be confirmed, the team somberly went onward to find shelter, meanwhile Lely was still mad at Osc for making an innuendo out of anything and still chased him around. They eventually found solace in a nearby rock hut and spent the night there, traumatized by the death of Chilli. Who is The Host? What is he hiding? What has everyone dragged themselves into by playing this wretched game? What secrets is this fictional world hiding? Find out in the next episode of MKPC Battle, coming soon!
SS: (Semi-conscious and lying flat on the sand) Owowowowow...
Watermelon: (Getting up, almost dead from back cramps) Where in the name of living fuck are we?
Ruri: The last thing I remember is that crappy Nintendo 64 literally absorbing all of us- Oh yeah! Is everyone alright? You're not hurt are you?
Nudge: Yes, I'm okay, I almost died and got knocked unconscious, I'm completely fine though.
Osc: But you're fine to suck on my explosive balls right?
Ruri: Oh my-
Lely: Well THAT escalated quickly...
Max: Osc, watch your mouth next time.
Osc: Watch my mouth? Come on, we all have urges.
Ruri: Are you okay? Like, do you GENUINELY have a problem?
Osc: You're one to talk. I know about the DMs.
Ruri: (Falters for a second, then responds completely flushed) W-what DMs?
Watermelon: Holy shit-
Osc: You know what I mean, the ones with Illu. I can leak them right no-
Ruri: You just dare...
Lely: Please don't, I think I'm aware of where this is going and I don't like it. At all.
Watermelon: (To self) Whew, dodged a bullet there...
???: (Pops in out of nowhere) HA-HA-HOW-DIDDILY-HEYYY!
Nudge: Jeez, ANOTHER Monokuma knockoff?!
Max: The hell have we dragged ourselves into?
Watermelon: (Strongly pissed off) Grr, who are you and what do you want with us, midget?!
???: (Twirling around on one leg, uncannily looking like he's going to fall) I... am THE HOST!
Ruri: The... Host? Are we in some kind of gameshow...?
The Host: Ahahaha, oooh no, my little kitten, you're in MY game. (Smiles devilishly)
Watermelon: (Snaps from bottling up too much) AHAHAHAHA, 'LITTLE KITTEN'?! NO WAY DO YOU CALL HER THAT, AND IT'S MY GAME, YOU CLOWN! (Watermelon runs for The Host, attempting to attack him)
Ruri: (Grasps Watermelon's shoulder to prevent them from doing anything hastily) Wait. We don't know what that... thing has up his sleeve. It's best to play it safe.
Chilli: Nuh uh, girl, I'm with Illu on this one, this weird shit can be crushed under my Red Yoshi foot!
Osc: I misheard that as 'Red Yoshi Bu-'
Lely: You say another word and I'm blowing you up.
Osc: Yes, please blow m- (Lely sets Osc's fuse alight) AAAAAAARRRRGGHH! GET IT OUT GET IT OUT GET IT OUT!
Chilli: (Punches The Host to the ground and steps on him) Heh, not so strong now, are you?! Now how do we GET OUT OF HERE, YOU FREAK?!
Croassung: (Notices a thermonuke attached to The Host's back) Chilli, wait! There's a thermo-
The Host: 4.
The Host: 3.
The Host: 2.
Max: Holy shit...
Osc: This is gonna explode harder than me when I'm-
Lely: (Pulls out a lighter) You dare...
The Host: 1.
xrunner: (Entering from another corner of the island) Yo guys what's-
The Host: 0.
Chilli: Whoops.
xrunner: Uh-oh...
(The Host explodes, blowing Chilli into pieces, sending both his remains and xrunner hurtling into the sea)
Max: What...
Lely: The...
Nudge: Fuck...
Osc: Please do-
With Chilli dead and the status of xrunner yet to be confirmed, the team somberly went onward to find shelter, meanwhile Lely was still mad at Osc for making an innuendo out of anything and still chased him around. They eventually found solace in a nearby rock hut and spent the night there, traumatized by the death of Chilli. Who is The Host? What is he hiding? What has everyone dragged themselves into by playing this wretched game? What secrets is this fictional world hiding? Find out in the next episode of MKPC Battle, coming soon!
What if I like being blown up 😳😳😳😳😳
Be my guest 😏
LELY I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'RE BETRAYING ME LIKE THIS!1!1!!111!!!1!!11!!1!1!!111!!!1!!11!!1!1!!111!!!1!!11! 🤣💀🤣🤣💀💀😍🥰😘😭😭😂😅😂💀😭💀🤣😍💀💀🤣🤣💀🤣🤣💀💀😍🥰😘😭😭😂😅😂💀😭💀🤣😍💀💀🤣🤣💀🤣🤣💀💀😍🥰😘😭😭😂😅😂💀😭💀🤣😍💀💀🤣🤣💀🤣🤣💀💀😍🥰😘😭😭😂😅😂💀😭💀🤣😍💀💀🤣
wdym betraying YOU everyone know it's me
Your tail is smaller than the seconds it takes to Osc to get [the item that destroys the blue shell in MK8]y
On 2023-08-29 at 23:06:28
Episode 2: The Disquieting Gentleman (Don't blame me for the several innuendos, Osc-omb wanted them
SS: (Semi-conscious and lying flat on the sand) Owowowowow...
Watermelon: (Getting up, almost dead from back cramps) Where in the name of living fuck are we?
Ruri: The last thing I remember is that crappy Nintendo 64 literally absorbing all of us- Oh yeah! Is everyone alright? You're not hurt are you?
Nudge: Yes, I'm okay, I almost died and got knocked unconscious, I'm completely fine though.
Osc: But you're fine to suck on my explosive balls right?
Ruri: Oh my-
Lely: Well THAT escalated quickly...
Max: Osc, watch your mouth next time.
Osc: Watch my mouth? Come on, we all have urges.
Ruri: Are you okay? Like, do you GENUINELY have a problem?
Osc: You're one to talk. I know about the DMs.
Ruri: (Falters for a second, then responds completely flushed) W-what DMs?
Watermelon: Holy shit-
Osc: You know what I mean, the ones with Illu. I can leak them right no-
Ruri: You just dare...
Lely: Please don't, I think I'm aware of where this is going and I don't like it. At all.
Watermelon: (To self) Whew, dodged a bullet there...
???: (Pops in out of nowhere) HA-HA-HOW-DIDDILY-HEYYY!
Nudge: Jeez, ANOTHER Monokuma knockoff?!
Max: The hell have we dragged ourselves into?
Watermelon: (Strongly pissed off) Grr, who are you and what do you want with us, midget?!
???: (Twirling around on one leg, uncannily looking like he's going to fall) I... am THE HOST!
Ruri: The... Host? Are we in some kind of gameshow...?
The Host: Ahahaha, oooh no, my little kitten, you're in MY game. (Smiles devilishly)
Watermelon: (Snaps from bottling up too much) AHAHAHAHA, 'LITTLE KITTEN'?! NO WAY DO YOU CALL HER THAT, AND IT'S MY GAME, YOU CLOWN! (Watermelon runs for The Host, attempting to attack him)
Ruri: (Grasps Watermelon's shoulder to prevent them from doing anything hastily) Wait. We don't know what that... thing has up his sleeve. It's best to play it safe.
Chilli: Nuh uh, girl, I'm with Illu on this one, this weird shit can be crushed under my Red Yoshi foot!
Osc: I misheard that as 'Red Yoshi Bu-'
Lely: You say another word and I'm blowing you up.
Osc: Yes, please blow m- (Lely sets Osc's fuse alight) AAAAAAARRRRGGHH! GET IT OUT GET IT OUT GET IT OUT!
Chilli: (Punches The Host to the ground and steps on him) Heh, not so strong now, are you?! Now how do we GET OUT OF HERE, YOU FREAK?!
Croassung: (Notices a thermonuke attached to The Host's back) Chilli, wait! There's a thermo-
The Host: 4.
The Host: 3.
The Host: 2.
Max: Holy shit...
Osc: This is gonna explode harder than me when I'm-
Lely: (Pulls out a lighter) You dare...
The Host: 1.
xrunner: (Entering from another corner of the island) Yo guys what's-
The Host: 0.
Chilli: Whoops.
xrunner: Uh-oh...
(The Host explodes, blowing Chilli into pieces, sending both his remains and xrunner hurtling into the sea)
Max: What...
Lely: The...
Nudge: Fuck...
Osc: Please do-
With Chilli dead and the status of xrunner yet to be confirmed, the team somberly went onward to find shelter, meanwhile Lely was still mad at Osc for making an innuendo out of anything and still chased him around. They eventually found solace in a nearby rock hut and spent the night there, traumatized by the death of Chilli. Who is The Host? What is he hiding? What has everyone dragged themselves into by playing this wretched game? What secrets is this fictional world hiding? Find out in the next episode of MKPC Battle, coming soon!
SS: (Semi-conscious and lying flat on the sand) Owowowowow...
Watermelon: (Getting up, almost dead from back cramps) Where in the name of living fuck are we?
Ruri: The last thing I remember is that crappy Nintendo 64 literally absorbing all of us- Oh yeah! Is everyone alright? You're not hurt are you?
Nudge: Yes, I'm okay, I almost died and got knocked unconscious, I'm completely fine though.
Osc: But you're fine to suck on my explosive balls right?
Ruri: Oh my-
Lely: Well THAT escalated quickly...
Max: Osc, watch your mouth next time.
Osc: Watch my mouth? Come on, we all have urges.
Ruri: Are you okay? Like, do you GENUINELY have a problem?
Osc: You're one to talk. I know about the DMs.
Ruri: (Falters for a second, then responds completely flushed) W-what DMs?
Watermelon: Holy shit-
Osc: You know what I mean, the ones with Illu. I can leak them right no-
Ruri: You just dare...
Lely: Please don't, I think I'm aware of where this is going and I don't like it. At all.
Watermelon: (To self) Whew, dodged a bullet there...
???: (Pops in out of nowhere) HA-HA-HOW-DIDDILY-HEYYY!
Nudge: Jeez, ANOTHER Monokuma knockoff?!
Max: The hell have we dragged ourselves into?
Watermelon: (Strongly pissed off) Grr, who are you and what do you want with us, midget?!
???: (Twirling around on one leg, uncannily looking like he's going to fall) I... am THE HOST!
Ruri: The... Host? Are we in some kind of gameshow...?
The Host: Ahahaha, oooh no, my little kitten, you're in MY game. (Smiles devilishly)
Watermelon: (Snaps from bottling up too much) AHAHAHAHA, 'LITTLE KITTEN'?! NO WAY DO YOU CALL HER THAT, AND IT'S MY GAME, YOU CLOWN! (Watermelon runs for The Host, attempting to attack him)
Ruri: (Grasps Watermelon's shoulder to prevent them from doing anything hastily) Wait. We don't know what that... thing has up his sleeve. It's best to play it safe.
Chilli: Nuh uh, girl, I'm with Illu on this one, this weird shit can be crushed under my Red Yoshi foot!
Osc: I misheard that as 'Red Yoshi Bu-'
Lely: You say another word and I'm blowing you up.
Osc: Yes, please blow m- (Lely sets Osc's fuse alight) AAAAAAARRRRGGHH! GET IT OUT GET IT OUT GET IT OUT!
Chilli: (Punches The Host to the ground and steps on him) Heh, not so strong now, are you?! Now how do we GET OUT OF HERE, YOU FREAK?!
Croassung: (Notices a thermonuke attached to The Host's back) Chilli, wait! There's a thermo-
The Host: 4.
The Host: 3.
The Host: 2.
Max: Holy shit...
Osc: This is gonna explode harder than me when I'm-
Lely: (Pulls out a lighter) You dare...
The Host: 1.
xrunner: (Entering from another corner of the island) Yo guys what's-
The Host: 0.
Chilli: Whoops.
xrunner: Uh-oh...
(The Host explodes, blowing Chilli into pieces, sending both his remains and xrunner hurtling into the sea)
Max: What...
Lely: The...
Nudge: Fuck...
Osc: Please do-
With Chilli dead and the status of xrunner yet to be confirmed, the team somberly went onward to find shelter, meanwhile Lely was still mad at Osc for making an innuendo out of anything and still chased him around. They eventually found solace in a nearby rock hut and spent the night there, traumatized by the death of Chilli. Who is The Host? What is he hiding? What has everyone dragged themselves into by playing this wretched game? What secrets is this fictional world hiding? Find out in the next episode of MKPC Battle, coming soon!
What if I like being blown up 😳😳😳😳😳
Be my guest 😏
LELY I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'RE BETRAYING ME LIKE THIS!1!1!!111!!!1!!11!!1!1!!111!!!1!!11!!1!1!!111!!!1!!11! 🤣💀🤣🤣💀💀😍🥰😘😭😭😂😅😂💀😭💀🤣😍💀💀🤣🤣💀🤣🤣💀💀😍🥰😘😭😭😂😅😂💀😭💀🤣😍💀💀🤣🤣💀🤣🤣💀💀😍🥰😘😭😭😂😅😂💀😭💀🤣😍💀💀🤣🤣💀🤣🤣💀💀😍🥰😘😭😭😂😅😂💀😭💀🤣😍💀💀🤣
Says the dude who probably fucked with as many people as it takes to make Max quiet about his lounge's defeats
On 2023-08-29 at 23:00:36
Episode 2: The Disquieting Gentleman (Don't blame me for the several innuendos, Osc-omb wanted them
SS: (Semi-conscious and lying flat on the sand) Owowowowow...
Watermelon: (Getting up, almost dead from back cramps) Where in the name of living fuck are we?
Ruri: The last thing I remember is that crappy Nintendo 64 literally absorbing all of us- Oh yeah! Is everyone alright? You're not hurt are you?
Nudge: Yes, I'm okay, I almost died and got knocked unconscious, I'm completely fine though.
Osc: But you're fine to suck on my explosive balls right?
Ruri: Oh my-
Lely: Well THAT escalated quickly...
Max: Osc, watch your mouth next time.
Osc: Watch my mouth? Come on, we all have urges.
Ruri: Are you okay? Like, do you GENUINELY have a problem?
Osc: You're one to talk. I know about the DMs.
Ruri: (Falters for a second, then responds completely flushed) W-what DMs?
Watermelon: Holy shit-
Osc: You know what I mean, the ones with Illu. I can leak them right no-
Ruri: You just dare...
Lely: Please don't, I think I'm aware of where this is going and I don't like it. At all.
Watermelon: (To self) Whew, dodged a bullet there...
???: (Pops in out of nowhere) HA-HA-HOW-DIDDILY-HEYYY!
Nudge: Jeez, ANOTHER Monokuma knockoff?!
Max: The hell have we dragged ourselves into?
Watermelon: (Strongly pissed off) Grr, who are you and what do you want with us, midget?!
???: (Twirling around on one leg, uncannily looking like he's going to fall) I... am THE HOST!
Ruri: The... Host? Are we in some kind of gameshow...?
The Host: Ahahaha, oooh no, my little kitten, you're in MY game. (Smiles devilishly)
Watermelon: (Snaps from bottling up too much) AHAHAHAHA, 'LITTLE KITTEN'?! NO WAY DO YOU CALL HER THAT, AND IT'S MY GAME, YOU CLOWN! (Watermelon runs for The Host, attempting to attack him)
Ruri: (Grasps Watermelon's shoulder to prevent them from doing anything hastily) Wait. We don't know what that... thing has up his sleeve. It's best to play it safe.
Chilli: Nuh uh, girl, I'm with Illu on this one, this weird shit can be crushed under my Red Yoshi foot!
Osc: I misheard that as 'Red Yoshi Bu-'
Lely: You say another word and I'm blowing you up.
Osc: Yes, please blow m- (Lely sets Osc's fuse alight) AAAAAAARRRRGGHH! GET IT OUT GET IT OUT GET IT OUT!
Chilli: (Punches The Host to the ground and steps on him) Heh, not so strong now, are you?! Now how do we GET OUT OF HERE, YOU FREAK?!
Croassung: (Notices a thermonuke attached to The Host's back) Chilli, wait! There's a thermo-
The Host: 4.
The Host: 3.
The Host: 2.
Max: Holy shit...
Osc: This is gonna explode harder than me when I'm-
Lely: (Pulls out a lighter) You dare...
The Host: 1.
xrunner: (Entering from another corner of the island) Yo guys what's-
The Host: 0.
Chilli: Whoops.
xrunner: Uh-oh...
(The Host explodes, blowing Chilli into pieces, sending both his remains and xrunner hurtling into the sea)
Max: What...
Lely: The...
Nudge: Fuck...
Osc: Please do-
With Chilli dead and the status of xrunner yet to be confirmed, the team somberly went onward to find shelter, meanwhile Lely was still mad at Osc for making an innuendo out of anything and still chased him around. They eventually found solace in a nearby rock hut and spent the night there, traumatized by the death of Chilli. Who is The Host? What is he hiding? What has everyone dragged themselves into by playing this wretched game? What secrets is this fictional world hiding? Find out in the next episode of MKPC Battle, coming soon!
SS: (Semi-conscious and lying flat on the sand) Owowowowow...
Watermelon: (Getting up, almost dead from back cramps) Where in the name of living fuck are we?
Ruri: The last thing I remember is that crappy Nintendo 64 literally absorbing all of us- Oh yeah! Is everyone alright? You're not hurt are you?
Nudge: Yes, I'm okay, I almost died and got knocked unconscious, I'm completely fine though.
Osc: But you're fine to suck on my explosive balls right?
Ruri: Oh my-
Lely: Well THAT escalated quickly...
Max: Osc, watch your mouth next time.
Osc: Watch my mouth? Come on, we all have urges.
Ruri: Are you okay? Like, do you GENUINELY have a problem?
Osc: You're one to talk. I know about the DMs.
Ruri: (Falters for a second, then responds completely flushed) W-what DMs?
Watermelon: Holy shit-
Osc: You know what I mean, the ones with Illu. I can leak them right no-
Ruri: You just dare...
Lely: Please don't, I think I'm aware of where this is going and I don't like it. At all.
Watermelon: (To self) Whew, dodged a bullet there...
???: (Pops in out of nowhere) HA-HA-HOW-DIDDILY-HEYYY!
Nudge: Jeez, ANOTHER Monokuma knockoff?!
Max: The hell have we dragged ourselves into?
Watermelon: (Strongly pissed off) Grr, who are you and what do you want with us, midget?!
???: (Twirling around on one leg, uncannily looking like he's going to fall) I... am THE HOST!
Ruri: The... Host? Are we in some kind of gameshow...?
The Host: Ahahaha, oooh no, my little kitten, you're in MY game. (Smiles devilishly)
Watermelon: (Snaps from bottling up too much) AHAHAHAHA, 'LITTLE KITTEN'?! NO WAY DO YOU CALL HER THAT, AND IT'S MY GAME, YOU CLOWN! (Watermelon runs for The Host, attempting to attack him)
Ruri: (Grasps Watermelon's shoulder to prevent them from doing anything hastily) Wait. We don't know what that... thing has up his sleeve. It's best to play it safe.
Chilli: Nuh uh, girl, I'm with Illu on this one, this weird shit can be crushed under my Red Yoshi foot!
Osc: I misheard that as 'Red Yoshi Bu-'
Lely: You say another word and I'm blowing you up.
Osc: Yes, please blow m- (Lely sets Osc's fuse alight) AAAAAAARRRRGGHH! GET IT OUT GET IT OUT GET IT OUT!
Chilli: (Punches The Host to the ground and steps on him) Heh, not so strong now, are you?! Now how do we GET OUT OF HERE, YOU FREAK?!
Croassung: (Notices a thermonuke attached to The Host's back) Chilli, wait! There's a thermo-
The Host: 4.
The Host: 3.
The Host: 2.
Max: Holy shit...
Osc: This is gonna explode harder than me when I'm-
Lely: (Pulls out a lighter) You dare...
The Host: 1.
xrunner: (Entering from another corner of the island) Yo guys what's-
The Host: 0.
Chilli: Whoops.
xrunner: Uh-oh...
(The Host explodes, blowing Chilli into pieces, sending both his remains and xrunner hurtling into the sea)
Max: What...
Lely: The...
Nudge: Fuck...
Osc: Please do-
With Chilli dead and the status of xrunner yet to be confirmed, the team somberly went onward to find shelter, meanwhile Lely was still mad at Osc for making an innuendo out of anything and still chased him around. They eventually found solace in a nearby rock hut and spent the night there, traumatized by the death of Chilli. Who is The Host? What is he hiding? What has everyone dragged themselves into by playing this wretched game? What secrets is this fictional world hiding? Find out in the next episode of MKPC Battle, coming soon!
What if I like being blown up 😳😳😳😳😳
Be my guest 😏
On 2023-08-29 at 22:56:50
Ring the Pianta alarm, romance has been detected
On 2023-08-28 at 15:20:03
Anyways that was a great first episode, props