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mkpc geoguesser

Messages 121 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs35439 pts ★ Legend
battle5323 pts ★ Novice
United States
Messages 121 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs35439 pts ★ Legend
battle5323 pts ★ Novice
United States
Messages 121 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs35439 pts ★ Legend
battle5323 pts ★ Novice
United States
Messages 121 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs35439 pts ★ Legend
battle5323 pts ★ Novice
United States
Messages 121 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs35439 pts ★ Legend
battle5323 pts ★ Novice
United States
Messages 121 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs35439 pts ★ Legend
battle5323 pts ★ Novice
United States
Messages 121 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs35439 pts ★ Legend
battle5323 pts ★ Novice
United States
Messages 121 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs35439 pts ★ Legend
battle5323 pts ★ Novice
United States
Messages 121 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs35439 pts ★ Legend
battle5323 pts ★ Novice
United States
Messages 121 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs35439 pts ★ Legend
battle5323 pts ★ Novice
United States
Messages 121 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs35439 pts ★ Legend
battle5323 pts ★ Novice
United States
Messages 121 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs35439 pts ★ Legend
battle5323 pts ★ Novice
United States
Messages 121 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs35439 pts ★ Legend
battle5323 pts ★ Novice
United States

ghost valley 3
Messages 121 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs35439 pts ★ Legend
battle5323 pts ★ Novice
United States
coolmonkey wrote:

you made it too hard lol
Messages 121 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs35439 pts ★ Legend
battle5323 pts ★ Novice
United States
GBA Bowser castle 1

MKPC Forum Simulates Civilization

Messages 121 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs35439 pts ★ Legend
battle5323 pts ★ Novice
United States
Glitched_ wrote:
Glitched_ wrote:
croassung wrote:
croassung wrote:
ok, anything crazy from TheTruePro100 or Glitched should be nullfied. anyone agree?

small revise, none of the users mentioned in it shouldnt have power to nullify

hold up let me change my name.

all you did was just add an underscore

It's completely different

who are you?

he's like truepro cuz he wants to burn the world down
Messages 121 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs35439 pts ★ Legend
battle5323 pts ★ Novice
United States
Glitched_ wrote:
croassung wrote:
croassung wrote:
ok, anything crazy from TheTruePro100 or Glitched should be nullfied. anyone agree?

small revise, none of the users mentioned in it shouldnt have power to nullify

hold up let me change my name.

all you did was just add an underscore
Messages 121 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs35439 pts ★ Legend
battle5323 pts ★ Novice
United States
anyways, now that everyone has (sort of) calmed down, i now choose to go to the hamburgaler mansion, and after i get there and meet up with Fiery, im just left to ponder...

"why did i even go to this planet in the first place?"

I burn the hamburglar mansion, and you cannot nullify it because I resist your begging

R.I.P hamburglar mansion 2025-2025
Messages 121 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs35439 pts ★ Legend
battle5323 pts ★ Novice
United States
Glitched wrote:
I start the mass production of autonomous tanks and war planes
no I'm not going to war I just want to..

I destroy the tanks and warplanes
Messages 121 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs35439 pts ★ Legend
battle5323 pts ★ Novice
United States
Fiery wrote:
Fiery wrote:
Glitched wrote:
ykw, im just gonna uproot somewhere that is more peaceful and safer

also, i hearby declare, that anything truepro and glitched say towards me, i ignore and thus it doesnt happen

I give you $1,000,000

well im his owner so thanks for the money lil bruh

I make fiery disown me

You were never part of my family anyway???

Say "dlrow eht nrub" backwards

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burn the world

oh no oh no

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