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What track should be added to the game?

Messages 3 - Goomba Goomba
vs9616 pts ★ Expert
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
Some of the tracks are good, when some of them are okay. But ive been thinking if Wii Moo Moo Meadows would be added. So, Here's a stupid question. What track should be added into the game?

Is there a Ultra Mini-Turbo?

Messages 3 - Goomba Goomba
vs9616 pts ★ Expert
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
CatGoomba wrote:
Noober1213 wrote:
In MK8/MK8Deluxe, Theres a Ultra Mini-Turbo when you see purple (or maybe pink?) sparks from your car. I've been thinking if its possible in this game.
Is there anyone that can help me?

no, you can test on this track but no pink sparks come out:) https://mkpc.malahieude.net/map.php?i=172511   I recommend Daisy in TT mode as she has the highest mini-turbo stat and there will be no dangerous items only mushrooms;)

Thanks for telling me! Guess it seems that Normal Mini-Turbo and Super Mini-Turbo are the only Mini-Turbo's.
Messages 3 - Goomba Goomba
vs9616 pts ★ Expert
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
In MK8/MK8Deluxe, Theres a Ultra Mini-Turbo when you see purple (or maybe pink?) sparks from your car. I've been thinking if its possible in this game.
Is there anyone that can help me?

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