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Messages 127 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs4978 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
BowserJr03 wrote:
Hello Everyone ^^
I hope you are all doing well,

Recently, the Validator Team have had a few complaints about the rejection of some challenges. They seem to not understand why we make the decisions that we do, but I assure you that we don't reject any to piss anyone off. In our opinions, there is always something that isn't optimized to be a published challenge, and here are some reasons why they may be rejected.

If a challenge has a name or idea that contains swearing, insults, NSFW content... (basically anything bad), it will be rejected. We don't really get this much which is good.

Some challenges are deliberately made to not be beaten by anyone, even people with the highest skill or even TAS if it was to exist in MKPC. (ex. Complete the track in less than 3 seconds) We see this as a way to get free challenge points and potentially rig the system.

Basically, do not make a ton of challenges. I know this sounds strange coming from me since I originally created 38 on Bathaniel Nandy, but this can also be a way of gaining a lot of challenge points. (obviously my intention wasn't to rig the system though, otherwise I wouldn't be validator :p )

When a challenge is too easy, it no longer becomes a "challenge". It's more of a task and requires little to no skill at all. (ex Complete the Track) In this example there is nothing to increase the difficulty of the challenge, so this defeats the whole purpose of making a challenge. (obviously if the course is hard then it's an exception) For these type of challenges to be accepted you need to add some conditions that make the gameplay a little harder and more interesting.

When you are told to reach a zone but there is nothing to guide you, no skill is involved, everything is pretty much just pure luck and hope. It can also be a way to gain points effortlessly.

When challenges are too similar it gets stupid. An example is:
Complete the track in less than 52 seconds
Complete the track in less than 51 seconds
Complete the track in less than 50 seconds
As you can see there is very little variation, and allows you to beat a bunch of challenges easily.

If you add invisible shortcuts or ways to become faster to get a better time for a challenge, then it's cheating.

Some people have been releasing challenges without the circuit being published. The problem with this is that the creator, who is anonymous, will manipulate the track after release and gain free challenge points. Because we don't know who created the challenge, the person will be more likely to exploit this. This is why circuits must be published first.

Please don't think you can get away with deliberately requesting a fake difficulty. (ex. Requesting a Challenge to be Impossible when it is actually Easy) This gets super annoying for the validators to edit, and also reduces your credibility for future challenges. Obviously, it can be unintentional when the difficulty change is small, in which case you're fine. This rule mainly applies to those who think they can exploit the Challenge Point system.

If you steal another person's course without their permission, you are breaking the rules. Not only should you not deserve to have any challenges on it but it should be deleted. If the image was made by another person and permission was in fact given, then challenges will be allowed.

These are pretty much the reasons why we reject challenges. (I may update this in future) Don't assume we do it because we hate you or because we are dumb. We are all human and we will make mistakes every now and then, but you have nothing to worry about if you follow these guidelines. Occasionally the game may bug and automatically manipulate the challenge, so that may be another reason.

If a challenge does happen to be rejected, PLEASE READ THE FEEDBACK before you try to re-upload it. This is another common issue the validators have to deal with, and is quite annoying when we have to reject the same challenge because the creator didn't fix the addressed problems.

Also, please don't get salty if we reject a challenge because we are just trying to do our jobs.

If you want, follow the topic in case you ever need to come back to this.

Goodbye ^^

Original message slightly corrected by Wal68.
Bonjour à tous ^^
J'espère que vous allez tous bien,

Récemment, l'équipe des validateurs a reçu quelques plaintes concernant le rejet de certains défis. Les créateurs de défis semblent ne pas comprendre certaines de nos décisions, mais je vous assure qu'on ne refuse pas les défis dans le seul but d'énerver les gens. À notre avis, il y a toujours quelque chose qui n'est pas optimisé pour qu'un défi soit publié, voici quelques raisons pour lesquelles ils peuvent être rejetés.

Si un défi a un nom ou une idée qui contient des jurons, des insultes, du contenu NSFW... (en gros, tout ce qui est mauvais), il sera rejeté. Heureusement, nous n'avons pas beaucoup affaire à ce genre de choses.

Certains défis sont délibérément faits pour ne pas être complétés par qui que ce soit, même par les meilleurs joueurs ou même à l'aide d'un TAS si cela arrivait à exister sur MKPC. (par exemple, terminer le circuit en moins de 3 secondes) Nous considérons ces types de défis comme un moyen d'obtenir des points de défi gratuitement et éventuellement de truquer le système.

S'il vous plaît, ne faites pas des tonnes de défis. Je sais que cela peut paraître paradoxal venant de moi puisqu'au départ, j'ai créé 38 défis sur l'arène Bathaniel Nandy, mais cela peut aussi être un moyen de gagner beaucoup de points de défi. (Évidemment,  mon intention n'était pas de truquer le système, sinon je n'aurais jamais pu devenir validateur :p)

Lorsqu'un défi est trop facile, il ne devient plus un "défi". Il s'agit plutôt d'une tâche qui ne requiert que peu ou pas de compétences. (par exemple, "Finir le circuit" sans contraintes, sur un circuit facile) Dans l'exemple que je viens de citer, il n'y a rien qui augmente la difficulté du défi, ce qui va donc à l'encontre de l'objectif de la création d'un défi. (évidemment, si le circuit est difficile, pas de problème) Pour que ce type de défi soit accepté, vous devez ajouter certaines conditions qui rendent le gameplay un peu plus difficile et plus intéressant.

Quand on vous dit d'atteindre une zone mais qu'il n'y a rien pour vous guider, aucune capacité n'est impliquée, c'est une question de chance et d'espoir. Cela peut aussi être un moyen de gagner des points sans aucun effort.

Lorsque les défis sont beaucoup trop similaires, c'est juste stupide. En voici un exemple :
Finir le circuit en moins de 52 secondes
Finir le circuit en moins de 51 secondes
Finir le circuit en moins de 50 secondes
Comme vous pouvez le constater, il y a très peu de différences entre ces défis, et cela vous permet facilement de tous les compléter en une seule fois.

Si vous ajoutez des raccourcis invisibles dans votre création ou des moyens d'être plus rapide pour obtenir un meilleur temps pour un défi, alors c'est de la triche.

Certaines personnes ont fait des défis sans publier leur circuit. Le problème, c'est que le créateur anonyme peut changer le circuit après sa publication et gagner des points de défis gratuitement. Puisqu'on ne sait pas qui a créé le défi, la personne a encore plus de chance d'en profiter. C'est pourquoi les circuits devraient être publiés en premier.

Veuillez ne pas essayer de tricher en indiquant une fausse difficulté (par exemple, indiquer la difficulté Impossible sur un défi qui mérite en réalité d'être Facile). C'est très ennuyeux pour les validateurs qui doivent modifier ça après coup, et ça réduit votre crédibilité pour les futurs défis. Évidemment cela peut être involontaire lorsque la différence de difficulté est faible, auquel cas ce n'est pas un problème. Cette règle s'applique principalement pour ceux qui cherchent à tricher avec le système de points défis.

Si vous publiez un circuit dont l'image a été réappropriée sans la moindre autorisation de la part du propriétaire légitime, vous allez à l'encontre des règlements du site. Non seulement votre circuit ne mérite pas d'avoir le moindre défi dessus mais il devrait être complètement supprimé. En revanche, si le propriétaire légitime de l'image vous a donné son accord pour l'utiliser, alors le circuit peut avoir des défis.

J'ai donc cité les raisons les plus courantes pour lesquelles nous, validateurs, rejetons les défis. (C'est possible que je rajoute des choses à l'avenir).
Lorsque nous rejetons des défis, ne croyez pas que nous faisons ça parce que nous vous détestons ou parce que nous sommes idiots. Nous sommes tous des humains et faisons des erreurs de temps en temps, mais si vous suivez mes recommandations, vous n'aurez pas à vous inquiéter. Parfois, il peut arriver que le jeu bug et modifie automatiquement un défi, ce qui peut être une autre raison.

Si un défi est effectivement rejeté, MERCI DE LIRE LE COMMENTAIRE avant de le soumettre de nouveau. Ceci est un autre problème courant que rencontrent les validateurs, et c'est assez ennuyeux de devoir rejeter le même défi en boucle simplement parce que son créateur n'a pas corrigé le problème remonté.

Une dernière chose, ne vous énervez pas si nous rejetons un défi : nous essayons simplement de faire notre travail.

Si vous le souhaitez, vous pouvez suivre ce topic si vous avez besoin de le relire.

Au revoir ^^

Traduction faite par: Toad64 (points 1-9) et Wal68 (point 10), avec quelques retouches finales apportées par Wal68.

Messages 127 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs4978 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
BowserJr03 wrote:
Hello Everyone ^^
I hope you are all doing well,

Recently, the Validator Team have had a few complaints about the rejection of some challenges. They seem to not understand why we make the decisions that we do, but I assure you that we don't reject any to piss anyone off. In our opinions, there is always something that isn't optimized to be a published challenge, and here are some reasons why they may be rejected.

If a challenge has a name or idea that contains swearing, insults, NSFW content... (basically anything bad), it will be rejected. We don't really get this much which is good.

Some challenges are deliberately made to not be beaten by anyone, even people with the highest skill or even TAS if it was to exist in MKPC. (ex. Complete the track in less than 3 seconds) We see this as a way to get free challenge points and potentially rig the system.

Basically, do not make a ton of challenges. I know this sounds strange coming from me since I originally created 38 on Bathaniel Nandy, but this can also be a way of gaining a lot of challenge points. (obviously my intention wasn't to rig the system though, otherwise I wouldn't be validator :p )

When a challenge is too easy, it no longer becomes a "challenge". It's more of a task and requires little to no skill at all. (ex Complete the Track) In this example there is nothing to increase the difficulty of the challenge, so this defeats the whole purpose of making a challenge. (obviously if the course is hard then it's an exception) For these type of challenges to be accepted you need to add some conditions that make the gameplay a little harder and more interesting.

When you are told to reach a zone but there is nothing to guide you, no skill is involved, everything is pretty much just pure luck and hope. It can also be a way to gain points effortlessly.

When challenges are too similar it gets stupid. An example is:
Complete the track in less than 52 seconds
Complete the track in less than 51 seconds
Complete the track in less than 50 seconds
As you can see there is very little variation, and allows you to beat a bunch of challenges easily.

If you add invisible shortcuts or ways to become faster to get a better time for a challenge, then it's cheating.

Some people have been releasing challenges without the circuit being published. The problem with this is that the creator, who is anonymous, will manipulate the track after release and gain free challenge points. Because we don't know who created the challenge, the person will be more likely to exploit this. This is why circuits must be published first.

Please don't think you can get away with deliberately requesting a fake difficulty. (ex. Requesting a Challenge to be Impossible when it is actually Easy) This gets super annoying for the validators to edit, and also reduces your credibility for future challenges. Obviously, it can be unintentional when the difficulty change is small, in which case you're fine. This rule mainly applies to those who think they can exploit the Challenge Point system.

If you steal another person's course without their permission, you are breaking the rules. Not only should you not deserve to have any challenges on it but it should be deleted. If the image was made by another person and permission was in fact given, then challenges will be allowed.

These are pretty much the reasons why we reject challenges. (I may update this in future) Don't assume we do it because we hate you or because we are dumb. We are all human and we will make mistakes every now and then, but you have nothing to worry about if you follow these guidelines. Occasionally the game may bug and automatically manipulate the challenge, so that may be another reason.

If a challenge does happen to be rejected, PLEASE READ THE FEEDBACK before you try to re-upload it. This is another common issue the validators have to deal with, and is quite annoying when we have to reject the same challenge because the creator didn't fix the addressed problems.

Also, please don't get salty if we reject a challenge because we are just trying to do our jobs.

If you want, follow the topic in case you ever need to come back to this.

Goodbye ^^

Original message slightly corrected by Wal68.
Bonjour à tous ^^
J'espère que vous allez tous bien,

Récemment, l'équipe des validateurs a reçu quelques plaintes concernant le rejet de certains défis. Les créateurs de défis semblent ne pas comprendre certaines de nos décisions, mais je vous assure qu'on ne refuse pas les défis dans le seul but d'énerver les gens. À notre avis, il y a toujours quelque chose qui n'est pas optimisé pour qu'un défi soit publié, voici quelques raisons pour lesquelles ils peuvent être rejetés.

Si un défi a un nom ou une idée qui contient des jurons, des insultes, du contenu NSFW... (en gros, tout ce qui est mauvais), il sera rejeté. Heureusement, nous n'avons pas beaucoup affaire à ce genre de choses.

Certains défis sont délibérément faits pour ne pas être complétés par qui que ce soit, même par les meilleurs joueurs ou même à l'aide d'un TAS si cela arrivait à exister sur MKPC. (par exemple, terminer le circuit en moins de 3 secondes) Nous considérons ces types de défis comme un moyen d'obtenir des points de défi gratuitement et éventuellement de truquer le système.

S'il vous plaît, ne faites pas des tonnes de défis. Je sais que cela peut paraître paradoxal venant de moi puisqu'au départ, j'ai créé 38 défis sur l'arène Bathaniel Nandy, mais cela peut aussi être un moyen de gagner beaucoup de points de défi. (Évidemment,  mon intention n'était pas de truquer le système, sinon je n'aurais jamais pu devenir validateur :p)

Lorsqu'un défi est trop facile, il ne devient plus un "défi". Il s'agit plutôt d'une tâche qui ne requiert que peu ou pas de compétences. (par exemple, "Finir le circuit" sans contraintes, sur un circuit facile) Dans l'exemple que je viens de citer, il n'y a rien qui augmente la difficulté du défi, ce qui va donc à l'encontre de l'objectif de la création d'un défi. (évidemment, si le circuit est difficile, pas de problème) Pour que ce type de défi soit accepté, vous devez ajouter certaines conditions qui rendent le gameplay un peu plus difficile et plus intéressant.

Quand on vous dit d'atteindre une zone mais qu'il n'y a rien pour vous guider, aucune capacité n'est impliquée, c'est une question de chance et d'espoir. Cela peut aussi être un moyen de gagner des points sans aucun effort.

Lorsque les défis sont beaucoup trop similaires, c'est juste stupide. En voici un exemple :
Finir le circuit en moins de 52 secondes
Finir le circuit en moins de 51 secondes
Finir le circuit en moins de 50 secondes
Comme vous pouvez le constater, il y a très peu de différences entre ces défis, et cela vous permet facilement de tous les compléter en une seule fois.

Si vous ajoutez des raccourcis invisibles dans votre création ou des moyens d'être plus rapide pour obtenir un meilleur temps pour un défi, alors c'est de la triche.

Certaines personnes ont fait des défis sans publier leur circuit. Le problème, c'est que le créateur anonyme peut changer le circuit après sa publication et gagner des points de défis gratuitement. Puisqu'on ne sait pas qui a créé le défi, la personne a encore plus de chance d'en profiter. C'est pourquoi les circuits devraient être publiés en premier.

Veuillez ne pas essayer de tricher en indiquant une fausse difficulté (par exemple, indiquer la difficulté Impossible sur un défi qui mérite en réalité d'être Facile). C'est très ennuyeux pour les validateurs qui doivent modifier ça après coup, et ça réduit votre crédibilité pour les futurs défis. Évidemment cela peut être involontaire lorsque la différence de difficulté est faible, auquel cas ce n'est pas un problème. Cette règle s'applique principalement pour ceux qui cherchent à tricher avec le système de points défis.

Si vous publiez un circuit dont l'image a été réappropriée sans la moindre autorisation de la part du propriétaire légitime, vous allez à l'encontre des règlements du site. Non seulement votre circuit ne mérite pas d'avoir le moindre défi dessus mais il devrait être complètement supprimé. En revanche, si le propriétaire légitime de l'image vous a donné son accord pour l'utiliser, alors le circuit peut avoir des défis.

J'ai donc cité les raisons les plus courantes pour lesquelles nous, validateurs, rejetons les défis. (C'est possible que je rajoute des choses à l'avenir).
Lorsque nous rejetons des défis, ne croyez pas que nous faisons ça parce que nous vous détestons ou parce que nous sommes idiots. Nous sommes tous des humains et faisons des erreurs de temps en temps, mais si vous suivez mes recommandations, vous n'aurez pas à vous inquiéter. Parfois, il peut arriver que le jeu bug et modifie automatiquement un défi, ce qui peut être une autre raison.

Si un défi est effectivement rejeté, MERCI DE LIRE LE COMMENTAIRE avant de le soumettre de nouveau. Ceci est un autre problème courant que rencontrent les validateurs, et c'est assez ennuyeux de devoir rejeter le même défi en boucle simplement parce que son créateur n'a pas corrigé le problème remonté.

Une dernière chose, ne vous énervez pas si nous rejetons un défi : nous essayons simplement de faire notre travail.

Si vous le souhaitez, vous pouvez suivre ce topic si vous avez besoin de le relire.

Au revoir ^^

Traduction faite par: Toad64 (points 1-9) et Wal68 (point 10), avec quelques retouches finales apportées par Wal68.

hey BowserJr03,
Spoiler [ShowHide]
Can you give me a boost?
cuz i cant publish challenges for my multicup´s tracks, plus almost all those tracks, cant have challenges. -> https://mkpc.malahieude.net/completecups.php?mid=11611

Salut BowserJR03 ,
Spoiler [ShowHide]
Peux-tu me donner un coup de pouce ?
Parce que je ne peux pas publier de défis pour les pistes de ma MultiCup, ainsi que presque toutes ces pistes, je ne peux pas avoir de défis. -> https://mkpc.malahieude.net/completecups.php?mid=11611


Something you HATE a lot

Messages 127 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs4978 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
when my image width must be random! and i want when it get deleted!

Mario Kart 9 Retro Tracks Predictions

Messages 127 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs4978 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice

hammer bro cup:
GBA rainbow road
tour: Berlin Byways
SNES: vannila lake
DS: tick tock clock

blooper cup:
WII: DK summit
GCN: baby park
N64: kalimari desert
WII: moonview highway

talking flower cup:
WII: maple treeway
WII CTGP: Musical Motorway
DKR: walrus cove
SNES: mario circuit

cappy cup:
GBA: sky garden
DX: NAMCO Circuit
OG switch: hyrule circuit
OG switch: animal crossing

rip van fish cup:
WII: koopa cape
GCN: daisy cruiser
SNES: koopa beach
DS: rainbow road

very special cup:
WII CTGP: Delfino Island
WII CTGP: Kamek's Library
DS: 8 figure circuit
ARCADE GP: rainbow road

What's your favorite mkpc character?

Messages 127 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs4978 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
every single custom characters, including don-chan because of their podium icons, minimap icons, metas, names, karts, result themes and their apperances

Super Smash Bros PC?

Messages 127 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs4978 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
Fiery wrote:
50Dudzi wrote:
Bennyp21 wrote:
What if there was Super Smash Bros PC where you can make your own fighters and stages.

question: where is super smash bros PC site?

Pretty sure it doesn't exist

gonna launch in what days? YOU KNOW

??? what is man on about

you know too!
Messages 127 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs4978 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
50Dudzi wrote:
Bennyp21 wrote:
What if there was Super Smash Bros PC where you can make your own fighters and stages.

question: where is super smash bros PC site?

Pretty sure it doesn't exist

gonna launch in what days? YOU KNOW
Messages 127 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs4978 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
Bennyp21 wrote:
What if there was Super Smash Bros PC where you can make your own fighters and stages.

question: where is super smash bros PC site?
Messages 127 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs4978 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
continue commenting in this topic and leave me alone when im creating
Messages 127 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs4978 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
Twilight wrote:

radec was saying "the torture is finally over" most likely because the message he sent replying to your smash bros roster ideas took an extremely long time to type, which doesnt mean he was torturing you


How exactly have I tortured you?

because you said that the torture is finnaly over?

That would imply that you were torturing him, though it could be taken either way

i dont torture anoye
Messages 127 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs4978 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
Twilight wrote:

radec was saying "the torture is finally over" most likely because the message he sent replying to your smash bros roster ideas took an extremely long time to type, which doesnt mean he was torturing you


How exactly have I tortured you?

because you said that the torture is finnaly over?
Messages 127 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs4978 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
i have a idea for a new super duper smash bros plus map:

name: GBA sky garden



hazards: red and green lakitus in clouds that can throw spike balls, moving beanstalks that can throw players of the stage and any mario character in karts that can hit players
Messages 127 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs4978 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
Twilight wrote:

radec was saying "the torture is finally over" most likely because the message he sent replying to your smash bros roster ideas took an extremely long time to type, which doesnt mean he was torturing you

Messages 127 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs4978 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
Going to include notes about the ones I actually know about regarding actual smash just for fun.

Heav (Unlockable)

Ah yes, well renown character heav. Assuming you mean Heavy he may be a good pick, however Nintendo don't like the use of guns, so he would need to use more of his different weapons, which may seem against the characters ideals, being "heavy weapons guy"

Waluigi (Unlockable)

Honestly, I'm not sure whether he should be in Smash or not, if he takes moves from spin-off titles he may be fun, but I don't see the appeal of the character.

Toad (Unlockable)

If using Captain Toad moves may be a solid pick

Shovel Knight (Unlockable)

Not sure how much potential there is for his moveset, but decent pick

Rayman (Unlockable)

Could be good

Crash Bandicoot (Unlockable)

Decent pick, playstation may not agree though

Spyro (Unlockable)

Not sure if he has much moveset potential, could be good.

Knuckles (Unlockable)

Solid pick, decent moveset potential

Master Chief (Unlockable)

Personally, my most wanted character for Smash, but he probably won't work very well due to gun restrictions. If he uses guns good moveset potential.

Lara Croft (Unlockable)

Not sure about moveset potential but could be alright

Sans (Unlockable)

Personal don't see why people want him.

Goku (Unlockable)

Could be good I suppose, doubt it will happen

Isaac (Unlockable)

Assuming you mean Issac Clark, he has been in a similar game before. Could work.

Bomberman (Unlockable)

Not much moveset potential. He literally just puts bombs down.

Shantae (Unlockable)

Don't know enough about source material.

Donkey Kong Jr. (Unlockable)

Probably just a DK echo.

Phoenix Wright (Unlockable)

Has been in fighting games before, could work

Chun-Li (Unlockable)

Pretty solid Ig.

Steve (Minecraft) (Unlockable)

Already in Smash.

Tails (Unlockable)

Pretty solid pick.

Paper Mario (Unlockable)

Could work quite well ig.

King Boo (Unlockable)

Could work, not much moveset potential I know of though

Dixie Kong (Unlockable)

Somewhat solid pick.

Fawful (Unlockable)

Not best option I don't think. Don't know enough about him though.

Kamek (Unlockable)

Could work, would rather have shy guy as a yoshi rep.

Geno (Unlockable)

Could work, funnier seeing his fans not get him every game.

Bandana Waddle Dee (Unlockable)

Solid choice.

Impa (Unlockable)

A different zelda rep would probably be better. Don't know enough though.

Chorus Kids (Unlockable)

If using moves from other rhythm heaven/paradise/whatever it was called could work, don't see why they would be the rep though.

Rayman (Unlockable)

I swear you already put him.

Skull Kid (Unlockable)

Not sure about his potential, but probably better than Impa.

Ashley (Unlockable)

From warioware right? Could work ig but don't know enough.

Dillon (Unlockable)

Takamaru (Unlockable)

Don't know these 2.

Krystal (Unlockable)

Could work as proven by crusade (if I remember correctly)

Rex (Unlockable)

Lloyd Irving (Unlockable)

Don't know these 2

Heihachi (Unlockable)

Was in the same game as Issac Clark, who I now realise is probably not who you were talking about. Put the whole PS-all stars Battle royale roster in and it would be good, especially Kratos, Parapa, Toro, Fat princess and of course Radec

Shadow the Hedgehog (Unlockable)

Good pick

Ayumi Tachibana (Unlockable)

Don't know

Excitebike Racer (Unlockable)

Not much moveset potential.

Captain N (Unlockable)

Don't know

Balloon Fighter (Unlockable)

Not much moveset potential. Main move stolen by villager and Issabelle

Urban Champion (Unlockable)

Don't know.

Plusle & Minun (Unlockable)

I don't think there should be another eletric type rep. Give us Snivvy for the grass type starter.

Professor Layton (Unlockable)

Not much moveset potential.

Amaterasu (Unlockable)

Don't know

Captain Toad (Unlockable)

Why separate from Toad?

Doom Slayer (Unlockable)

Would be pretty good. Guns and violence though.

Vault Boy (Unlockable)

An in-universe mascot, so not great that way, also guns. Also would rather have courier for the Ncr ranger drip.

2B (Unlockable)

Solaire of Astora (Unlockable)

Don't know.

Kratos (Unlockable)

Another playstation all stars battle royale character. Once again, give us most the roster, especially sackboy.

Scorpion (Unlockable)

Pretty solid.

Jill Valentine (Unlockable)

Not sure about moveset potential. Could work?

Ryu Hayabusa (Unlockable)


Tomba (Unlockable)

Don't know.

Earthworm Jim (Unlockable)

Too obscure and not sure about moveset potential.

Hollow Knight (Unlockable)

Could work ig.

Geralt of Rivia (Unlockable)

Could work ig. Reminds me of Henry Cavill so that's nice.

Dante (Unlockable)

Another playstation all stars battle royale character.

Agent 47 (Unlockable)

Not sure about potential.

Gordon Freeman (Unlockable)


Commander Shepard (Unlockable)

From COD right? Guns.

Sam Fisher (Unlockable)

Don't know.

Tracer (Unlockable)

Not sure about moveset potential.

Madeline (Unlockable)

Ori (Unlockable)

Hat Kid (Unlockable)

Juan Aguacate (Unlockable)

Havek (Unlockable)

Don't know

Petey Piranha (Unlockable)

The final Smash of an already playable character.

Goomba (Unlockable)

The better enemy type would be shy guy.

Chicken (Unlockable)


PS4 Quadangle (Unlockable)

Chris and Copycat Mario (Unlockable)

Biorbisidiano (Unlockable)

HelperTrio (Unlockable)

Bisifish (Unlockable)

Adidas Man (Unlockable)

Lord Cola (Unlockable)

Coca Smallo (Unlockable)

Otton Veganerus (Unlockable)

Robickin (Unlockable)

Eliot Hevusrtun (Unlockable)

Sergeant Buzo Ice (Unlockable)

Sakwpon (Unlockable)

Don't know/ why would mascots be in it, its for video games. The only acceptable one would be Pepsi man.

Tetromino (Unlockable)

From tetris. How would it work?

Tingle (Unlockable)

Not sure about moveset potential.

Rookie (from Sonic Forces) (Unlockable)

Customisable character from a terrible game? At least pick a good character from a terrible game like Silver.

Chargin' Chuck (Unlockable)

I suppose could work. Probably not great moveset potential though.

Enkeiko & Olevadon (Unlockable)

Broozer (Unlockable)

Don't know.

Monty Mole (Unlockable)

Boom Boom (Unlockable)

Stop with the Mario enemies.

Giratina (Unlockable)

Definitely not. Too big for Smash and an item.

Dry Bowser (Unlockable)

Just make him an echo/costume.

Chet Rippo (Unlockable)

Don't know

Bean the Dynamite (Unlockable)

If I'm correct an old obscure Sonic character. No.

Pom Pom (Unlockable)

Sumo Bro (Unlockable)

Ninji (Unlockable)

Birdo (from SMB2) (Unlockable)

Mechakoopa (Unlockable)

Koopa Troopa (Unlockable)

Stop with Mario enemies, most won't work. Maybe hammer/fire/ice/whatever else bros but not most of these.

KABOI (Unlockable)

LUG (Unlockable)

HEAVERD (Unlockable)

Don't know.

SANDBAG (Unlockable)


Dry Piranha Plant (Unlockable)


Joquim (Unlockable)

Don't know.

Hammer Bro (Unlockable)

Could work.

Pokobirinto (Unlockable)

Pidjet (Unlockable)

Heaverd (Unlockable)

Robertrot (Unlockable)

Deeznoqts and The Ferro (Unlockable)

Peppino Sphagetti (from pizza tower, cuz im bad to tell what copilot needs to do)(Unlockable)

Weegee (Unlockable)

Lo Dorado Dino (Unlockable)

Lukemen (Unlockable)

Monkeyasto (Unlockable)

custom mii brawler (unlockable)

custom mii swordfighter (unlockable)

custom mii gunner (unlockable)

advanced mii brawler (unlockable)

advanced mii swordfighter (unlockable)

advanced mii gunner (unlockable)

Don't know/ already in Smash or some random meme.

Ratchet (Ratchet & Clank series)

Clank (Ratchet & Clank series)

Sackboy (LittleBigPlanet series)

Ratchet + Clank as one. And once again, playstation all stars battle royale.

Ezio Auditore (Assassin's Creed series)


Big Daddy (BioShock series)

Playstation all stars battle royale.

pianta (unlockable) (with boxing moves)

Not much moveset potential.

Jin Kazama (Tekken series)

Kazuya Mishima (Tekken series)

Yoshimitsu (Tekken series)

Don't think we need many more Tekken reps.

Haohmaru (Samurai Shodown series)

Ukyo Tachibana (Samurai Shodown series)

Iori Yagami (King of Fighters series)

Mai Shiranui (King of Fighters series)

Rock Howard (King of Fighters series)

Terry Bogard (King of Fighters series)

Don't know.

.Spider-Man (Marvel)

Batman (DC Comics)

Darth Vader (Star Wars)

the mandalorian and grogu (star wars)

Shrek (Shrek series)

donkey (shrek series)

Aang (Avatar: The Last Airbender)

Katara (Avatar: The Last Airbender)


Non-gaming characters (excluding spiderman and batman ig.)

mario & luigi (mario & luigi brothership)

plank and recpiano (electroplankton)

petey piranha (unlockable)



jonh cena

Non gaming, repeated or Mario and luigi.

Mii brawler.

Astro Bot (from Playstation)

Could work.

creeper (minecraft)

Suicide bombing is my favourite Smash moveset

Black Mage (Final Fantasy series)

Yes. In crusade.

The Powerpuff Girls

Bomberman (Bomberman series)

Goku (Dragon Ball series)

Simon Belmont (Castlevania series)

Phoenix Wright (Ace Attorney series)

Ryu Hayabusa (Ninja Gaiden series)

Saki Amamiya (Sin and Punishment)

Marvin the Martian (Looney Tunes)

Sandbag (Super Smash Bros. series)

master hand and crazy hand (super smash bros series)

Isaac (The Binding of Isaac)

Mr. Incredible (The Incredibles)

Kenshiro (Fist of the North Star)

Waddle Dee (Kirby series)

All repeated or non-gaming or just plain bad. Or I don't know enough about some of them too.

Peashooter (Plants vs. Zombies)

Wallnut (Plants vs. Zombies)

Wallnut is horrible as a fighter. Peashooter is fine ig.

Mickey Mouse (Disney)

Goku Black (Dragon Ball series)

Zero (Mega Man X series)

Ragna the Bloodedge (BlazBlue series)

Shantae (Shantae series)

Shrek (Shrek series)

Spyro (Spyro the Dragon series)

Cloud Strife (Final Fantasy VII)

Mega Man X (Mega Man X series)

Marth (Fire Emblem series)

Naruto (Naruto series)

Sonic the Hedgehog (Sega mega drive)

Yusuke Urameshi (Yu Yu Hakusho)

Sailor Moon (Sailor Moon series)

Inuyasha (Inuyasha series)

Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist)

Ichigo Kurosaki (Bleach)

Tanjiro Kamado (Demon Slayer)

Light Yagami (Death Note)

Eren Yeager (Attack on Titan)

Natsu Dragneel (Fairy Tail)

Gon Freecss (Hunter x Hunter)

Repeated/non-gaming/idk enough. Why so many animes? How tf is Light going to fight.

spring man (ARMS)

google snake

jerry lawson (google doodle)

No. Spring man has lost his chance due to min-min, the others...

mini mario (mini mario & friends)

funky kong

king koopa

jimmy neutron

spongebob squarepants


sandy cheeks


mr krabs

plankton robot

Non-gaming or echoes or won't work.

quote and curly (cave story)

Pretty good ig.


Reckless Safety Notice Man (wii)

red M&M


freddy fazbear


spike (unlockable)

If Mario, no. If ape escape still no.

foreman spike (unlockable)

scot pilgrim (unlockable)

don-chan (unlockable)

baldi (unlockable)

uganda knuckles (unlockable)

Non-game, too obscure or plain bad.

The torture is finally over. :)

cool, BUT WHAT?!

but chicken from crossy road is a playable character, look

but spring man is needed! because of this image https://i.postimg.cc/J7DH3B9V/R-5.jpg

or the better, this video:

(if you pause when the video is in 0.37 time, you´re dead)

we need uganda knuckles

It was unclear what game the chicken was from, and crossy road doesn't have a good moveset potential.

Arms man was considered but was supposedly too bland or something and Min-Min was picked over him. Also the image doesn't change anything.

Uganda Knuckles is not a video game character, being a meme.

Min Min was picked because the ARMS producer asked for her personally, like it's implied that Harada did for Kazuya.

yeah, 3x i know, but we need springman! look at this fanmade character roster, if you find spring man, confirm, AND DONT SAY THAT: Min Min was picked because the ARMS producer asked for her personally, like it's implied that Harada did for Kazuya, OKAY?!
Messages 127 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs4978 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
Messages 127 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs4978 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
Going to include notes about the ones I actually know about regarding actual smash just for fun.

Heav (Unlockable)

Ah yes, well renown character heav. Assuming you mean Heavy he may be a good pick, however Nintendo don't like the use of guns, so he would need to use more of his different weapons, which may seem against the characters ideals, being "heavy weapons guy"

Waluigi (Unlockable)

Honestly, I'm not sure whether he should be in Smash or not, if he takes moves from spin-off titles he may be fun, but I don't see the appeal of the character.

Toad (Unlockable)

If using Captain Toad moves may be a solid pick

Shovel Knight (Unlockable)

Not sure how much potential there is for his moveset, but decent pick

Rayman (Unlockable)

Could be good

Crash Bandicoot (Unlockable)

Decent pick, playstation may not agree though

Spyro (Unlockable)

Not sure if he has much moveset potential, could be good.

Knuckles (Unlockable)

Solid pick, decent moveset potential

Master Chief (Unlockable)

Personally, my most wanted character for Smash, but he probably won't work very well due to gun restrictions. If he uses guns good moveset potential.

Lara Croft (Unlockable)

Not sure about moveset potential but could be alright

Sans (Unlockable)

Personal don't see why people want him.

Goku (Unlockable)

Could be good I suppose, doubt it will happen

Isaac (Unlockable)

Assuming you mean Issac Clark, he has been in a similar game before. Could work.

Bomberman (Unlockable)

Not much moveset potential. He literally just puts bombs down.

Shantae (Unlockable)

Don't know enough about source material.

Donkey Kong Jr. (Unlockable)

Probably just a DK echo.

Phoenix Wright (Unlockable)

Has been in fighting games before, could work

Chun-Li (Unlockable)

Pretty solid Ig.

Steve (Minecraft) (Unlockable)

Already in Smash.

Tails (Unlockable)

Pretty solid pick.

Paper Mario (Unlockable)

Could work quite well ig.

King Boo (Unlockable)

Could work, not much moveset potential I know of though

Dixie Kong (Unlockable)

Somewhat solid pick.

Fawful (Unlockable)

Not best option I don't think. Don't know enough about him though.

Kamek (Unlockable)

Could work, would rather have shy guy as a yoshi rep.

Geno (Unlockable)

Could work, funnier seeing his fans not get him every game.

Bandana Waddle Dee (Unlockable)

Solid choice.

Impa (Unlockable)

A different zelda rep would probably be better. Don't know enough though.

Chorus Kids (Unlockable)

If using moves from other rhythm heaven/paradise/whatever it was called could work, don't see why they would be the rep though.

Rayman (Unlockable)

I swear you already put him.

Skull Kid (Unlockable)

Not sure about his potential, but probably better than Impa.

Ashley (Unlockable)

From warioware right? Could work ig but don't know enough.

Dillon (Unlockable)

Takamaru (Unlockable)

Don't know these 2.

Krystal (Unlockable)

Could work as proven by crusade (if I remember correctly)

Rex (Unlockable)

Lloyd Irving (Unlockable)

Don't know these 2

Heihachi (Unlockable)

Was in the same game as Issac Clark, who I now realise is probably not who you were talking about. Put the whole PS-all stars Battle royale roster in and it would be good, especially Kratos, Parapa, Toro, Fat princess and of course Radec

Shadow the Hedgehog (Unlockable)

Good pick

Ayumi Tachibana (Unlockable)

Don't know

Excitebike Racer (Unlockable)

Not much moveset potential.

Captain N (Unlockable)

Don't know

Balloon Fighter (Unlockable)

Not much moveset potential. Main move stolen by villager and Issabelle

Urban Champion (Unlockable)

Don't know.

Plusle & Minun (Unlockable)

I don't think there should be another eletric type rep. Give us Snivvy for the grass type starter.

Professor Layton (Unlockable)

Not much moveset potential.

Amaterasu (Unlockable)

Don't know

Captain Toad (Unlockable)

Why separate from Toad?

Doom Slayer (Unlockable)

Would be pretty good. Guns and violence though.

Vault Boy (Unlockable)

An in-universe mascot, so not great that way, also guns. Also would rather have courier for the Ncr ranger drip.

2B (Unlockable)

Solaire of Astora (Unlockable)

Don't know.

Kratos (Unlockable)

Another playstation all stars battle royale character. Once again, give us most the roster, especially sackboy.

Scorpion (Unlockable)

Pretty solid.

Jill Valentine (Unlockable)

Not sure about moveset potential. Could work?

Ryu Hayabusa (Unlockable)


Tomba (Unlockable)

Don't know.

Earthworm Jim (Unlockable)

Too obscure and not sure about moveset potential.

Hollow Knight (Unlockable)

Could work ig.

Geralt of Rivia (Unlockable)

Could work ig. Reminds me of Henry Cavill so that's nice.

Dante (Unlockable)

Another playstation all stars battle royale character.

Agent 47 (Unlockable)

Not sure about potential.

Gordon Freeman (Unlockable)


Commander Shepard (Unlockable)

From COD right? Guns.

Sam Fisher (Unlockable)

Don't know.

Tracer (Unlockable)

Not sure about moveset potential.

Madeline (Unlockable)

Ori (Unlockable)

Hat Kid (Unlockable)

Juan Aguacate (Unlockable)

Havek (Unlockable)

Don't know

Petey Piranha (Unlockable)

The final Smash of an already playable character.

Goomba (Unlockable)

The better enemy type would be shy guy.

Chicken (Unlockable)


PS4 Quadangle (Unlockable)

Chris and Copycat Mario (Unlockable)

Biorbisidiano (Unlockable)

HelperTrio (Unlockable)

Bisifish (Unlockable)

Adidas Man (Unlockable)

Lord Cola (Unlockable)

Coca Smallo (Unlockable)

Otton Veganerus (Unlockable)

Robickin (Unlockable)

Eliot Hevusrtun (Unlockable)

Sergeant Buzo Ice (Unlockable)

Sakwpon (Unlockable)

Don't know/ why would mascots be in it, its for video games. The only acceptable one would be Pepsi man.

Tetromino (Unlockable)

From tetris. How would it work?

Tingle (Unlockable)

Not sure about moveset potential.

Rookie (from Sonic Forces) (Unlockable)

Customisable character from a terrible game? At least pick a good character from a terrible game like Silver.

Chargin' Chuck (Unlockable)

I suppose could work. Probably not great moveset potential though.

Enkeiko & Olevadon (Unlockable)

Broozer (Unlockable)

Don't know.

Monty Mole (Unlockable)

Boom Boom (Unlockable)

Stop with the Mario enemies.

Giratina (Unlockable)

Definitely not. Too big for Smash and an item.

Dry Bowser (Unlockable)

Just make him an echo/costume.

Chet Rippo (Unlockable)

Don't know

Bean the Dynamite (Unlockable)

If I'm correct an old obscure Sonic character. No.

Pom Pom (Unlockable)

Sumo Bro (Unlockable)

Ninji (Unlockable)

Birdo (from SMB2) (Unlockable)

Mechakoopa (Unlockable)

Koopa Troopa (Unlockable)

Stop with Mario enemies, most won't work. Maybe hammer/fire/ice/whatever else bros but not most of these.

KABOI (Unlockable)

LUG (Unlockable)

HEAVERD (Unlockable)

Don't know.

SANDBAG (Unlockable)


Dry Piranha Plant (Unlockable)


Joquim (Unlockable)

Don't know.

Hammer Bro (Unlockable)

Could work.

Pokobirinto (Unlockable)

Pidjet (Unlockable)

Heaverd (Unlockable)

Robertrot (Unlockable)

Deeznoqts and The Ferro (Unlockable)

Peppino Sphagetti (from pizza tower, cuz im bad to tell what copilot needs to do)(Unlockable)

Weegee (Unlockable)

Lo Dorado Dino (Unlockable)

Lukemen (Unlockable)

Monkeyasto (Unlockable)

custom mii brawler (unlockable)

custom mii swordfighter (unlockable)

custom mii gunner (unlockable)

advanced mii brawler (unlockable)

advanced mii swordfighter (unlockable)

advanced mii gunner (unlockable)

Don't know/ already in Smash or some random meme.

Ratchet (Ratchet & Clank series)

Clank (Ratchet & Clank series)

Sackboy (LittleBigPlanet series)

Ratchet + Clank as one. And once again, playstation all stars battle royale.

Ezio Auditore (Assassin's Creed series)


Big Daddy (BioShock series)

Playstation all stars battle royale.

pianta (unlockable) (with boxing moves)

Not much moveset potential.

Jin Kazama (Tekken series)

Kazuya Mishima (Tekken series)

Yoshimitsu (Tekken series)

Don't think we need many more Tekken reps.

Haohmaru (Samurai Shodown series)

Ukyo Tachibana (Samurai Shodown series)

Iori Yagami (King of Fighters series)

Mai Shiranui (King of Fighters series)

Rock Howard (King of Fighters series)

Terry Bogard (King of Fighters series)

Don't know.

.Spider-Man (Marvel)

Batman (DC Comics)

Darth Vader (Star Wars)

the mandalorian and grogu (star wars)

Shrek (Shrek series)

donkey (shrek series)

Aang (Avatar: The Last Airbender)

Katara (Avatar: The Last Airbender)


Non-gaming characters (excluding spiderman and batman ig.)

mario & luigi (mario & luigi brothership)

plank and recpiano (electroplankton)

petey piranha (unlockable)



jonh cena

Non gaming, repeated or Mario and luigi.

Mii brawler.

Astro Bot (from Playstation)

Could work.

creeper (minecraft)

Suicide bombing is my favourite Smash moveset

Black Mage (Final Fantasy series)

Yes. In crusade.

The Powerpuff Girls

Bomberman (Bomberman series)

Goku (Dragon Ball series)

Simon Belmont (Castlevania series)

Phoenix Wright (Ace Attorney series)

Ryu Hayabusa (Ninja Gaiden series)

Saki Amamiya (Sin and Punishment)

Marvin the Martian (Looney Tunes)

Sandbag (Super Smash Bros. series)

master hand and crazy hand (super smash bros series)

Isaac (The Binding of Isaac)

Mr. Incredible (The Incredibles)

Kenshiro (Fist of the North Star)

Waddle Dee (Kirby series)

All repeated or non-gaming or just plain bad. Or I don't know enough about some of them too.

Peashooter (Plants vs. Zombies)

Wallnut (Plants vs. Zombies)

Wallnut is horrible as a fighter. Peashooter is fine ig.

Mickey Mouse (Disney)

Goku Black (Dragon Ball series)

Zero (Mega Man X series)

Ragna the Bloodedge (BlazBlue series)

Shantae (Shantae series)

Shrek (Shrek series)

Spyro (Spyro the Dragon series)

Cloud Strife (Final Fantasy VII)

Mega Man X (Mega Man X series)

Marth (Fire Emblem series)

Naruto (Naruto series)

Sonic the Hedgehog (Sega mega drive)

Yusuke Urameshi (Yu Yu Hakusho)

Sailor Moon (Sailor Moon series)

Inuyasha (Inuyasha series)

Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist)

Ichigo Kurosaki (Bleach)

Tanjiro Kamado (Demon Slayer)

Light Yagami (Death Note)

Eren Yeager (Attack on Titan)

Natsu Dragneel (Fairy Tail)

Gon Freecss (Hunter x Hunter)

Repeated/non-gaming/idk enough. Why so many animes? How tf is Light going to fight.

spring man (ARMS)

google snake

jerry lawson (google doodle)

No. Spring man has lost his chance due to min-min, the others...

mini mario (mini mario & friends)

funky kong

king koopa

jimmy neutron

spongebob squarepants


sandy cheeks


mr krabs

plankton robot

Non-gaming or echoes or won't work.

quote and curly (cave story)

Pretty good ig.


Reckless Safety Notice Man (wii)

red M&M


freddy fazbear


spike (unlockable)

If Mario, no. If ape escape still no.

foreman spike (unlockable)

scot pilgrim (unlockable)

don-chan (unlockable)

baldi (unlockable)

uganda knuckles (unlockable)

Non-game, too obscure or plain bad.

The torture is finally over. :)

cool, BUT WHAT?!

but chicken from crossy road is a playable character, look

but spring man is needed! because of this image https://i.postimg.cc/J7DH3B9V/R-5.jpg

or the better, this video:

(if you pause when the video is in 0.37 time, you´re dead)

we need uganda knuckles

It was unclear what game the chicken was from, and crossy road doesn't have a good moveset potential.

Arms man was considered but was supposedly too bland or something and Min-Min was picked over him. Also the image doesn't change anything.

Uganda Knuckles is not a video game character, being a meme.

Messages 127 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs4978 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
Going to include notes about the ones I actually know about regarding actual smash just for fun.

Heav (Unlockable)

Ah yes, well renown character heav. Assuming you mean Heavy he may be a good pick, however Nintendo don't like the use of guns, so he would need to use more of his different weapons, which may seem against the characters ideals, being "heavy weapons guy"

Waluigi (Unlockable)

Honestly, I'm not sure whether he should be in Smash or not, if he takes moves from spin-off titles he may be fun, but I don't see the appeal of the character.

Toad (Unlockable)

If using Captain Toad moves may be a solid pick

Shovel Knight (Unlockable)

Not sure how much potential there is for his moveset, but decent pick

Rayman (Unlockable)

Could be good

Crash Bandicoot (Unlockable)

Decent pick, playstation may not agree though

Spyro (Unlockable)

Not sure if he has much moveset potential, could be good.

Knuckles (Unlockable)

Solid pick, decent moveset potential

Master Chief (Unlockable)

Personally, my most wanted character for Smash, but he probably won't work very well due to gun restrictions. If he uses guns good moveset potential.

Lara Croft (Unlockable)

Not sure about moveset potential but could be alright

Sans (Unlockable)

Personal don't see why people want him.

Goku (Unlockable)

Could be good I suppose, doubt it will happen

Isaac (Unlockable)

Assuming you mean Issac Clark, he has been in a similar game before. Could work.

Bomberman (Unlockable)

Not much moveset potential. He literally just puts bombs down.

Shantae (Unlockable)

Don't know enough about source material.

Donkey Kong Jr. (Unlockable)

Probably just a DK echo.

Phoenix Wright (Unlockable)

Has been in fighting games before, could work

Chun-Li (Unlockable)

Pretty solid Ig.

Steve (Minecraft) (Unlockable)

Already in Smash.

Tails (Unlockable)

Pretty solid pick.

Paper Mario (Unlockable)

Could work quite well ig.

King Boo (Unlockable)

Could work, not much moveset potential I know of though

Dixie Kong (Unlockable)

Somewhat solid pick.

Fawful (Unlockable)

Not best option I don't think. Don't know enough about him though.

Kamek (Unlockable)

Could work, would rather have shy guy as a yoshi rep.

Geno (Unlockable)

Could work, funnier seeing his fans not get him every game.

Bandana Waddle Dee (Unlockable)

Solid choice.

Impa (Unlockable)

A different zelda rep would probably be better. Don't know enough though.

Chorus Kids (Unlockable)

If using moves from other rhythm heaven/paradise/whatever it was called could work, don't see why they would be the rep though.

Rayman (Unlockable)

I swear you already put him.

Skull Kid (Unlockable)

Not sure about his potential, but probably better than Impa.

Ashley (Unlockable)

From warioware right? Could work ig but don't know enough.

Dillon (Unlockable)

Takamaru (Unlockable)

Don't know these 2.

Krystal (Unlockable)

Could work as proven by crusade (if I remember correctly)

Rex (Unlockable)

Lloyd Irving (Unlockable)

Don't know these 2

Heihachi (Unlockable)

Was in the same game as Issac Clark, who I now realise is probably not who you were talking about. Put the whole PS-all stars Battle royale roster in and it would be good, especially Kratos, Parapa, Toro, Fat princess and of course Radec

Shadow the Hedgehog (Unlockable)

Good pick

Ayumi Tachibana (Unlockable)

Don't know

Excitebike Racer (Unlockable)

Not much moveset potential.

Captain N (Unlockable)

Don't know

Balloon Fighter (Unlockable)

Not much moveset potential. Main move stolen by villager and Issabelle

Urban Champion (Unlockable)

Don't know.

Plusle & Minun (Unlockable)

I don't think there should be another eletric type rep. Give us Snivvy for the grass type starter.

Professor Layton (Unlockable)

Not much moveset potential.

Amaterasu (Unlockable)

Don't know

Captain Toad (Unlockable)

Why separate from Toad?

Doom Slayer (Unlockable)

Would be pretty good. Guns and violence though.

Vault Boy (Unlockable)

An in-universe mascot, so not great that way, also guns. Also would rather have courier for the Ncr ranger drip.

2B (Unlockable)

Solaire of Astora (Unlockable)

Don't know.

Kratos (Unlockable)

Another playstation all stars battle royale character. Once again, give us most the roster, especially sackboy.

Scorpion (Unlockable)

Pretty solid.

Jill Valentine (Unlockable)

Not sure about moveset potential. Could work?

Ryu Hayabusa (Unlockable)


Tomba (Unlockable)

Don't know.

Earthworm Jim (Unlockable)

Too obscure and not sure about moveset potential.

Hollow Knight (Unlockable)

Could work ig.

Geralt of Rivia (Unlockable)

Could work ig. Reminds me of Henry Cavill so that's nice.

Dante (Unlockable)

Another playstation all stars battle royale character.

Agent 47 (Unlockable)

Not sure about potential.

Gordon Freeman (Unlockable)


Commander Shepard (Unlockable)

From COD right? Guns.

Sam Fisher (Unlockable)

Don't know.

Tracer (Unlockable)

Not sure about moveset potential.

Madeline (Unlockable)

Ori (Unlockable)

Hat Kid (Unlockable)

Juan Aguacate (Unlockable)

Havek (Unlockable)

Don't know

Petey Piranha (Unlockable)

The final Smash of an already playable character.

Goomba (Unlockable)

The better enemy type would be shy guy.

Chicken (Unlockable)


PS4 Quadangle (Unlockable)

Chris and Copycat Mario (Unlockable)

Biorbisidiano (Unlockable)

HelperTrio (Unlockable)

Bisifish (Unlockable)

Adidas Man (Unlockable)

Lord Cola (Unlockable)

Coca Smallo (Unlockable)

Otton Veganerus (Unlockable)

Robickin (Unlockable)

Eliot Hevusrtun (Unlockable)

Sergeant Buzo Ice (Unlockable)

Sakwpon (Unlockable)

Don't know/ why would mascots be in it, its for video games. The only acceptable one would be Pepsi man.

Tetromino (Unlockable)

From tetris. How would it work?

Tingle (Unlockable)

Not sure about moveset potential.

Rookie (from Sonic Forces) (Unlockable)

Customisable character from a terrible game? At least pick a good character from a terrible game like Silver.

Chargin' Chuck (Unlockable)

I suppose could work. Probably not great moveset potential though.

Enkeiko & Olevadon (Unlockable)

Broozer (Unlockable)

Don't know.

Monty Mole (Unlockable)

Boom Boom (Unlockable)

Stop with the Mario enemies.

Giratina (Unlockable)

Definitely not. Too big for Smash and an item.

Dry Bowser (Unlockable)

Just make him an echo/costume.

Chet Rippo (Unlockable)

Don't know

Bean the Dynamite (Unlockable)

If I'm correct an old obscure Sonic character. No.

Pom Pom (Unlockable)

Sumo Bro (Unlockable)

Ninji (Unlockable)

Birdo (from SMB2) (Unlockable)

Mechakoopa (Unlockable)

Koopa Troopa (Unlockable)

Stop with Mario enemies, most won't work. Maybe hammer/fire/ice/whatever else bros but not most of these.

KABOI (Unlockable)

LUG (Unlockable)

HEAVERD (Unlockable)

Don't know.

SANDBAG (Unlockable)


Dry Piranha Plant (Unlockable)


Joquim (Unlockable)

Don't know.

Hammer Bro (Unlockable)

Could work.

Pokobirinto (Unlockable)

Pidjet (Unlockable)

Heaverd (Unlockable)

Robertrot (Unlockable)

Deeznoqts and The Ferro (Unlockable)

Peppino Sphagetti (from pizza tower, cuz im bad to tell what copilot needs to do)(Unlockable)

Weegee (Unlockable)

Lo Dorado Dino (Unlockable)

Lukemen (Unlockable)

Monkeyasto (Unlockable)

custom mii brawler (unlockable)

custom mii swordfighter (unlockable)

custom mii gunner (unlockable)

advanced mii brawler (unlockable)

advanced mii swordfighter (unlockable)

advanced mii gunner (unlockable)

Don't know/ already in Smash or some random meme.

Ratchet (Ratchet & Clank series)

Clank (Ratchet & Clank series)

Sackboy (LittleBigPlanet series)

Ratchet + Clank as one. And once again, playstation all stars battle royale.

Ezio Auditore (Assassin's Creed series)


Big Daddy (BioShock series)

Playstation all stars battle royale.

pianta (unlockable) (with boxing moves)

Not much moveset potential.

Jin Kazama (Tekken series)

Kazuya Mishima (Tekken series)

Yoshimitsu (Tekken series)

Don't think we need many more Tekken reps.

Haohmaru (Samurai Shodown series)

Ukyo Tachibana (Samurai Shodown series)

Iori Yagami (King of Fighters series)

Mai Shiranui (King of Fighters series)

Rock Howard (King of Fighters series)

Terry Bogard (King of Fighters series)

Don't know.

.Spider-Man (Marvel)

Batman (DC Comics)

Darth Vader (Star Wars)

the mandalorian and grogu (star wars)

Shrek (Shrek series)

donkey (shrek series)

Aang (Avatar: The Last Airbender)

Katara (Avatar: The Last Airbender)


Non-gaming characters (excluding spiderman and batman ig.)

mario & luigi (mario & luigi brothership)

plank and recpiano (electroplankton)

petey piranha (unlockable)



jonh cena

Non gaming, repeated or Mario and luigi.

Mii brawler.

Astro Bot (from Playstation)

Could work.

creeper (minecraft)

Suicide bombing is my favourite Smash moveset

Black Mage (Final Fantasy series)

Yes. In crusade.

The Powerpuff Girls

Bomberman (Bomberman series)

Goku (Dragon Ball series)

Simon Belmont (Castlevania series)

Phoenix Wright (Ace Attorney series)

Ryu Hayabusa (Ninja Gaiden series)

Saki Amamiya (Sin and Punishment)

Marvin the Martian (Looney Tunes)

Sandbag (Super Smash Bros. series)

master hand and crazy hand (super smash bros series)

Isaac (The Binding of Isaac)

Mr. Incredible (The Incredibles)

Kenshiro (Fist of the North Star)

Waddle Dee (Kirby series)

All repeated or non-gaming or just plain bad. Or I don't know enough about some of them too.

Peashooter (Plants vs. Zombies)

Wallnut (Plants vs. Zombies)

Wallnut is horrible as a fighter. Peashooter is fine ig.

Mickey Mouse (Disney)

Goku Black (Dragon Ball series)

Zero (Mega Man X series)

Ragna the Bloodedge (BlazBlue series)

Shantae (Shantae series)

Shrek (Shrek series)

Spyro (Spyro the Dragon series)

Cloud Strife (Final Fantasy VII)

Mega Man X (Mega Man X series)

Marth (Fire Emblem series)

Naruto (Naruto series)

Sonic the Hedgehog (Sega mega drive)

Yusuke Urameshi (Yu Yu Hakusho)

Sailor Moon (Sailor Moon series)

Inuyasha (Inuyasha series)

Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist)

Ichigo Kurosaki (Bleach)

Tanjiro Kamado (Demon Slayer)

Light Yagami (Death Note)

Eren Yeager (Attack on Titan)

Natsu Dragneel (Fairy Tail)

Gon Freecss (Hunter x Hunter)

Repeated/non-gaming/idk enough. Why so many animes? How tf is Light going to fight.

spring man (ARMS)

google snake

jerry lawson (google doodle)

No. Spring man has lost his chance due to min-min, the others...

mini mario (mini mario & friends)

funky kong

king koopa

jimmy neutron

spongebob squarepants


sandy cheeks


mr krabs

plankton robot

Non-gaming or echoes or won't work.

quote and curly (cave story)

Pretty good ig.


Reckless Safety Notice Man (wii)

red M&M


freddy fazbear


spike (unlockable)

If Mario, no. If ape escape still no.

foreman spike (unlockable)

scot pilgrim (unlockable)

don-chan (unlockable)

baldi (unlockable)

uganda knuckles (unlockable)

Non-game, too obscure or plain bad.

The torture is finally over. :)


Messages 127 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs4978 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
Bennyp21 wrote:
What if there was Super Smash Bros PC where you can make your own fighters and stages.

IS THERE SUPER SMASH BROS PC ON BROWSER?! BUT IS NOT SMASH FLASH 2, and haves character creator with stage maker
Messages 127 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs4978 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
Going to include notes about the ones I actually know about regarding actual smash just for fun.

Heav (Unlockable)

Ah yes, well renown character heav. Assuming you mean Heavy he may be a good pick, however Nintendo don't like the use of guns, so he would need to use more of his different weapons, which may seem against the characters ideals, being "heavy weapons guy"

Waluigi (Unlockable)

Honestly, I'm not sure whether he should be in Smash or not, if he takes moves from spin-off titles he may be fun, but I don't see the appeal of the character.

Toad (Unlockable)

If using Captain Toad moves may be a solid pick

Shovel Knight (Unlockable)

Not sure how much potential there is for his moveset, but decent pick

Rayman (Unlockable)

Could be good

Crash Bandicoot (Unlockable)

Decent pick, playstation may not agree though

Spyro (Unlockable)

Not sure if he has much moveset potential, could be good.

Knuckles (Unlockable)

Solid pick, decent moveset potential

Master Chief (Unlockable)

Personally, my most wanted character for Smash, but he probably won't work very well due to gun restrictions. If he uses guns good moveset potential.

Lara Croft (Unlockable)

Not sure about moveset potential but could be alright

Sans (Unlockable)

Personal don't see why people want him.

Goku (Unlockable)

Could be good I suppose, doubt it will happen

Isaac (Unlockable)

Assuming you mean Issac Clark, he has been in a similar game before. Could work.

Bomberman (Unlockable)

Not much moveset potential. He literally just puts bombs down.

Shantae (Unlockable)

Don't know enough about source material.

Donkey Kong Jr. (Unlockable)

Probably just a DK echo.

Phoenix Wright (Unlockable)

Has been in fighting games before, could work

Chun-Li (Unlockable)

Pretty solid Ig.

Steve (Minecraft) (Unlockable)

Already in Smash.

Tails (Unlockable)

Pretty solid pick.

Paper Mario (Unlockable)

Could work quite well ig.

King Boo (Unlockable)

Could work, not much moveset potential I know of though

Dixie Kong (Unlockable)

Somewhat solid pick.

Fawful (Unlockable)

Not best option I don't think. Don't know enough about him though.

Kamek (Unlockable)

Could work, would rather have shy guy as a yoshi rep.

Geno (Unlockable)

Could work, funnier seeing his fans not get him every game.

Bandana Waddle Dee (Unlockable)

Solid choice.

Impa (Unlockable)

A different zelda rep would probably be better. Don't know enough though.

Chorus Kids (Unlockable)

If using moves from other rhythm heaven/paradise/whatever it was called could work, don't see why they would be the rep though.

Rayman (Unlockable)

I swear you already put him.

Skull Kid (Unlockable)

Not sure about his potential, but probably better than Impa.

Ashley (Unlockable)

From warioware right? Could work ig but don't know enough.

Dillon (Unlockable)

Takamaru (Unlockable)

Don't know these 2.

Krystal (Unlockable)

Could work as proven by crusade (if I remember correctly)

Rex (Unlockable)

Lloyd Irving (Unlockable)

Don't know these 2

Heihachi (Unlockable)

Was in the same game as Issac Clark, who I now realise is probably not who you were talking about. Put the whole PS-all stars Battle royale roster in and it would be good, especially Kratos, Parapa, Toro, Fat princess and of course Radec

Shadow the Hedgehog (Unlockable)

Good pick

Ayumi Tachibana (Unlockable)

Don't know

Excitebike Racer (Unlockable)

Not much moveset potential.

Captain N (Unlockable)

Don't know

Balloon Fighter (Unlockable)

Not much moveset potential. Main move stolen by villager and Issabelle

Urban Champion (Unlockable)

Don't know.

Plusle & Minun (Unlockable)

I don't think there should be another eletric type rep. Give us Snivvy for the grass type starter.

Professor Layton (Unlockable)

Not much moveset potential.

Amaterasu (Unlockable)

Don't know

Captain Toad (Unlockable)

Why separate from Toad?

Doom Slayer (Unlockable)

Would be pretty good. Guns and violence though.

Vault Boy (Unlockable)

An in-universe mascot, so not great that way, also guns. Also would rather have courier for the Ncr ranger drip.

2B (Unlockable)

Solaire of Astora (Unlockable)

Don't know.

Kratos (Unlockable)

Another playstation all stars battle royale character. Once again, give us most the roster, especially sackboy.

Scorpion (Unlockable)

Pretty solid.

Jill Valentine (Unlockable)

Not sure about moveset potential. Could work?

Ryu Hayabusa (Unlockable)


Tomba (Unlockable)

Don't know.

Earthworm Jim (Unlockable)

Too obscure and not sure about moveset potential.

Hollow Knight (Unlockable)

Could work ig.

Geralt of Rivia (Unlockable)

Could work ig. Reminds me of Henry Cavill so that's nice.

Dante (Unlockable)

Another playstation all stars battle royale character.

Agent 47 (Unlockable)

Not sure about potential.

Gordon Freeman (Unlockable)


Commander Shepard (Unlockable)

From COD right? Guns.

Sam Fisher (Unlockable)

Don't know.

Tracer (Unlockable)

Not sure about moveset potential.

Madeline (Unlockable)

Ori (Unlockable)

Hat Kid (Unlockable)

Juan Aguacate (Unlockable)

Havek (Unlockable)

Don't know

Petey Piranha (Unlockable)

The final Smash of an already playable character.

Goomba (Unlockable)

The better enemy type would be shy guy.

Chicken (Unlockable)


PS4 Quadangle (Unlockable)

Chris and Copycat Mario (Unlockable)

Biorbisidiano (Unlockable)

HelperTrio (Unlockable)

Bisifish (Unlockable)

Adidas Man (Unlockable)

Lord Cola (Unlockable)

Coca Smallo (Unlockable)

Otton Veganerus (Unlockable)

Robickin (Unlockable)

Eliot Hevusrtun (Unlockable)

Sergeant Buzo Ice (Unlockable)

Sakwpon (Unlockable)

Don't know/ why would mascots be in it, its for video games. The only acceptable one would be Pepsi man.

Tetromino (Unlockable)

From tetris. How would it work?

Tingle (Unlockable)

Not sure about moveset potential.

Rookie (from Sonic Forces) (Unlockable)

Customisable character from a terrible game? At least pick a good character from a terrible game like Silver.

Chargin' Chuck (Unlockable)

I suppose could work. Probably not great moveset potential though.

Enkeiko & Olevadon (Unlockable)

Broozer (Unlockable)

Don't know.

Monty Mole (Unlockable)

Boom Boom (Unlockable)

Stop with the Mario enemies.

Giratina (Unlockable)

Definitely not. Too big for Smash and an item.

Dry Bowser (Unlockable)

Just make him an echo/costume.

Chet Rippo (Unlockable)

Don't know

Bean the Dynamite (Unlockable)

If I'm correct an old obscure Sonic character. No.

Pom Pom (Unlockable)

Sumo Bro (Unlockable)

Ninji (Unlockable)

Birdo (from SMB2) (Unlockable)

Mechakoopa (Unlockable)

Koopa Troopa (Unlockable)

Stop with Mario enemies, most won't work. Maybe hammer/fire/ice/whatever else bros but not most of these.

KABOI (Unlockable)

LUG (Unlockable)

HEAVERD (Unlockable)

Don't know.

SANDBAG (Unlockable)


Dry Piranha Plant (Unlockable)


Joquim (Unlockable)

Don't know.

Hammer Bro (Unlockable)

Could work.

Pokobirinto (Unlockable)

Pidjet (Unlockable)

Heaverd (Unlockable)

Robertrot (Unlockable)

Deeznoqts and The Ferro (Unlockable)

Peppino Sphagetti (from pizza tower, cuz im bad to tell what copilot needs to do)(Unlockable)

Weegee (Unlockable)

Lo Dorado Dino (Unlockable)

Lukemen (Unlockable)

Monkeyasto (Unlockable)

custom mii brawler (unlockable)

custom mii swordfighter (unlockable)

custom mii gunner (unlockable)

advanced mii brawler (unlockable)

advanced mii swordfighter (unlockable)

advanced mii gunner (unlockable)

Don't know/ already in Smash or some random meme.

Ratchet (Ratchet & Clank series)

Clank (Ratchet & Clank series)

Sackboy (LittleBigPlanet series)

Ratchet + Clank as one. And once again, playstation all stars battle royale.

Ezio Auditore (Assassin's Creed series)


Big Daddy (BioShock series)

Playstation all stars battle royale.

pianta (unlockable) (with boxing moves)

Not much moveset potential.

Jin Kazama (Tekken series)

Kazuya Mishima (Tekken series)

Yoshimitsu (Tekken series)

Don't think we need many more Tekken reps.

Haohmaru (Samurai Shodown series)

Ukyo Tachibana (Samurai Shodown series)

Iori Yagami (King of Fighters series)

Mai Shiranui (King of Fighters series)

Rock Howard (King of Fighters series)

Terry Bogard (King of Fighters series)

Don't know.

.Spider-Man (Marvel)

Batman (DC Comics)

Darth Vader (Star Wars)

the mandalorian and grogu (star wars)

Shrek (Shrek series)

donkey (shrek series)

Aang (Avatar: The Last Airbender)

Katara (Avatar: The Last Airbender)


Non-gaming characters (excluding spiderman and batman ig.)

mario & luigi (mario & luigi brothership)

plank and recpiano (electroplankton)

petey piranha (unlockable)



jonh cena

Non gaming, repeated or Mario and luigi.

Mii brawler.

Astro Bot (from Playstation)

Could work.

creeper (minecraft)

Suicide bombing is my favourite Smash moveset

Black Mage (Final Fantasy series)

Yes. In crusade.

The Powerpuff Girls

Bomberman (Bomberman series)

Goku (Dragon Ball series)

Simon Belmont (Castlevania series)

Phoenix Wright (Ace Attorney series)

Ryu Hayabusa (Ninja Gaiden series)

Saki Amamiya (Sin and Punishment)

Marvin the Martian (Looney Tunes)

Sandbag (Super Smash Bros. series)

master hand and crazy hand (super smash bros series)

Isaac (The Binding of Isaac)

Mr. Incredible (The Incredibles)

Kenshiro (Fist of the North Star)

Waddle Dee (Kirby series)

All repeated or non-gaming or just plain bad. Or I don't know enough about some of them too.

Peashooter (Plants vs. Zombies)

Wallnut (Plants vs. Zombies)

Wallnut is horrible as a fighter. Peashooter is fine ig.

Mickey Mouse (Disney)

Goku Black (Dragon Ball series)

Zero (Mega Man X series)

Ragna the Bloodedge (BlazBlue series)

Shantae (Shantae series)

Shrek (Shrek series)

Spyro (Spyro the Dragon series)

Cloud Strife (Final Fantasy VII)

Mega Man X (Mega Man X series)

Marth (Fire Emblem series)

Naruto (Naruto series)

Sonic the Hedgehog (Sega mega drive)

Yusuke Urameshi (Yu Yu Hakusho)

Sailor Moon (Sailor Moon series)

Inuyasha (Inuyasha series)

Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist)

Ichigo Kurosaki (Bleach)

Tanjiro Kamado (Demon Slayer)

Light Yagami (Death Note)

Eren Yeager (Attack on Titan)

Natsu Dragneel (Fairy Tail)

Gon Freecss (Hunter x Hunter)

Repeated/non-gaming/idk enough. Why so many animes? How tf is Light going to fight.

spring man (ARMS)

google snake

jerry lawson (google doodle)

No. Spring man has lost his chance due to min-min, the others...

mini mario (mini mario & friends)

funky kong

king koopa

jimmy neutron

spongebob squarepants


sandy cheeks


mr krabs

plankton robot

Non-gaming or echoes or won't work.

quote and curly (cave story)

Pretty good ig.


Reckless Safety Notice Man (wii)

red M&M


freddy fazbear


spike (unlockable)

If Mario, no. If ape escape still no.

foreman spike (unlockable)

scot pilgrim (unlockable)

don-chan (unlockable)

baldi (unlockable)

uganda knuckles (unlockable)

Non-game, too obscure or plain bad.

The torture is finally over. :)

cool, BUT WHAT?!

but chicken from crossy road is a playable character, look

but spring man is needed! because of this image https://i.postimg.cc/J7DH3B9V/R-5.jpg

or the better, this video:

(if you pause when the video is in 0.37 time, you´re dead)

we need uganda knuckles
Messages 127 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs4978 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
i want a browser edition of super smash bros crusade

There isn't even a browser version of Flash 2 anymore, & Crusade is bigger than that:s

there is! look: https://www.supersmashflash.com/play/ssf2/

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