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[TBC] Track Building Tournament

Messages 2283 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs29668 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
Nugde je vais rejondre  un atendant que mon pc soit réparé

That's fine you have until the 8th
Messages 2283 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs29668 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
Bonk_i0 wrote:
CG_osc-omb wrote:
Bonk_i0 wrote:
@GC_The68thHampster: I'm sorry that I stole that track. I didn't know it was his. I tried to made a track and I fucked up. And now I feel that I shoulden't do this anymore.

What do you mean you "didn't know it was his" YOU GOT THE IMAGE SOMEHOW AND IT'S NOT YOURS

I found it on google. Do you expect there to be a plate with the owners name on it in gold lettering?!

Alright, well, if you found it on Google, you still didn't make that track. Doesn't matter who made the original art.
Messages 2283 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs29668 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
Bonk_i0 wrote:
@GC_The68thHampster: I'm sorry that I stole that track. I didn't know it was his. I tried to made a track and I fucked up. And now I feel that I shoulden't do this anymore.

What do you mean you "didn't know it was his" YOU GOT THE IMAGE SOMEHOW AND IT'S NOT YOURS
Messages 2283 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs29668 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
Bonk_i0 wrote:
Bonk_i0 wrote:
With what to use.

You can use Pixilart.com, Paint.net, and more

They don't work. Plus the other people have made better thing then I could ever do. All I can do is just make the boring retros that have nothing changed.

"They don't work"

Tell me you are a kid without telling me you are a kid 💀
Messages 2283 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs29668 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
Bonk_i0 wrote:
I'm going to drop out of it. Bye.

man found out he can't get away with cheating lol
Messages 2283 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs29668 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
Messages 2283 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs29668 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
Sounds good


Messages 2283 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs29668 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
Nah man that's a you issue, YF wouldn't cause a fucking bluescreen

And no, it wouldn't be a hack

I did Broken Pier's quick mode pieces

Messages 2283 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs29668 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
How did you make this?

just different 100x100 images probably
Messages 2283 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs29668 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
And where’s the left side finish one?

that... is there.
Messages 2283 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs29668 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
5072 wrote:
Where's the crossing?

My question exactly

If you could add one update, what would it be?

Messages 2283 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs29668 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
Lucklord wrote:
The title says it all. If you had the power to add a single update, what would it be?

Personally, I would add the ability for custom quick mode tiles, because it could get Quick Mode users making more interesting tracks, and some Complete Mode users might be able to use it for extremely creative Quick Mode tracks. As for how it would work, you would need to make 12 100x100 images per theme, then you can add each image to a different piece type.

track wr history. if we have pb history then why not go a stpp further

on the topic of TT upgrades, viewing replays by others on unofficial tracks

The lack of animaions and sounds in MKPC

Messages 2283 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs29668 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
Anthcny wrote:
I like MKPC but I must say that there are a few things that really displease me, especially the lack of graphic animations and sounds

What do I mean by graphic animations?
Little graphic details that beautify a game. For example a black fade between screen transitions (insead of just instantly switching from a screen to another, in the track selection for example), or sizing up a button when you draw your mouse over it, or an animation for drifts instead of a simple static image... The cup selection menu also feels like it has been done very quickly without the intention of making it nice-looking

And what do I mean by sounds?
Small sound effects, which triggers when you click a button, or item noises for shells for examples, or a small noise when a banana is dropped, or even sounds to Goombas walking...

These are little details that don't impact gameplay, but they could make the game so much cool-looking to be honest
I honestly feel like MKPC is a sort of "unfinished" game, there are so many missing things that could be added to make it so much nicer (such as stuff I mentioned before)

Although as I say before, I like MKPC! It has a interesting gameplay, despite a huge lack of cool little details

What do you guys think about it? Am I just the only guy who thinks about details?
J'aime beaucoup MKPC mais je dois avouer qu'il y aquelques petits trucs qui me déplaisent, particulièrement le manque d'animations graphiques et le manque d'effets sonores

Qu'est-ce que je veux dire par animations graphiques ?
Des petits détails graphiques qui embellissent un jeu. Par exemple, un fondu noir entre chaque transition d'écran (au lieu d'une simple "téléportation" des écrans, par exemple dans la sélection des coupes et circuits), ou simplement grossir un bouton quand on fait passer la souris dessus, ou bien une animations pour les dérapages plutôt qu'une simple image statique... Et aussi, le menu de sélection des coupes me semble très vide, comme s'il avait été fait en 2 secondes sans l'intention de le rendre joli

Et qu'est-ce que je veux dire par effets sonores ?
Des petitss "sound effects", qui se jouent quand on clique sur un bouton par exemple, ou des petits bruitages pour les carapaces ou quand une banane touche le sol, ou bien un petit bruit quand un Goomba marche etc...

Globalement j'aime bien MKPC ! C'est un jeu avec un gameplay vraiment intéressant, malgré un gros vide en terme de détails visuels et sonores

Vous en pensez quoi ? Je suis le seul à penser aux détails ?

ask wargor™️

Messages 2283 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs29668 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
Cry about it ;)


Messages 2283 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs29668 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
Lucklord wrote:
Man’s so special he gets a whole topic about him

made by professional person I can't read the mind of
Messages 2283 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs29668 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
Invu wrote:
Je ne le sens pas trop perso. Je ne vois pas quelle adresse mail utiliser... et ouïs ce n'est pas comme si vous aviez besoin de moi de toute façon, genre y a des tonnes de meilleurs joueurs

oui mais à part toi et maxence-brosssrd la 3ème place se joue entre les potes de fways et kirio qui jouent jamais au jeu (serena en l'occurence) donc c'est dommage de ne pas prendre l'opportunité de représenter ton pays sachant que tu le mérites vu ton affection pour le jeu et ton activité

à part ça y'a +2 en tier all

literal peer pressure 💀

What is the best custom track you have ever made (in MKPC)?

Messages 2283 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs29668 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom

PLS play my tracks and rate them 5 stars pls thx!!!!!!

Messages 2283 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs29668 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
no ;)

What do you think about homebrew?

Messages 2283 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs29668 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
not a fan of homebrew games but it's your best bet for playing hacks on og hardware (and anyway emus exist, it's not any more or less moral)

the last of me

Messages 2283 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs29668 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
osc-omb wrote:
dont even know who you are


what're you laughing at.

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