This account has been banned.
fepkvneip's profile
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5000 pts - Novice[?] - 10385th
13 messages - Koopa[?]
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United States
Registered since 2023-03-30
Last connection: 2023-03-30
Last messages on the forum:
On 2023-03-30 at 20:55:59 in Meme of the Day
chucks Please Stop! This Argument Might Be Your Last
i got proxies, and if i do get banned, it show how much of a power trip the moderators on here have
I had to ban bots that had invaded the site for hours, I don't mind having to ban you for 10 minutes
do you have like homework to do or something?
On 2023-03-30 at 20:53:15 in Meme of the Day
chucks Please Stop! This Argument Might Be Your Last
i got proxies, and if i do get banned, it show how much of a power trip the moderators on here have
On 2023-03-30 at 20:51:49 in Meme of the Day
this is some straight r**dit grabage tier stuff
Well, It's Kinda Hard To Find Good Memes These Days Because Most Of The Good Ones Were Already Posted
the reason is because the only ''memes'' people like you find as well as find funny usually for from t***er and r***it. maybe if you looked in places that can produce quality stuff, (4chan) you would be more satisfied
So you censor reddit and twitter but 4chan is the Holy grail of memes and shouldn't be censored. Explain your reasonings well and I may agree however I this current state I am inclined to disagree.
because they are that disgraceful their names do not deserve even a mention
ok f*******p
cope more pedophile
dude i'm 15 i can't be a pedophile since i'm not an adult :genius:
your profile picture speaks of your future, and it's not a good one
It's always better than your future, since it's as non-existent as your pfp
so you would rather be a pedophile? that's pretty messed up......