Tupi's profile
General stats
0 following
6026 pts - Racer[?] - 23884th
5000 pts - Novice[?] - 10385th
150cc: 33 pts - 7 records - 725th
200cc: 5 pts - 2 records - 830th
1 message - Goomba[?]
5 created circuits - 0 cups
0 shared characters
0 comments on circuits
0 topics followed
Description :
I like mkwii
United States
18 years old
(Born on 2006-10-20)
Registered since 2023-09-11
Last connection: 2024-04-29
Last messages on the forum:
On 2023-09-20 at 20:16:43 in Turning both directions while dr...
hey so im new to the community and in all of the fastest times on the TT leaderboards have people who start their drift in one direction but are able to turn both directions mid drift (for example holding a drift to the left but still being able to turn the kart to the right during the drift). im prob just out of the loop but if someone could explain what that actually is to me that would be greatly appreciated.
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Best created circuits:
Talladega 1 | filler 0 | loop 0 | Mario Circuit 2 | loop-dee-loop 2 |
See all their circuits
Best scores in time trial:
Rank | Class | Circuit | Character | Time |
131st | 200cc | Waluigi Pinball |
1:38:336 |
157th | 150cc | Waluigi Pinball |
1:48:448 |
282nd | 150cc | Peach Circuit |
1:14:034 |