gokutoofast's profile
General stats
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6062 pts - Racer[?] - 23245th
5000 pts - Novice[?] - 10385th
150cc: 2 pts - 1 record - 5095th
3 messages - Goomba[?]
0 created circuits - 0 cups
0 shared characters
0 comments on circuits
1 topic followed
United States
Registered since 2023-09-21
Last connection: 2023-09-26
Last messages on the forum:
On 2023-09-23 at 01:00:50 in the grand prix is too hard
Ok then you got top 1 in rankings I don't think so now SKILL ISSUE LOL
On 2023-09-22 at 16:07:34 in the grand prix is too hard
I been using dasiy to play the game and every time im in first one of the cpu's catches up to me fast even when im far away in 1st they catch up to me fast is. There a way to low the diffiult on there?
On 2023-09-22 at 15:30:53 in The CPU's have way too many adva...
So, In Grand Prix, The CPU has a Faster Cooldown, They are Faster than You slightly, And They accelerate Faster than You. And When they Get hit by a Blue Shell or Bob Omb, it takes them 25 Seconds to Cooldown. For You, it takes 30 Seconds. And if You are doing Stunts on a Jump, They will be Faster than You only by a Bit. These CPU's Must Be Fixed. I've Tolerated them Long Enough that I'm Sick of them. Please, get them Fixed.
i have the same problem too
See all their messages
No created circuit
Best scores in time trial:
Rank | Class | Circuit | Character | Time |
319th | 150cc | Ghost Valley 3 |
1:10:051 |