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Costa Rica
Registered since 2023-12-06
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On 2023-12-06 at 15:03:42 in [COLLAB FANFIC] MKPC Invasion (G...
reupload due to the original getting deleted
Prologue 1: Evil team
It's a nice and warm evening in south-west Isle Delfino. There's a lovely sunset on the beach. There, a group of people have just met.
Nudge: Can you tell us why you even invited us here and told us to get here as soon as possible.
Dark: It's not a matter of life and death after all.
Pianta: It actually is. Look at the news. Check your phone.
Nudge: Lemme see... Today (blah blah) posting gore (blah blah) Dark, Popplio, K, (blah blah) BANNED WHAT THE FUCK?
IlluZhion: I'd never post gore videos! (maybe...)
Pianta: Same for everyone. Somebody fucking framed us.
Popplio: But who? And why?
Pianta: I have no idea who and why somebody even considered doing that. One thing is for sure. This is MKPC, so that means they are going to fucking kill us.
K: You gotta be kidding me.
Pianta: Unluckily I'm not, and that's why I called all of you. We need to hide. And we'll find out who did this, no matter the cost.
IlluZhion: When I find this guy, we'll have a lot to talk about.
Popplio: Where are we going to hide?
Pianta: Right... *presses a hidden button*
Suddenly, the ground started shaking, and suddenly, a metal hatch appeared.
Pianta: Nope. This "hiding place" was created by Bowser's minions back in '02. But he was too stupid to hide, I guess. I stumbled upon it a few years ago. Remember, I lived here.
*opens the hatch*
Pianta: Make yourself at home!
When everyone entered, the group looked around the shelter.
Dark: Why is it so DARK and cold?
Popplio: And why is there so much dust?
IlluZhion: ...
Pianta: The food is here *points at cans*, and the water is here *points at life straws*.
K: Wow, there's a room for planning stuff!
Popplio: I found a small CRT.
Nudge: And a 128k modem with a Windows XP PC. I guess we won't be browsing the internet too fast.
Pianta: Oh, REALLY? I'm so happy I brought my usb stick. I have Half-Life 1&2, Heboris, CS 1.6, and many old games. One is for sure, we won't be bored here.
Dark: This shelter has literally 10 rooms.
IlluZhion: Good thing Bowser lived with his minions so we have 4 bedrooms.
Popplio: This "basement" is just filled to the brim with early 2000's equipment and electronics.
*Nudge's phone rings*
Nudge: Yes? They just checked our houses? They're searching for us? SHIT! *hangs up*
K: What will happen when we'll run out of food tho?
Dark: Don't worry, we still have friends. They know we wouldn't do this. We'll ask them for help.
IlluZhion: I don't know we can trust 'em tho. They can tell where we live or throw a GPS tracker into the food.
K: That means we can't have any help tho..
IlluZhion: Well, I was able to live in solitude for about 150 years…
Nudge: But you did meet Le-
IlluZhion: *blushes* Uhhhhhhhhhhhh…
IlluZhion: Should uhhhhhhhhhhh… I ask if Lemon wants to… y’know…
Nudge: You think about that girl way too much…
K: I agree, you talk about her like you two are married…
IlluZhion: Maybe I am, maybe I’m not…
Pianta: Ok y’all. We need to talk.
K: Ok, now you’re trolling us…
Nudge: They’re searching for us bro, we can’t leave now.
IlluZhion: Do you seriously think I give two fucks?! I was widowed THREE TIMES in the past goddamn year… I can’t risk that happening to Lemon as well…
Popplio: The thing is - they ain’t searching for Lemon. Only we were the users framed for all of that shit.
IlluZhion: Dude, why do you think I joined this pathetic gang?!
Pianta: So you say you'd rather be executed than alive?
IlluZhion: I’M NOT SAYING THAT PIANTA… I just care about my girlfriend, that’s all…
Nudge: Well i joined in order to commit murder, right now the only one i’ve killed is Fiery
Dark: No duh, he just left the island because he wanted to get some rest from AMOGUS
IlluZhion: I don’t care who’s dead so long as Lemon’s ok… What happened to Hiku-chan was horrific… And even now I’m still mourning…
K: Yeah, it was a bit too fast…
Dark: Maybe that’s why he can never keep up a relationship for lo- OK I’M JUST KIDDING!!!
Popplio: That’s a bit too far Dark…
Pianta: Shit’s getting DARK
K: It’s kinda true though, innit?
Nudge: That’s worse than cheating…
IlluZhion: I thought we were the bad guys, and here you are feeling pity for me… I despise you cretins…
Nudge: Here we go…
Popplio: Don’t tell me this is gonna end in bloodshed again…
K: If you guys continue I’mma get a ligma attack…
Dark: wtf is ligma
Dark: You’re such a fucking idiot
Pianta: I can’t believe he fell for it lmao
Popplio: You guys are so dirty minded… Boy I tell ya…
IlluZhion: If anyone dares to mention Lemon…
Nudge: Isn’t that what you want Lemon to do to you?
IlluZhion: If this doesn’t work out, I’m killing Nudge first…
K: Can we just get this over and done with before IlluZhion starts raging about how much he’s simping on Lemon…?
Nudge: I know right…
Dark: Then explain what you sent to-
IlluZhion: Ok, ok… Calm down the lot of ya…
Nudge: You’re such a paradox…
K: MKPC players trying not to start drama challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)
Pianta: By the way Nudge, how was your drama class?
Nudge: 💀
IlluZhion: I had drama as well…
Nudge: Well we know how well you do in that aspect…
Pianta: I know right? Each time someone brings Lemon up in a negative way he acts like he’s being possessed…
Dark: Um… he actually- 🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓
Prologue 1: Evil team
It's a nice and warm evening in south-west Isle Delfino. There's a lovely sunset on the beach. There, a group of people have just met.
Nudge: Can you tell us why you even invited us here and told us to get here as soon as possible.
Dark: It's not a matter of life and death after all.
Pianta: It actually is. Look at the news. Check your phone.
Nudge: Lemme see... Today (blah blah) posting gore (blah blah) Dark, Popplio, K, (blah blah) BANNED WHAT THE FUCK?
IlluZhion: I'd never post gore videos! (maybe...)
Pianta: Same for everyone. Somebody fucking framed us.
Popplio: But who? And why?
Pianta: I have no idea who and why somebody even considered doing that. One thing is for sure. This is MKPC, so that means they are going to fucking kill us.
K: You gotta be kidding me.
Pianta: Unluckily I'm not, and that's why I called all of you. We need to hide. And we'll find out who did this, no matter the cost.
IlluZhion: When I find this guy, we'll have a lot to talk about.
Popplio: Where are we going to hide?
Pianta: Right... *presses a hidden button*
Suddenly, the ground started shaking, and suddenly, a metal hatch appeared.
Pianta: Nope. This "hiding place" was created by Bowser's minions back in '02. But he was too stupid to hide, I guess. I stumbled upon it a few years ago. Remember, I lived here.
*opens the hatch*
Pianta: Make yourself at home!
When everyone entered, the group looked around the shelter.
Dark: Why is it so DARK and cold?
Popplio: And why is there so much dust?
IlluZhion: ...
Pianta: The food is here *points at cans*, and the water is here *points at life straws*.
K: Wow, there's a room for planning stuff!
Popplio: I found a small CRT.
Nudge: And a 128k modem with a Windows XP PC. I guess we won't be browsing the internet too fast.
Pianta: Oh, REALLY? I'm so happy I brought my usb stick. I have Half-Life 1&2, Heboris, CS 1.6, and many old games. One is for sure, we won't be bored here.
Dark: This shelter has literally 10 rooms.
IlluZhion: Good thing Bowser lived with his minions so we have 4 bedrooms.
Popplio: This "basement" is just filled to the brim with early 2000's equipment and electronics.
*Nudge's phone rings*
Nudge: Yes? They just checked our houses? They're searching for us? SHIT! *hangs up*
K: What will happen when we'll run out of food tho?
Dark: Don't worry, we still have friends. They know we wouldn't do this. We'll ask them for help.
IlluZhion: I don't know we can trust 'em tho. They can tell where we live or throw a GPS tracker into the food.
K: That means we can't have any help tho..
IlluZhion: Well, I was able to live in solitude for about 150 years…
Nudge: But you did meet Le-
IlluZhion: *blushes* Uhhhhhhhhhhhh…
IlluZhion: Should uhhhhhhhhhhh… I ask if Lemon wants to… y’know…
Nudge: You think about that girl way too much…
K: I agree, you talk about her like you two are married…
IlluZhion: Maybe I am, maybe I’m not…
Pianta: Ok y’all. We need to talk.
K: Ok, now you’re trolling us…
Nudge: They’re searching for us bro, we can’t leave now.
IlluZhion: Do you seriously think I give two fucks?! I was widowed THREE TIMES in the past goddamn year… I can’t risk that happening to Lemon as well…
Popplio: The thing is - they ain’t searching for Lemon. Only we were the users framed for all of that shit.
IlluZhion: Dude, why do you think I joined this pathetic gang?!
Pianta: So you say you'd rather be executed than alive?
IlluZhion: I’M NOT SAYING THAT PIANTA… I just care about my girlfriend, that’s all…
Nudge: Well i joined in order to commit murder, right now the only one i’ve killed is Fiery
Dark: No duh, he just left the island because he wanted to get some rest from AMOGUS
IlluZhion: I don’t care who’s dead so long as Lemon’s ok… What happened to Hiku-chan was horrific… And even now I’m still mourning…
K: Yeah, it was a bit too fast…
Dark: Maybe that’s why he can never keep up a relationship for lo- OK I’M JUST KIDDING!!!
Popplio: That’s a bit too far Dark…
Pianta: Shit’s getting DARK
K: It’s kinda true though, innit?
Nudge: That’s worse than cheating…
IlluZhion: I thought we were the bad guys, and here you are feeling pity for me… I despise you cretins…
Nudge: Here we go…
Popplio: Don’t tell me this is gonna end in bloodshed again…
K: If you guys continue I’mma get a ligma attack…
Dark: wtf is ligma
Dark: You’re such a fucking idiot
Pianta: I can’t believe he fell for it lmao
Popplio: You guys are so dirty minded… Boy I tell ya…
IlluZhion: If anyone dares to mention Lemon…
Nudge: Isn’t that what you want Lemon to do to you?
IlluZhion: If this doesn’t work out, I’m killing Nudge first…
K: Can we just get this over and done with before IlluZhion starts raging about how much he’s simping on Lemon…?
Nudge: I know right…
Dark: Then explain what you sent to-
IlluZhion: Ok, ok… Calm down the lot of ya…
Nudge: You’re such a paradox…
K: MKPC players trying not to start drama challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)
Pianta: By the way Nudge, how was your drama class?
Nudge: 💀
IlluZhion: I had drama as well…
Nudge: Well we know how well you do in that aspect…
Pianta: I know right? Each time someone brings Lemon up in a negative way he acts like he’s being possessed…
Dark: Um… he actually- 🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓
On 2023-12-06 at 15:02:02 in [FANFIC] Zombie Survival
reupload due to the original getting deleted
Episode 4 Part 2: Identity Fraud
Up in the air, there is a airship. A airship containing shady fellows, or should I say GREEN shady fellows. Let’s see what’s going on inside the airship.
Zombie guard: walking towards someone’s cell My king, I have bad news. The prisoner has escaped.
Guard: Well, it clearly wasn’t going to be secure when they had a FIRE on their head and this airship is literally made of WOOD, King dickfuck.
King Zombie: Oh you’re going to pay for calling me that…
UnNESsary violence
IlluZhion: Alright script writer enough with the puns
Dark: Yeah! They’re so shit!
I will send you to the backrooms Dark
Dark: You know what, this is wasting my time…OH SHIT I DIED!
And let’s see what they’re talking about. Down below them…
The poor toad miserably lands on a tree and falls off right after
Fiery: If there’s any way I’m going to find the others, I have to call one of them. calls
Nudge: Hmmm… a call from Fiery and it doesn’t ring from where this Fiery is, fishy. Oh well…accepts call
Fiery: Alright it’s a long story. For short I got captured by zombies, escaped, and now I’m stranded and don’t know where you guys are.
Osc-omb: If you’re not here, that means we have a fucking impostor!
Fiery: Wait, hold on, WHAT?!
Nudge: It just so happens to turn out that there’s another Fiery here.
Fiery: Are you guys still in the safeplace?
Osc-omb: Yes fucking sir
Fiery: I’ll be there in a minute. hangs up They don’t seem to be up here. I should check for a basement. accidentally trips on the stairs OUCHY!
Ouchy: Yeah?
Fiery: I meant as in ow, not your name.
Ouchy: Aw man.
Fiery: Well look who we have here. Yeah bitch reveal yourself or else, I’ve learned how to strangle people.
Icery: Fine… It was just a prank man.
Fiery: Oh it was you… thought it was one of those zombies sending in an imposter that would eventually kill you guys.
Ralsei: Wait I’m confused, what is going on bitches?
Fiery: Basically, frenureignurgnegnjnngnergkjnmewfahedgdjakaksjakaka. Got that?
Ralsei: I shouldn’t have even asked that bitch.
Also up in the air…
no theres no starsplizz here
Back with the zombies…
King Zombie: So you all know what we’re we’re here for? We’re here because our prisoner has escaped and we’re angry. What should we do?
In the void…
xrunner: Oh hey guys i’m just having vacation here, what? I got zombified? Pffft, you must be seeing things. What? I have a thousand zombified puppets underground? Yeah alright fuck them lot I don’t give a shit about them.
Finally with IlluZhion…
Shifu: How long we gonna keep this up?
Hiku: Just until that bitch IlluZhion takes all the credit for himself yet again…
???: I can’t allow that.
Hiku: Wh-who just said that…?
???: Me.
The mysterious figure slices through the plot armor, killing Shifu and Hiku in the process
???: At long last, I’ve found my love…
IlluZhion: Ewww, I smell rotten flesh…
Lemon: Wait, they were ZOMBIES?!
IlluZhion: Fuck my hyperopia…
Lemon: Well, I did see something weird…
???: Hey, you two… Follow me.
IlluZhion: Who are you, anyway?
???: I can’t tell you just yet~
Lemon: How do we know we can trust you?
???: Because I know IlluZhion from… somewhere.
Lemon: Ok…
???: Now to get to the power grid and out again, right?
IlluZhion: Right. By the way, why are you helping us…?
???: Because of… who I am…
The mysterious figure takes off her cloak
IlluZhion: Wh-what?
Lemon: Oh no, not ANOTHER lover…
How the zombies captured Fiery…
King Zombie: So you, you sneak inside their bunker and kidnap Fiery!
Zombie: opens the window So all I have to do is just grab him? Huh, easy enough.
The zombie navigates the room. It snatchs Fiery but it meets someone else.
Zombie: who the fuck are you?
???: I can help you.
Zombie: With what shitass get to the point stop acting like you’re in a movie
???: Alright so you wanna kidnap Fiery? Well, I can turn into him and pose as him.
Zombie: Oh that is exactly what I need. I was wondering how they would react to no Fiery to have been seen.
Then the zombie maneuvers his way back to the King.
King Zombie: Excellent! Now throw him in the cell!
The zombie then yeets the hell out of Fiery
Fiery: Where am I? Where’s everyone else?
King Zombie: That doesn’t matter. What does matter is we need you for our world domination plan.
Fiery: Where IS everyone else? Where are they?
King Zombie: They’re safe and sound at the base, but they aren’t going to be for long.
Fiery: Fuck you and the rest of your species. Eat shit. ARRRRRRRRGH!
Guard Zombie: How long is he going to be out from that shock?
King Zombie: A couple of hours.
Down in Delfino…
Pianta: Just catched another criminal.
Chief of Police: Nice work, Pianta.
Pianta: When am I getting a raise?
Chief: Never.
Pianta: If you continue to underpay me, I’ll be forced to leave this place and go to another place.
Chief: Go on, you wouldn’t think of doing that.
Pianta: I booked a airplane.
Chief: You-You’re bluffing!
Pianta: Nuh uh uh, Chief. I’m leaving this place once and for all.
At the airport
Pianta: Finally, a day away from hard work and being underpaid.
Attention passengers, we have some turbulence. Please stay seated.
Zombies come from the captain’s bay
Pianta: Holy shit! I didn’t think I’d have to use my gun right now but I don’t got any other choice.
He misses his shots due to the plane having no pilot (there’s no auto-pilot)
???: What’s under this rubble? Wait, he’s familiar…OH SHIT IT’S PIANTA! PIANTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
Pianta: Huh? What. Who said my name?
Fiery: Oh thank goodness, it’s me, Fiery. Thank god you were okay, the zombies were trying to KILL you!
Pianta: Is it just you here? Where’s the others?
Fiery: Oh they’re ready in that helicopter, let’s join ‘em now.
Out in the sky (actually this time)
StarSplizz: Stay-Stay back! I can’t do anything, but for the love of god PLEASE stay back!
Zombies: Oh good, so you can’t retaliate when we hit you with a cannonball.
StarSplizz conveniently falls near the helicopter
Lely: Oh god, he’s badly bruised. Wait, he’s BLEEDING! Someone needs to get him checked! Immediately!
Fiery: I’ve had work before in a hospital. I know what to do when he’s bleeding. All I need are the right supplies…
Jenwren: Meow (Who’s going to be the pilot)
Pianta: I’ll handle this.
Episode 4 Part 2: Identity Fraud
Up in the air, there is a airship. A airship containing shady fellows, or should I say GREEN shady fellows. Let’s see what’s going on inside the airship.
Zombie guard: walking towards someone’s cell My king, I have bad news. The prisoner has escaped.
Guard: Well, it clearly wasn’t going to be secure when they had a FIRE on their head and this airship is literally made of WOOD, King dickfuck.
King Zombie: Oh you’re going to pay for calling me that…
UnNESsary violence
IlluZhion: Alright script writer enough with the puns
Dark: Yeah! They’re so shit!
I will send you to the backrooms Dark
Dark: You know what, this is wasting my time…OH SHIT I DIED!
And let’s see what they’re talking about. Down below them…
The poor toad miserably lands on a tree and falls off right after
Fiery: If there’s any way I’m going to find the others, I have to call one of them. calls
Nudge: Hmmm… a call from Fiery and it doesn’t ring from where this Fiery is, fishy. Oh well…accepts call
Fiery: Alright it’s a long story. For short I got captured by zombies, escaped, and now I’m stranded and don’t know where you guys are.
Osc-omb: If you’re not here, that means we have a fucking impostor!
Fiery: Wait, hold on, WHAT?!
Nudge: It just so happens to turn out that there’s another Fiery here.
Fiery: Are you guys still in the safeplace?
Osc-omb: Yes fucking sir
Fiery: I’ll be there in a minute. hangs up They don’t seem to be up here. I should check for a basement. accidentally trips on the stairs OUCHY!
Ouchy: Yeah?
Fiery: I meant as in ow, not your name.
Ouchy: Aw man.
Fiery: Well look who we have here. Yeah bitch reveal yourself or else, I’ve learned how to strangle people.
Icery: Fine… It was just a prank man.
Fiery: Oh it was you… thought it was one of those zombies sending in an imposter that would eventually kill you guys.
Ralsei: Wait I’m confused, what is going on bitches?
Fiery: Basically, frenureignurgnegnjnngnergkjnmewfahedgdjakaksjakaka. Got that?
Ralsei: I shouldn’t have even asked that bitch.
Also up in the air…
no theres no starsplizz here
Back with the zombies…
King Zombie: So you all know what we’re we’re here for? We’re here because our prisoner has escaped and we’re angry. What should we do?
In the void…
xrunner: Oh hey guys i’m just having vacation here, what? I got zombified? Pffft, you must be seeing things. What? I have a thousand zombified puppets underground? Yeah alright fuck them lot I don’t give a shit about them.
Finally with IlluZhion…
Shifu: How long we gonna keep this up?
Hiku: Just until that bitch IlluZhion takes all the credit for himself yet again…
???: I can’t allow that.
Hiku: Wh-who just said that…?
???: Me.
The mysterious figure slices through the plot armor, killing Shifu and Hiku in the process
???: At long last, I’ve found my love…
IlluZhion: Ewww, I smell rotten flesh…
Lemon: Wait, they were ZOMBIES?!
IlluZhion: Fuck my hyperopia…
Lemon: Well, I did see something weird…
???: Hey, you two… Follow me.
IlluZhion: Who are you, anyway?
???: I can’t tell you just yet~
Lemon: How do we know we can trust you?
???: Because I know IlluZhion from… somewhere.
Lemon: Ok…
???: Now to get to the power grid and out again, right?
IlluZhion: Right. By the way, why are you helping us…?
???: Because of… who I am…
The mysterious figure takes off her cloak
IlluZhion: Wh-what?
Lemon: Oh no, not ANOTHER lover…
How the zombies captured Fiery…
King Zombie: So you, you sneak inside their bunker and kidnap Fiery!
Zombie: opens the window So all I have to do is just grab him? Huh, easy enough.
The zombie navigates the room. It snatchs Fiery but it meets someone else.
Zombie: who the fuck are you?
???: I can help you.
Zombie: With what shitass get to the point stop acting like you’re in a movie
???: Alright so you wanna kidnap Fiery? Well, I can turn into him and pose as him.
Zombie: Oh that is exactly what I need. I was wondering how they would react to no Fiery to have been seen.
Then the zombie maneuvers his way back to the King.
King Zombie: Excellent! Now throw him in the cell!
The zombie then yeets the hell out of Fiery
Fiery: Where am I? Where’s everyone else?
King Zombie: That doesn’t matter. What does matter is we need you for our world domination plan.
Fiery: Where IS everyone else? Where are they?
King Zombie: They’re safe and sound at the base, but they aren’t going to be for long.
Fiery: Fuck you and the rest of your species. Eat shit. ARRRRRRRRGH!
Guard Zombie: How long is he going to be out from that shock?
King Zombie: A couple of hours.
Down in Delfino…
Pianta: Just catched another criminal.
Chief of Police: Nice work, Pianta.
Pianta: When am I getting a raise?
Chief: Never.
Pianta: If you continue to underpay me, I’ll be forced to leave this place and go to another place.
Chief: Go on, you wouldn’t think of doing that.
Pianta: I booked a airplane.
Chief: You-You’re bluffing!
Pianta: Nuh uh uh, Chief. I’m leaving this place once and for all.
At the airport
Pianta: Finally, a day away from hard work and being underpaid.
Attention passengers, we have some turbulence. Please stay seated.
Zombies come from the captain’s bay
Pianta: Holy shit! I didn’t think I’d have to use my gun right now but I don’t got any other choice.
He misses his shots due to the plane having no pilot (there’s no auto-pilot)
???: What’s under this rubble? Wait, he’s familiar…OH SHIT IT’S PIANTA! PIANTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
Pianta: Huh? What. Who said my name?
Fiery: Oh thank goodness, it’s me, Fiery. Thank god you were okay, the zombies were trying to KILL you!
Pianta: Is it just you here? Where’s the others?
Fiery: Oh they’re ready in that helicopter, let’s join ‘em now.
Out in the sky (actually this time)
StarSplizz: Stay-Stay back! I can’t do anything, but for the love of god PLEASE stay back!
Zombies: Oh good, so you can’t retaliate when we hit you with a cannonball.
StarSplizz conveniently falls near the helicopter
Lely: Oh god, he’s badly bruised. Wait, he’s BLEEDING! Someone needs to get him checked! Immediately!
Fiery: I’ve had work before in a hospital. I know what to do when he’s bleeding. All I need are the right supplies…
Jenwren: Meow (Who’s going to be the pilot)
Pianta: I’ll handle this.
On 2023-12-06 at 15:01:59 in [Fanfic] Alien Invasion
reupload due to the original getting deleted
Chapter 7: Part 2
After Dark sunk the ship, he went straight to the Adviser.
Dark: I’ve done it.
Adviser: Great, but we see that everyone survives. You need to get rid of them. We’ve tried sending aliens, but they can handle it.
Dark: I have a solution. A word that will kill anyone that will hear it. It’s (pause for dramatic effect) THE N WORD!!!!!!!
Adviser: Great news! We will send you where they are right now with some aliens. They’re still in the ruins of Daisy Cruiser. *passes him the tracking device*
Dark: Understood *flies out*
Meanwhile the team:
Osc: This fucker left us stranded in the middle of the sea! He’s such a dickhead innit
Noob: Well, it could be way worse.
Kirbo: What’s that DARK dot in the distance?
ER Mac: That’s Dark a-a-again. He came back for us! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
Fiery: We have a second vacuum, but how will we defend against him?
IlluZhion: There should be some weapons in the ruins. Lemme check… A-ha!
K: Why would they have a freaking sniper rifle on the ship?
Nudge: No idea. To fend off pirates? Doesn’t matter, give me that!
IlluZhion: What do you want to do with it? Shoot him?
Nudge: Exactly.
Kirbo: Shit, he’s close! He can reach us any second!
Lely: But wait, you will kill hi-
Too late. The team saw Dark falling down from the sky.
Lely: Oh my god…
Nudge: Better safe than sorry.
Kid: Get the vacuum and swim to him. He can still be alive.
After they reached Dark, they saw that the bullet went through his wing not hurting him at all.
StarSplizz: Turn on the vacuum!
Dark: NIG- *the ghost leaves him and goes into the vacuum*
ER Mac: What the fuck was that?
Max: I think it was the N word. It has the power to kill everyone that hears it.
Nudge: Unluckily, he couldn’t tell it to the Adviser because it would kill him. That’s a shame.
Dark: Uh….. What happened? Where am I?
SSG: You just sunk the whole ship.
Noob: And almost said the N word.
Dark: WOAH
Lely: Wait, what’s that in the distance?
TheOuchy1: The aliens are back…
Popplio: Oh my fucking god, they just can’t leave us, can them?
What is going to happen? Will the team be able to defeat the aliens? What about the ghost? Find out in Chapter 8.
and i forgot abt 🍋 lol
I will make EP8 if I finally stop fucking procrastinating
Expect a 80l ep soon ig
If i didnt include everyone tell me so i can make a list (exceptralsei kirbo and lemon
i will try to split the team so writing an ep will be easier cuz i dont want everyone to have 1 line
or kill some characters cuz its hard to split lines between 20 ppl
Chapter 7: Part 2
After Dark sunk the ship, he went straight to the Adviser.
Dark: I’ve done it.
Adviser: Great, but we see that everyone survives. You need to get rid of them. We’ve tried sending aliens, but they can handle it.
Dark: I have a solution. A word that will kill anyone that will hear it. It’s (pause for dramatic effect) THE N WORD!!!!!!!
Adviser: Great news! We will send you where they are right now with some aliens. They’re still in the ruins of Daisy Cruiser. *passes him the tracking device*
Dark: Understood *flies out*
Meanwhile the team:
Osc: This fucker left us stranded in the middle of the sea! He’s such a dickhead innit
Noob: Well, it could be way worse.
Kirbo: What’s that DARK dot in the distance?
ER Mac: That’s Dark a-a-again. He came back for us! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
Fiery: We have a second vacuum, but how will we defend against him?
IlluZhion: There should be some weapons in the ruins. Lemme check… A-ha!
K: Why would they have a freaking sniper rifle on the ship?
Nudge: No idea. To fend off pirates? Doesn’t matter, give me that!
IlluZhion: What do you want to do with it? Shoot him?
Nudge: Exactly.
Kirbo: Shit, he’s close! He can reach us any second!
Lely: But wait, you will kill hi-
Too late. The team saw Dark falling down from the sky.
Lely: Oh my god…
Nudge: Better safe than sorry.
Kid: Get the vacuum and swim to him. He can still be alive.
After they reached Dark, they saw that the bullet went through his wing not hurting him at all.
StarSplizz: Turn on the vacuum!
Dark: NIG- *the ghost leaves him and goes into the vacuum*
ER Mac: What the fuck was that?
Max: I think it was the N word. It has the power to kill everyone that hears it.
Nudge: Unluckily, he couldn’t tell it to the Adviser because it would kill him. That’s a shame.
Dark: Uh….. What happened? Where am I?
SSG: You just sunk the whole ship.
Noob: And almost said the N word.
Dark: WOAH
Lely: Wait, what’s that in the distance?
TheOuchy1: The aliens are back…
Popplio: Oh my fucking god, they just can’t leave us, can them?
What is going to happen? Will the team be able to defeat the aliens? What about the ghost? Find out in Chapter 8.
and i forgot abt 🍋 lol
I will make EP8 if I finally stop fucking procrastinating
Expect a 80l ep soon ig
If i didnt include everyone tell me so i can make a list (except
i will try to split the team so writing an ep will be easier cuz i dont want everyone to have 1 line
or kill some characters cuz its hard to split lines between 20 ppl