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lance_4_alt's profile
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United States
Registered since 2024-01-06
Last connection: 2024-01-06
Last messages on the forum:
On 2024-01-06 at 20:00:35 in [Collab] Mario Kart DS Remake
guess link dosnt work guess earch tick tock clock and put lanci pants studios for the author and it should show up
I guess it's this
Anyways it's complete mode so it's an obvious no
evryone is mean to us quic moders.. even the mods we have to do somthing about it
that would be hypocritical since i've done a LOT of Quick Mode tracks, also I wasn't mean in any way lmao
the way you said it we quickmodemakers arent appriciated enough lol
I'm not even sure it's grammatically correct lol, anyways idk why i'm arguing with you you're just some random kid (imo kids under 10 should not be on the internet beyond a few exceptions but that's not the point) and I need to SLEEP (like it's almost 3am where I live at least it's the week-end + wasn't at school last 2 weeks but again that's not the point)
can we all agree i'm going way too much off-topic ?
Unnecessary message, try to finish the debate and turn the phone off, we don't need to get all the information about your life
@lance4-_ first of all, who allowed you to speak on behalf of every quick mode track maker, because out there, you're the only one complaining-
Also, he wasn't mean to you, he just doesn't accept QM tracks into the collaboration. That's not being mean. Your track doesn't even look like the original version of TTC, and not even like the MKPC version. Of course it's not considered as a proper remake.
And yes quick mode makers are not as appreciated, because it's quick mode, it's simpler, easier, the tracks are less interesting, so they get less appreciation. It's logical and fair. Takes 15 to 20 minutes to make a track if you are careful about what you are doing in QM, but it can takes weeks or even months to create a Complete mode track. In which world would it be fair for QM tracks to get the same amount of recognition ?
On 2024-01-06 at 19:37:18 in item maker
idk how to code
On 2024-01-06 at 19:36:28 in JUSTICE FOR QUICKMODERS!!!!!!!
just wanna say this is a joke no offense to complete mode makers ill try complete mode once I find my iPad LMAO
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if you can complete this ur... 17 | choco plants on parade 0 | Metltin rink 1 | Cario circuit 0 | Minecraft hardcore 0 |
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go Cario!
Cario circuit : Complete the track in VS mode, without going backwards
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the seven seas
Metltin rink : Complete the track in 150cc class