/| Mario Kart PC |\

TheOrangeKid's profile

General stats

Followers1 follower
Following1 following
VS5000 pts - Novice[?] - 80156th
Battle5000 pts - Novice[?] - 10573rd
Forum messages1 message - GoombaGoomba[?]
10 created circuits - 2 cups
0 shared characters
3 comments on circuits
1 topic followed


Description :

I'm a member of the Mario Kart: EX team, the games owned by TheBeanGuyOfficial, check him out! (By the way, MKEX isn't finished yet!)
United States
150 years old (Born on 1875-01-01)
Registered since 2025-03-02
Last connection: 2025-03-02

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