calvinN64's profile
General stats
0 following
8321 pts - Expert[?] - 7860th
5494 pts - Novice[?] - 2157th
3 pts - 3 challenges won - 2004th
150cc: 2 pts - 1 record - 4690th
2 messages - Goomba[?]
15 created circuits - 3 cups
1 shared character
0 comments on circuits
0 topics followed
United States
Registered since 2019-12-25
Last connection: 2020-05-08
Last messages on the forum:
On 2020-05-04 at 00:29:58 in What's happened to Wolfy10?
Tis my girlfriend but she has not been on foreverShe's inactive since a few months.
I have no idea why, but since you're close of her maybe you know why?
On 2020-05-04 at 00:21:58 in Leaving MKPC
Hello. You may know me from the creation of CTGP-PC. I have come to a decision that I might leave the MKPC community, and play the game a lot less than I usually do.
It has come to my attention that I cause quite a lot of trouble in this community, because of my selfish actions in the past, and the countless arguments I have caused or gotten involved with. I believe from the moment I joined, the Discord chat has been slightly more toxic, because I encouraged others to make multicups, however I would be jealous of their success, causing arguments and fighting.
I want to apologise to Pluto and ProjectBlurple, as well as the rest of the MKPC community, and the moderators for giving you such a hard time on the Discord server.
Hopefully I can find a community as good as this one if I leave.
- Love, Mwenyu
It has come to my attention that I cause quite a lot of trouble in this community, because of my selfish actions in the past, and the countless arguments I have caused or gotten involved with. I believe from the moment I joined, the Discord chat has been slightly more toxic, because I encouraged others to make multicups, however I would be jealous of their success, causing arguments and fighting.
I want to apologise to Pluto and ProjectBlurple, as well as the rest of the MKPC community, and the moderators for giving you such a hard time on the Discord server.
Hopefully I can find a community as good as this one if I leave.
- Love, Mwenyu
Bonjour. Vous me connaissez peut-être depuis la création de CTGP-PC. J'ai pris la décision de quitter la communauté MKPC et de jouer au jeu beaucoup moins que d'habitude.
Il m'est venu à l'esprit que je causais beaucoup de problèmes dans cette communauté, à cause de mes actions égoïstes dans le passé et des innombrables arguments avec lesquels je me suis engagé ou je me suis impliqué. Je crois que depuis le moment où j'ai rejoint, le chat Discord a été légèrement plus toxique, car j'ai encouragé les autres à faire des multicups, mais je serais jaloux de leur succès, provoquant des disputes et des combats.
Je tiens à m'excuser auprès de Pluto et ProjectBlurple, ainsi que du reste de la communauté MKPC, et des modérateurs pour vous avoir donné du fil à retordre sur le serveur Discord.
J'espère que je pourrai trouver une communauté aussi bonne que celle-ci si je pars.
- Amour, Mwenyu
Il m'est venu à l'esprit que je causais beaucoup de problèmes dans cette communauté, à cause de mes actions égoïstes dans le passé et des innombrables arguments avec lesquels je me suis engagé ou je me suis impliqué. Je crois que depuis le moment où j'ai rejoint, le chat Discord a été légèrement plus toxique, car j'ai encouragé les autres à faire des multicups, mais je serais jaloux de leur succès, provoquant des disputes et des combats.
Je tiens à m'excuser auprès de Pluto et ProjectBlurple, ainsi que du reste de la communauté MKPC, et des modérateurs pour vous avoir donné du fil à retordre sur le serveur Discord.
J'espère que je pourrai trouver une communauté aussi bonne que celle-ci si je pars.
- Amour, Mwenyu
I'm quite sad to hear this new...
I don't think you are making the community toxic, I have seen every one of your arguments, it's mostly cause by the fact you can't take spam anymore, with multiple people asking you and insulting you because you don't want to add their works into yours. The toxic people are the ones who used your work to promote theirs, who tried to make your work theirs ("can you do a remake please", "can you add my track into your multicup", you have nothing to blame yourself here. I also do have troubles these days on MKPC, and sometimes, I want to quit. Did I quit? I have never quit MKPC because despite toxic players, I love this game and the community as a whole.
It would be a shame if you quit us because of 2 9 years old children.
I am glad to hear this. I guess I was just putting my down and blaming myself for everything. I guess I shall stay, and I will not let anyone disturb me. Thank you.
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Best created circuits:
toad's ghost house 1 | bowser castle2 0 | koopa circuit 1 0 | cup 3 0 | cup 2 0 |
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Last completed challenges:
SBK 1 - Time to Practice!
SBK - Raceway A : Complete the track in less than 1:35
Défi mini parc
Baby parc : Complete the track
With 8 participants
Défi zone bleu
Baby parc : Vous devez arrivez dans la zone bleu.
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Best scores in time trial:
Rank | Class | Circuit | Character | Time |
4979th | 150cc | Mario Circuit 1 |
0:52:873 |