GreenDucksFan's profile
General stats
7 following
8821 pts - Expert[?] - 6642nd
5213 pts - Novice[?] - 5028th
7 pts - 3 challenges won - 1460th
150cc: 4 pts - 1 record - 3605th
14 messages - Koopa[?]
28 created circuits - 7 cups
4 challenges created
0 shared characters
131 comments on circuits
0 topics followed
Description :
Hey! I am a loyal Green Ducks fan, having cheered on them since the start of their 2nd Marbula One season!
*This is a fan account*
*This is a fan account*
Registered since 2021-03-16
Last connection: 2023-05-06
Last messages on the forum:
On 2021-07-06 at 18:14:57 in I am in need of support.
Here we get to the point. One of his tracks (link later) had gotten some pretty critical/mean comments on it. We both had tried to defend the track, saying that it was based off a marble racing track (very true) and so why would it have item blocks, for example?
You are probably wondering why I did all this for one track. For one thing, this guy is my best friend and I want to try to defend his tracks that he made. For another thing, I want all of you player's input to see if it really is a piece of trash like these people are implying (I don't believe that).
For the people who commented on the track, don't get me wrong, I don't want to get you in trouble and I am not trying to be hateful. However, you should have looked at the previous comments on the post before posting so that you could see why the track was so simple (my friend only has a limited amount of track in the real world, and MKPC can be difficult to translate tracks to).
Thanks for reading!
I don't know what to say! thank you so much GreenDucksFan!
and Once again I will be working on adding an Item box version to all my tracks
That's what friends are for! I can't wait to see the item block version!
On 2021-07-06 at 18:14:25 in I am in need of support.
Here we get to the point. One of his tracks (link later) had gotten some pretty critical/mean comments on it. We both had tried to defend the track, saying that it was based off a marble racing track (very true) and so why would it have item blocks, for example?
You are probably wondering why I did all this for one track. For one thing, this guy is my best friend and I want to try to defend his tracks that he made. For another thing, I want all of you player's input to see if it really is a piece of trash like these people are implying (I don't believe that).
For the people who commented on the track, don't get me wrong, I don't want to get you in trouble and I am not trying to be hateful. However, you should have looked at the previous comments on the post before posting so that you could see why the track was so simple (my friend only has a limited amount of track in the real world, and MKPC can be difficult to translate tracks to).
Thanks for reading!
Sorry for what happening. I'm with you.
Thanks so much, LM_Lely!
On 2021-07-06 at 00:20:46 in I am in need of support.
I'm an Oceanics fan and I thought it was pretty cool! I am also a NASCAR fan so I like tracks without items. What marble track is it based off of?
Thanks so much for responding!
It isn't based off a track you would normally see in Marbula One or something, my friend built it for me at his house. I believe it is called the same thing as the circuit is called.
Totally off topic, but hello fellow NASCAR fan (#9 fan myself)!
See all their messages
Best created circuits:
The Daytona Cup 7 | Marble League 2021 Part 1 4 | The Daytona Tracks Cup 2 | Marble League 2021 Event 1:... 2 | Dark as Night 3 |
See all their circuits
Best created challenges:
The Simple Challenge
Daytona- Item Blocks : Finish in the 1st position in VS mode
With 8 participants
The Chocolatiers Challenge
Marble League 2021 Part 1 : Finish 1st 2 times in a row in VS mode
With 8 participants
The Green Ducks Challenge
Marble League 2021 Part 1 : Finish 1st 1 time in a row in VS mode, with 16 participants
See all their challenges
Last circuit comments:
The 5th challenge is, uh, taking a little longer than I anticipated due to a scoring error while I tried to verify it. I would appreciate requests for challenges, currently I have all 4 winners of each event's challenges, and I will have a challenge for the overall leaders after E4, but I would love to hear feedback and requests for more!
In Marble League 2021 Part 1 on 2021-11-23 at 02:20:19
I updated the 1st event, challenges coming very soon (once I complete them)!
In Marble League 2021 Part 1 on 2021-11-23 at 00:33:16
I guess a messy and chaotic cup is better than a cup that's boring and easy...
In trooom troom on 2021-10-09 at 23:06:41
See all their comments
Last completed challenges:
Marbula 1 First Half
Marbula 1 Part 1 : Make at least 30 points in 4 races with 16 participants
No teams
The Simple Challenge
The Grand Marble Tour GP 1-4 : Finish 1st 4 times in a row without touching item boxes, in different circuits
A Rookie Finish
The Grand Marble Tour GP 1-4 : Make at least 25 points in 4 races
See all completed challenges
Best scores in time trial:
Rank | Class | Circuit | Character | Time |
2884th | 150cc | Mario Circuit 1 |
0:46:669 |