7000's profile
General stats
1 follower
0 following
5000 pts - Novice[?] - 78378th
5000 pts - Novice[?] - 10388th
1 message - Goomba[?]
155 created circuits - 35 cups
7 shared characters
0 comments on circuits
0 topics followed
Description :
Ceci est le 7000e compte sur Mario Kart Pc à avoir été créé!!!
P-S: Regardez l'ID de ce compte
P-S: Regardez l'ID de ce compte
Registered since 2018-04-06
Last connection: 2023-06-23
Last messages on the forum:
On 2018-04-07 at 00:22:42 in Trouvailles en modifiant l'url
Ceci est les 7000e compte!!! (Regardez l'ID)
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Best created circuits:
Coronacircuit 75 | MKW1 Mario Circuit 94 | DS Circuit 8 | Excitebike Arena 25 | Pac-Maze 14 |
See all their circuits
Best created challenges:
Extreme Winner
Extreme Bowser Castle : Finish in the 1st position in VS mode, in 150cc class
In difficult mode, with 8 participants, no teams
Le cadeau de Luigi
MKW1 Mario Circuit : Luigi a un cadeau pour sa petite amie Daisy, hélas il l'a perdu en chemin! Où a-t'il pu l'égarer? in VS mode, without drifting, without touching item boxes, without using any item, with Luigi, by falling at most 1 time, without making tricks, in less than 31s, by starting with 10s delay
In difficult mode, with 8 participants, no teams
SNES Battle Arena 2
Battle Arena Fusion : Go in the water