TopInTop's profile
General stats
0 following
5000 pts - Novice[?] - 78363rd
5000 pts - Novice[?] - 10385th
15 messages - Koopa[?]
334 created circuits - 68 cups
54 shared characters
0 comments on circuits
0 topics followed
Registered since 2018-05-16
Last connection: 2018-05-22
Last messages on the forum:
On 2018-05-22 at 19:24:05 in TopInTop! (Sciences, découvertes...
1 vue...
ya pas de "vue"
Mais j'ai jamais écrit sa !!
PTDR t'as supprimer ton message
On 2018-05-21 at 14:22:53 in TopInTop! (Sciences, découvertes...
hmmmmmm intéressant...1 like et 1 réabonne !
On 2018-05-21 at 13:53:39 in TopInTop! (Sciences, découvertes...
+1 like
^^ (PS: quand vous mettez 1 like il y a 1 réabo auto)
See all their messages
Best created circuits:
Bundle Mario Kart 1, 2, 3 &... 45 | Mario Circuit 38 | Mario Kart 3 (O) 38 | Sydney Sprint 39 | Mario Kart 4 (O) 42 |
See all their circuits
Best created challenges:
Yummy mushrooms
Mario Circuit : Pick every mushroom on the ground in VS mode, in 50cc class, without being hit by any item, with Mario, while constantly accelerating
Mario Kart 4 (O) - Mario Club : Complete the track in less than 1:17 in Time Trial mode, in 150cc class
Right-handed coin collector
Delfino Square : Collect all coins in VS mode, without turning left, without drifting, without going backwards