quinquisada's profile
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United States
Registered since 2022-12-08
Last connection: 2022-12-11
Last messages on the forum:
On 2022-12-08 at 21:51:54 in Todays my Birthday
We are born with you on the same day. I’ve been browsing different forum threads and ran into yours. It caught my attention coz we were born on the same day. Although, I’ve discovered it a bit too late about it.
So, happy belated birthday, twin. Although I have no idea who you are.
I wonder how did you spend your special day? I was completely alone on my birthday in a new city. My old friends send me gift baskets from here full of different wines. So, at least I didn’t feel so lonely.
So, happy belated birthday, twin. Although I have no idea who you are.
I wonder how did you spend your special day? I was completely alone on my birthday in a new city. My old friends send me gift baskets from here full of different wines. So, at least I didn’t feel so lonely.