lorenzo-_compte_temporaire_-'s profile
General stats
1 follower
2 following
5000 pts - Novice[?] - 78363rd
5000 pts - Novice[?] - 10385th
2 messages - Goomba[?]
414 created circuits - 38 cups
28 shared characters
1 comment on circuits
0 topics followed
Registered since 2018-07-22
Last connection: 2018-07-22
Last messages on the forum:
On 2018-07-22 at 17:14:34 in topic des blague
On 2018-07-22 at 15:35:34 in super mario kart tournament ! :D
alors les amis salut ! on se retrouve ici pour un tournament alors juste demandez aux admins de modifier mon message pour vous inscrire donc il vous faudra:mk8 et mk7 et
il vous faudra aller en online !
See all their messages
Best created circuits:
test circle course 14 | chateau de bowser 1 (custom... 2 | 2008g,bernard_l_ermite,Supe... 0 | chateau de veethan 4 | Labyrinthe stylé 13 |
See all their circuits
Best created challenges:
île yoshy2004 : Prendre le seul passage secret du stage in VS mode, with Funky-kong
ah ben vous voyez,waluigi c le meilleur !!!
WALUIGI NEEDS TO BE IN SMASH ULTIMATE : Finish in the 1st position with Waluigi
In difficult mode
65 hell
N64 Autodrome mario : Finish in the 1st position in VS mode, with 65 participants
In difficult mode