heeher's profile
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1 message - Goomba[?]
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United States
Registered since 2022-12-20
Last connection: 2023-02-24
Last messages on the forum:
On 2023-01-11 at 04:22:37 in [Fanfic] MKPC Gore (Current: MKP...
Dear Nudge,
Hello there! I was one of the readers of your fanfic and I must say I enjoyed it very much. I read the first part with a few friends on call and we had the time of our lives. So I must say, would you kindly consider adding more to the fanfic so we can begin reading the second part? I would want nothing more than to read it with my friends and have the time of my life.
-best wishes,
Your biggest fan
Hello there! I was one of the readers of your fanfic and I must say I enjoyed it very much. I read the first part with a few friends on call and we had the time of our lives. So I must say, would you kindly consider adding more to the fanfic so we can begin reading the second part? I would want nothing more than to read it with my friends and have the time of my life.
-best wishes,
Your biggest fan