This account has been banned.
ILOVEMKPC's profile
General stats
1 follower
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5948 pts - Novice[?] - 25388th
5000 pts - Novice[?] - 10388th
14 messages - Koopa[?]
0 created circuits - 0 cups
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1 topic followed
United States
Registered since 2023-07-14
Last connection: 2023-07-14
Last messages on the forum:
On 2023-07-14 at 20:59:51 in Report @SuperYoshiKart!! He call...
PLEASE ;DONT BAN ME ILL BE GOOD!!!! one more chance
Wait, then what the hell is this? If you're new, you wouldn't need another chance, you'd have a clean sheet.
man Rasta Routah is really a smart man , you cannot foool the old creeep , i respect you for that , you would make one of the greatest private investigator in the world your IQ is clealry of 450. you are good person and an even better player. what a legend Rasta roster
Could you drop the Rasta? And highest recorded IQ is only 238, 450 is literally impossible
RIsty Rasta
On 2023-07-14 at 20:34:51 in Report @SuperYoshiKart!! He call...
On 2023-07-14 at 20:32:02 in Report @SuperYoshiKart!! He call...
Ah ROster! Because i read the threads silly goose! He seemed like a good person who wanted to play MK Online and got rooped into something more. Not his fault but im sure he learned his lesson. I hope he is okay and doing better things beyond the MKPC world
You sure? That's a big coincidence then. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.
Also, why did you cancel the race?
You took too long bucko