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supersaga's profile
General stats
3 following
15363 pts - Master[?] - 830th
9142 pts - Expert[?] - 124th
5 pts - 5 challenges won - 1681st
33 messages - Koopa[?]
5 created circuits - 0 cups
0 shared characters
15 comments on circuits
0 topics followed
Description :
on the rise to being one of the best to have ever played this game
United States
22 years old
(Born on 2002-12-17)
Registered since 2021-03-01
Last connection: 2021-04-16
Last messages on the forum:
On 2021-04-15 at 07:05:03 in why is everyone butt hurt about ...
If that's how supersaga and princess lucky wish to communicate between themselves, that's fine with me. However, I urge you two to please take into account that people can and will view your personal conversations as hostility as opposed to amicable debates.
I'm not wastin my breath with kids dude
talk english and stop being such a brat bro ur like ten we are over 20 can u just stop being so dumb
Saying stuff like this really makes you look like the audience you're bemoaning.
be quiet you educated moron
shut ur monkey ass up hoe let him talk that's why i beat u 17 times in row poached ape @supersaga
that's why you beg me to clap your cheeks every night, especially a couple mins ago, white hoe
On 2021-04-15 at 07:03:23 in why is everyone butt hurt about ...
If that's how supersaga and princess lucky wish to communicate between themselves, that's fine with me. However, I urge you two to please take into account that people can and will view your personal conversations as hostility as opposed to amicable debates.
I'm not wastin my breath with kids dude
talk english and stop being such a brat bro ur like ten we are over 20 can u just stop being so dumb
Saying stuff like this really makes you look like the audience you're bemoaning.
be quiet you educated moron
On 2021-04-15 at 06:58:32 in why is everyone butt hurt about ...
If that's how supersaga and princess lucky wish to communicate between themselves, that's fine with me. However, I urge you two to please take into account that people can and will view your personal conversations as hostility as opposed to amicable debates.
I'm not wastin my breath with kids dude
talk english and stop being such a brat bro ur like ten we are over 20 can u just stop being so dumb
Saying stuff like this really makes you look like the audience you're bemoaning.
be quiet you educated moron
See all their messages
Best created circuits:
THWOMP TAKEOVER 1 | showdown: lava shootout 6 | the tryout 11 | bigbodiroad 0 | showndown: sandy cheek clap 0 |
See all their circuits
Last circuit comments:
aye moi et elle parlent comme ça de toute façon alors ne t'inquiète pas pour ce pote, et ils parlaient de la merde avant que tu ne viennes
In the tryout on 2021-04-13 at 20:18:16
no the nickname will send you to my profile
In the tryout on 2021-04-13 at 02:55:39
yeah that was my old nickname
In the tryout on 2021-04-13 at 02:38:14