What's the Reverse Drift and how do you do it?
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On 2023-07-26 at 12:46:52
While playing online some people told me about a "reverse drift" but I don't know how to make it and I don't even know what it is...
If anyone could tell me more about it that could be pretty nice
If anyone could tell me more about it that could be pretty nice
On 2023-07-26 at 12:56:16
"Reverse drifting" is a technique generally used by competitive players in time trial or online mode. It involves constant drifting while alternating between pressing up and down. It is done to get constant bursts of speed and better handling.
On 2023-07-26 at 13:13:27
So all I have to do is pressing Up and Down during and Drift, alright imma try
On 2023-10-17 at 00:16:19
On 2023-10-17 at 00:22:10
So all I have to do is pressing Up and Down during and Drift, alright imma try
bro learned rd only 3 months ago and is already doing this.. INCREDIBLE
On 2023-10-17 at 00:23:44
So all I have to do is pressing Up and Down during and Drift, alright imma try
bro learned rd only 3 months ago and is already doing this.. INCREDIBLE
Yeah I did, but I still have a lot to discover to get as good as you and other players
On 2023-10-17 at 16:40:31
Useless message + not the correct topic
But don't worry about it too much, you are new so I can't really blame you, just read these and you'll be fine https://mkpc.malahieude.net/topic.php?topic=2448
On 2023-10-17 at 16:48:14
Nodac taking 3 months to become a pro VS me taking almost 2 years to learn and master rd, without even being semi-pro
On 2023-10-17 at 16:58:12
Nodac taking 3 months to become a pro VS me taking almost 2 years to learn and master rd, without even being semi-pro
depuis quand nodac est un pro, il devient très bon mais pas encore un pro imo
sinon moi hardstuck au même level depus 5 mois on en parle ?
On 2023-10-17 at 17:20:55
Reverse drifting is a weird technique, where you turn the direction you want, but when it shallows out, you go in the opposite direction too, and I can't explain it much, and it's not actually that hard to learn. I learned 11 months ago.
On 2023-10-17 at 19:08:49
Nodac taking 3 months to become a pro VS me taking almost 2 years to learn and master rd, without even being semi-pro
depuis quand nodac est un pro, il devient très bon mais pas encore un pro imo
sinon moi hardstuck au même level depus 5 mois on en parle ?
Un pro c'est pas pareil qu'un top tier, les 5 top tiers tu les connais les pros t'en connais certains, toi par exemple t'es au rang en dessous de "Bro didn't even try"
On 2023-11-10 at 14:00:58
Click on S or Down Arrow and go to 3rd Person (Front)
French For you who don’t speak English:
Cliquez sur S ou sur la flèche vers le bas et accédez à la 3ème personne (avant)
French For you who don’t speak English:
Cliquez sur S ou sur la flèche vers le bas et accédez à la 3ème personne (avant)
On 2023-11-10 at 14:43:08
Reverse drifting is a technique that can be difficult to master, but it gets easier. I learned in October 2022. It's like normal drifting, but you constantly tap the key in the opposite direction as you drift. It's like snaking, but you mostly just use Super MT's
On 2023-11-10 at 15:21:49
hmmmm... he learned since and he's now quite good, just for your information
On 2023-11-21 at 22:56:17
Can someone teach me
On 2023-11-21 at 23:09:28
On 2023-12-17 at 06:06:37
I've already got the basics of reverse drifting [im pretty sure], although I can only reverse drift to the left with both the forwards and backwards keys being pressed, when I do it to the right, I can only rd with the backwards key being pressed. It still makes me go faster both directions, I just rd to the left better. Oh and I keep hitting walls over and over and OVER again. But that is to be expected, isnt it?
On 2023-12-17 at 09:17:44
i kinda suck at rd so i just stick to snaking
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