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[FANFIC] The past and future of MKPC (That actually too much FanFic)

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Messages 4273 - King Mario King Mario
vs37566 pts ★ Legend
battle16643 pts ★ Master
Yeah,what is the story basically : People will try to understand why bad peoples try to sow chaos in the world of MKPC, for that, they will try to travel in time: The past to understand what happened, and the future to see the consequences

If you want to join :

Your Name in the Fanfic (obligatory)

Personality and ability (Not obligatory)

And if you are in the :

Neutral :
Me (MisterCringeh) Im powerful, can make a lot of large elements appear: black hole, etc...
Goonoo, can't speak but read in the mind of people (since he didnt what team he is, he is Neutral
xrunner48, Noclip, Unmatched Reaction Times.

Bad team :
Nudge, good power and climbing
Popplio, Can blow bubbles with his nose
Brint, Can summon stuff like bridges and what not
Dietsoda, Very good eyesight, great with a bow, good at tracking.

Good team :
Cosmo, Can fly, can summon other Lumas to come fight.
Lely, switch to his stronger alter ego
Max,Can instantly heal someone but this power costs a lot of energy, to the point that sometimes it can even pass out, so I only use it in an emergency
and make things levitate but the heavier it is the more complicated it is

pingouin33, can turn into an animal

And your color

If you dont want to join I respect that

PS : I love saying "Bread."
Messages 314 - Peach Peach
vs15324 pts ★ Master
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
Name: Cosmo
Personality: Kind, doesn't shut up, easily scared
Abilities: Can fly, can summon other Lumas to come fight.
Good Team
Color: Dark blue
Messages 10065 - King Mario King Mario
vs35405 pts ★ Legend
battle6102 pts ★ Racer
There's DEFINITIVELY too much fanfics now
Surprisingly they're way darker than what we used to see, a lot of them includes death or blood, darker plots, chaos...
I guess winter is a tough time to everyone...
Name : Lely
Ability : switch to my stronger alter ego
Color: Green
Side : Good
Messages 5031 - King Mario King Mario
vs47334 pts ★ Titan
battle6798 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
Name: Nudge
Color: #F60
Personality: Smart, evil, slightly psycopathic, likes fidgeting with things
Species: Humanoid Bunny
Powrs/abilities: Claws - Allows good power and climbing
Side: Bad team
Messages 1091 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
Yeah,what is the story basically : People will try to understand why bad peoples try to sow chaos in the world of MKPC, for that, they will try to travel in time: The past to understand what happened, and the future to see the consequences

If you want to join :

Your Name in the Fanfic (obligatory)

Personality and ability (Not obligatory)

And if you are in the :

Neutral :
Me (MisterCringeh) Im powerful, can make a lot of large elements appear: black hole, etc...

Bad team :

Good team :
Cosmo, Can fly, can summon other Lumas to come fight.
Lely, switch to his stronger alter ego
And your color

If you dont want to join I respect that

Bad team, please

Name: Popplio
Personality: Check MKPCverse (season 1)
Abilities: Can blow bubbles with his nose
Species: Popplio
Messages 360 - Luigi Luigi
vs10268 pts ★ Champion
battle4991 pts ★ Budding pilot
United States
Name Brint
Personality Creative
Powers Can summon stuff like bridges and what not
Side Evil
Color Pink
Messages 202 - Toad Toad
I cant speak, but i can see in the thoughts
Light Green
Messages 4273 - King Mario King Mario
vs37566 pts ★ Legend
battle16643 pts ★ Master
Episode 1 : The Beggining

*TV : this morning, a bank was robbed and houses were blown up, the criminals doing these actions were placed in prison before escaping, their was according to them "because of the past"*

Cosmo : Oh no ! I hope it wont happend to me, there is a big chan-

Lely : Shh, please im listening

*TV : Their landmark is not far from this place (show the photo) so please stay safe*

Cosmo : I recognize this picture...

Nudge : Yeah... Maybe its one of us?

Cosmo : And why not you? You're the only one to react like that, and as some people say: the first to react is-

Goonoo : ... *That suspect how Nudge react?*

Lely : Maybe its no one.

Popplio : Let's forgot what Nudge said

Brint : Ah

And on the side of MisterCringeh :

MisterCringeh : I feel like I need to react about it, but i just need proof, I seem to recognize the photo... I need to find this house

At this moment...

Nudge : So what does Goonoo want to explain since he can't talk? Are you telling me I'm the guy who burned all this? On TV they said they were more than 1 people

Lely : ENOUGH ! Listen guys let- Someone is ringing at the door

MisterCringeh : Hello ! I come here as fast as I can, listen me : I am trying to solve that problem that I heard on the TV, I need you guys to help me on this, because you guys are concerned about it, so you guys are with me?

Lely : Yes !

Cosmo : Yes ! Obviously because-

Nudge : Yes ! Oh sorry you was telling something?

Cosmo : Nevermind ok?

Popplio : Yes

Brint : No... I mean yes !

Goonoo : *yes*

MisterCringeh : Ok so, come with me

At the MisterCringeh's base

MisterCringeh : OK so 2 months ago I was working on a time machine that is not finished, you wonder why? I don't know, but I thought, and I wonder if with the machine if we could go back to see what happened, so I sat down, and I tried to look at the photo on TV, and I saw a date and I said to myself if it is not the date of this incident

Cosmo : Yes, I tried to figure out how to make it a time travel thanks to Nudge and Brint, and I found how to do it

Lely : So we can try

Popplio : Hey, I was thinking, what will be happening on the future if we can see something interesing

Nudge : HEY ! That was my idea !

Goonoo : *😂😂*

2nd episode soon...
Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75214 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
(Je réponds en français car flemme de faire en anglais et puis tu es français donc voilà hap)

Nom : Max
Couleur : La mĂȘme que d'habitude :p
Personnalité : bla bla bla reprends juste celles d'autres fanfics
EspĂšce : Photo de profil foxgirl thing pour faire simple
Pouvoirs : Peut soigner instantanĂ©ment quelqu'un mais ce pouvoir me coute Ă©normĂ©ment d'Ă©nergie, au point que des fois je peux mĂȘme m'Ă©vanouir, ce qui fait que je ne l'utilise qu'en cas d'urgence
Ah et je peux faire lĂ©viter des trucs mais plus c'est lourd plus c'est compliquĂ© (faut pas que ça soit trop abusĂ© quand mĂȘme hap pour tout dire au dĂ©but il n'y avait pas ça donc les dĂ©veloppeurs on dĂ» faire une mise Ă  jour pour rĂ©Ă©quilibrer les stats)
Camp : Good Team
Messages 1145 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14161 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
South Africa
Name: Dietsoda

Colour: Crimson

Species: elf (Wood elf more specifically.)

Personality: doesn't really like working with others and will constantly 'mock' them although actually consider it banter and not take anything said back too harshly. Will also call humans and other species with lifespans lower than 100 years 'mayflies' (An animal with an extremely short lifespan)

Skills/abilities: Very good eyesight, great with a bow, good at tracking.

Team: neutral or evil. Probably evil.
Messages 1717 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
I'm on neutral!
Name: xrunner48
Colour: Violet
Personality: Look around at other fanfics and take bits you think would work.
Abilities: Noclip (can walk through things like walls, people and bullets), Unmatched Reaction Times.
Messages 1091 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
I forgor to say lol, my colour is blue
Messages 4273 - King Mario King Mario
vs37566 pts ★ Legend
battle16643 pts ★ Master
Would you rather a :
Bad ending


Good ending
Messages 202 - Toad Toad
La mauvaise fin je préfÚre
Messages 4273 - King Mario King Mario
vs37566 pts ★ Legend
battle16643 pts ★ Master
Goonoo wrote:
La mauvaise fin je préfÚre

Ah, with the votes, the bad ending is selected, the sequel will be released tomorrow
Messages 202 - Toad Toad
Par contre y'a beaucoup de trop de fanfic j'ai remarqué
Messages 4273 - King Mario King Mario
vs37566 pts ★ Legend
battle16643 pts ★ Master
Goonoo wrote:
Par contre y'a beaucoup de trop de fanfic j'ai remarqué

Je dis sa mais sa a dĂ©ja Ă©tĂ© dis, mais en mĂȘme temps jy suis pour rien
Messages 202 - Toad Toad
Goonoo wrote:
Par contre y'a beaucoup de trop de fanfic j'ai remarqué

Je dis sa mais sa a dĂ©ja Ă©tĂ© dis, mais en mĂȘme temps jy suis pour rien

Ah, mais sinon est-ce que des gens vous mourir dans la fanfic
Messages 4273 - King Mario King Mario
vs37566 pts ★ Legend
battle16643 pts ★ Master
Goonoo wrote:
Goonoo wrote:
Par contre y'a beaucoup de trop de fanfic j'ai remarqué

Je dis sa mais sa a dĂ©ja Ă©tĂ© dis, mais en mĂȘme temps jy suis pour rien

Ah, mais sinon est-ce que des gens vous mourir dans la fanfic

Peut ĂȘtre aprĂšs sa dĂ©pend surtout quel fin a Ă©tĂ© votĂ©
Messages 202 - Toad Toad
Goonoo wrote:
Goonoo wrote:
Par contre y'a beaucoup de trop de fanfic j'ai remarqué

Je dis sa mais sa a dĂ©ja Ă©tĂ© dis, mais en mĂȘme temps jy suis pour rien

Ah, mais sinon est-ce que des gens vous mourir dans la fanfic

Peut ĂȘtre aprĂšs sa dĂ©pend surtout quel fin a Ă©tĂ© votĂ©

Bon et sinon je suis le topic et je casse la chaine qui devient off-topic

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