How do i know if my character got accepeted in character creator

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On 2025-03-01 at 22:26:05
How do i know if my character got accepeted in character creator
On 2025-03-01 at 22:36:00
Your question doesn't make sense. You just make a character and press share. What do you mean by "accepted?"
On 2025-03-01 at 22:36:46
How do i know if my character got accepeted in character creator
If you share your character, it doesn't need to be validated or accepted. It's already there.
Challanges are the only thing that needs to be validated and i'm pretty sure you'll get a notification if it's accepted.

On 2025-03-01 at 23:31:20
How do i know if my character got accepeted in character creator
If you share your character, it doesn't need to be validated or accepted. It's already there.
Challanges are the only thing that needs to be validated and i'm pretty sure you'll get a notification if it's accepted.
Bro If you wanna make it public it goes through the mods. It does need to be validated (In case someone posts something reportworthy or *ahem* er, inappropriate...)

On 2025-03-01 at 23:53:45
How do i know if my character got accepeted in character creator
If you share your character, it doesn't need to be validated or accepted. It's already there.
Challanges are the only thing that needs to be validated and i'm pretty sure you'll get a notification if it's accepted.
Bro If you wanna make it public it goes through the mods. It does need to be validated (In case someone posts something reportworthy or *ahem* er, inappropriate...)
No? Well, *sigh* this is what I get from reading outdated info. Still, they do have rules. It'll be taken down if you don't obey them.
On 2025-03-02 at 00:01:46
How do i know if my character got accepeted in character creator
If you share your character, it doesn't need to be validated or accepted. It's already there.
Challanges are the only thing that needs to be validated and i'm pretty sure you'll get a notification if it's accepted.
Bro If you wanna make it public it goes through the mods. It does need to be validated (In case someone posts something reportworthy or *ahem* er, inappropriate...)
No? Well, *sigh* this is what I get from reading outdated info. Still, they do have rules. It'll be taken down if you don't obey them.
Okay, then follow the rules???
On 2025-03-02 at 00:07:10
How do i know if my character got accepeted in character creator
If you share your character, it doesn't need to be validated or accepted. It's already there.
Challanges are the only thing that needs to be validated and i'm pretty sure you'll get a notification if it's accepted.
Bro If you wanna make it public it goes through the mods. It does need to be validated (In case someone posts something reportworthy or *ahem* er, inappropriate...)
No? Well, *sigh* this is what I get from reading outdated info. Still, they do have rules. It'll be taken down if you don't obey them.
Okay, then follow the rules???
You're sure one to talk.

Anyway, there have been a few problems with the same character being published over and over. (Probably have what, 4 Sonics now? One's animated, one's sonic running but not animated, another's sonic in a shoe kart, etcetera, etcetera...)

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