Need help with YoshiKart PC MultiCup

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On 2025-03-24 at 22:18:33
I need help with custom characters for YoshiKart PC. Is anyone skilled at custom character making?

Educated Yoshi
(needs no image we all know what he looks like)

Gold Yoshi

So yeah.
Characters I Need
Educated Yoshi
(needs no image we all know what he looks like)
Gold Yoshi
So yeah.

On 2025-03-24 at 23:18:46
ill make boshi! 

On 2025-03-24 at 23:42:55
Might take me a while, but I can make Gold Yoshi for you.
Yesterday at 00:27:06
i can try shadow yoshi tmrw
Yesterday at 00:56:47
I just need to make educated yoshi, known as :genius:.
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