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On 2024-10-27 at 22:17:21
What are your thoughts on the KSI drama? I think lunchly causes cancer I would know I ate it and I have stage 23 lung cancer...
I LIKE THE FCKING MUSIC YOU IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pls shut up thx
Rate Nintendo Consoles
On 2024-07-08 at 13:19:05
Never disrespect the 2DS again it gave me access to this goated game and i'll be forever grateful it existed
me being biased asf but I don't care at all
I got given MK7 by it
Raconte tes meilleures blagues ! Tell your best jokes !
On 2023-02-03 at 17:30:09
So there was a hardworking man on his job. He was going to have lunch break, so he grabbed the sandwich out. While he was eating, he saw a radio saying “Take me with ya!” and he took it. The owner of the radio was then surprised to see his radio wasn’t there. He waited for the person with the radio to come back. When the man came back, he said “Why do you have my radio!” And he said “The radio said take me with ya!” The owner wasn’t believing him, so he turned on the radio and guess what it said.
On 2023-01-26 at 16:53:39
Quel est le fromage qui ressemble le plus a une banane mon vieux ? La Vache qui rit parce-que maintenant elle s'ouvre plus facilement !
Alors déjà :
1 - En quoi c'est supposé être drôle ?
2 - Ce qui est encore moins drôle c'est que tu as up un vieux topic mdr, je vais mettre à jour ton avertissement pour que ça soit clair
Je comprend pas comment c'est possible d'être autant aigri sérieusement chacun a son propre sens de l'humour et vu ton comportement de pseudo-dictateur sur le forum je me doutes pas du fait que l'humour c'est pas ton truc
"aigri" je note qu'il avait up un vieux topic et ce n'était pas la première fois, il l'a fait quasiment une dizaine de fois donc bon
"pseudo-dictateur" j'essaye juste de faire respecter les règles, après pas la première fois qu'on me reproche d'être trop strict mais bon
"chacun a son sens de l'humour" je ne dis pas le contraire, mais srx c'est quoi qui est drôle dans ce truc, on dirait presque une pub lmao
"l'humour c'est pas ton truc" ok j'ai peut-être un humour de merde mais au moins j'essaye d'être drôle au moins
(sans offense)
J'ai pas compris grand chose, mais je vois "virilité", "chad", "homme alpha", bon ok mais nobody asked for your opinion
le "nobody asked for your opinion" on peut aussi le sortir pour ton intervention foireuse sur la blague du mec, on aurait pu se passer de ton opinion + que pourri, ce genre de trucs tu peux le garder pour toi je pense
Et je me doute pas du fait que tu comprennes pas grand chose bizarrement
Alors le message était surtout sur le up de topics (puis pour le nombre j'ai confondu avec un autre membre mais lui ne doit pas être loin non plus)
Et sinon si j'ai pas compris c'est avec cette formulation bizarre et certains mots incompréhensibles
Et tes remarques tu peux aussi les garder pour toi, je rappelle que tu as un averto donc voilà
"formulation bizarre et certains mots incompréhensibles" Non non la formulation de mes phrases est correcte
Et puis l'averto j'en ai pas grand chose à foutre honnêtement, malheureusement tu peux pas me mettre la pression avec ça car je n'ai ni 10 ans ni qqch à faire de mon compte sur ce forum foireux rempli de cas sociaux
J'ai dit que la formulation était bizarre, pas qu'elle était incorrecte, nuance
Et bon ok l'averto ça te fait rien, ok, mais tu as quoi contre les cas sociaux ?
Je rappelle que tout le monde a des problèmes, y compris toi, y compris moi, y compris Wargor, y compris le compte numéro 38732 , donc bon voilà
Ce topic est peut-être vieux, mais c'est sur le sujet des blagues et peut le rester, pourquoi lock ce topic? Sont-ce les blagues qui te dérange?
Je pense que c'est plus dû au fait que le sujet était assez ancien et que les sujets anciens, lorsqu'ils sont relancés, sont généralement verrouillés.
Report problems with this game
On 2024-10-24 at 23:44:57
Ahem, attention, there's already a topic for that. I present to you
Bro that’s for users, he means reporting problems that are non-existent cuz hes just tryna be stupid
On 2024-10-19 at 18:35:58
One of the stupidest problems is that you can't do time trials on unshared quick mode tracks and you can't save them either and i have no idea what the creators of this game were thinking
They weren't thinking on cocaine dumbass like why would you need to save QM tracks they're supposed to be made quickly in one sitting. And also how about...sharing the track so then you can do time trials??? There's no reason to berate the creator of this game (only one dev his name is Wargor although Anthcny did add the POW block)
how to play geometry dash 2.2 free no restrictions
On 2024-03-31 at 00:57:46
it's windows only, and it's ridden with... strange ads, to say the least
Yeah well the strange ads aint on the bloody game I downloaded GD from there as a matter of fact
On 2024-03-31 at 00:55:21
How the heck am i (blank) at (blank)
On 2024-10-21 at 20:19:10
I am 37th on 200cc time trials??? (5th in UK)
200cc really means nothing in this game since like the main game is in 150cc, most players do online on 150cc and CT Lounge is on 150cc
MKPC City: The Return
On 2024-10-20 at 22:30:19
I am opening a new epic cinema that only plays object shows, £10 per person
Wasting budget bro
On 2024-10-15 at 17:44:34
Also just to say that crivility corporation workers will have to pay like 15 pounds for like one of all of our products
On 2024-07-26 at 13:39:43
(and for the love of god please do not use them to gamble we already had to deal with claire wasting all his money on gambling)
5 dollars a ticket!
i cant afford it
Well thats a skill issue dont see why you had to reply to RedPik instead of MNL you silly goose
On 2024-07-21 at 21:50:22
@ImJustLimey why you get 1st place in online places?
I love how related to roleplaying this is. Also bro who says stuff like that it's stupid
On 2024-07-14 at 09:15:18
(i am the ruler of yoshious empire in secret) some pro-tendo guy overthrew my government because of what i did against him and i need help getting my land back, which is why i resorted to mkpc city
so you got back what the empire lost to the wild fields?
yes, but then tendos minions posed a coup and took it over
DO NOT be allies with them they will take over mkpc city
one of my acquaintances overheard and let me know
we gotta take back it
Ah, you are running the Yoshious Empire? Well, fabulous then, since we removed Tendo’s shit and replaced it with yours. We’ll help you get back your lost land
On 2024-07-13 at 23:21:31
I thinks perhaps we could rename this to be MKPC Republic
On 2024-07-13 at 19:40:51
Project Yoshion is a success, the former Yoshious Empire has been removed of Tendo related stuff, now it has rebranded to Yoshion. Yoshion and coolguynation are now sister republics of our noble country. The new Discord server as well!
I just tried to acess thought the site but it forces me to install it and Family Link blocks it
Try make it function as desktop mode so you won't need to download the app
On 2024-07-13 at 19:20:39
Project Yoshion is a success, the former Yoshious Empire has been removed of Tendo related stuff, now it has rebranded to Yoshion. Yoshion and coolguynation are now sister republics of our noble country. The new Discord server as well!
On 2024-07-13 at 18:59:33
I cant participate on Discord..... what i do?
We'll include you in our council through MKPC DMs