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If you could add one update, what would it be?

Messages 10074 - King Mario King Mario
vs35405 pts ★ Legend
battle6102 pts ★ Racer
Undertaker wrote:
Make a Staff Position called Topic Validator to make sure bad topics won't be made on the forum.

And it's coming from you, so zero credibility. Jk In all seriousness, that would make the forum so much worse than before, what kind of bulshit is a forum where a topic needs to get validated to be created ? It not only ruins peopl's wills to create ones, and if the validator goes inactive, well... I think it's better to straight up lock bad topics and then that's it, restricting the access to create topics freely sounds very dumb tbh ; that wouldn't even be a forum anymore.

Mario is dead ? Mario est mort ?

Messages 10074 - King Mario King Mario
vs35405 pts ★ Legend
battle6102 pts ★ Racer
Le problème persiste aussi de mon côté, je ne vois pas trop d'où ça pourrait venir...

{Collab} Mario Kart: The Top 100

Messages 10074 - King Mario King Mario
vs35405 pts ★ Legend
battle6102 pts ★ Racer
Could I try Donut Plains 2 and Sky Garden ? :o

La rumeur ... ( il s'agit d'une erreur de proggrammation je crois )

Messages 10074 - King Mario King Mario
vs35405 pts ★ Legend
battle6102 pts ★ Racer
Invu wrote:
Le saut a été enlevé de la minimap

non , regarde par toi-même : le saut y est encore

Il n'y est plus, il a été enlevé graphiquement, je préfère ça que l'activer physiquement
Messages 10074 - King Mario King Mario
vs35405 pts ★ Legend
battle6102 pts ★ Racer
Le saut a été enlevé de la minimap
Messages 10074 - King Mario King Mario
vs35405 pts ★ Legend
battle6102 pts ★ Racer
Invu wrote:
Comme une preuve c'est mieux qu'un long discours :
Et oui ! il y a un saut dans le dernier lac de désert yoshi ! :D
Ui dakor mé on en a ri1 un foutre en féte :}:}:}

Attends , j'ai pas fini ! Ce saut ne marche tout simplement pas :s @supercop1 , pourrait-tu corriger ce bug ( ou @Wargor )

Je vois ça comme in oubli volontaire personnellement. Quand j'étais arrivé sur le site, j'avais nommé quelques raccourcis ne marchant pas, notamment sur Bord du lac et GBA Route arc-en-ciel,
mais on m'a expliqué qu'ils avaient été considérés comme "cheatés" ; c'est à dire trop excessifs et qui procurent un trop grand avantage par rapport à la route normale. A ce point, le raccourci pourrait être réalisé sans champignon,
ce qui ruinerait complètement la route normale, puisqu'à quoi bon ?
Bref je trouve que c'est bien comme ça.

je ne suis pas d'accord sur ce circuit , car pour atteindre le saut il faut un champignon pour ne pas être ralentit , après je n'avais pas non plus pensé à ta remarque qui est vrai aussi : un saut + un boost c'est cheaté . Mais l'inverse c'est un peu juste aussi :s

Un petit ralentissement ce n'est rien par rapport à l'avantage que ça procure. Puis si tu prépares bien ton dérapage, que ce soit en snaking ou en reverse drifting, tu peux sauter au-dessus du hors-piste et atteindre le saut sans problème.
Messages 10074 - King Mario King Mario
vs35405 pts ★ Legend
battle6102 pts ★ Racer
Comme une preuve c'est mieux qu'un long discours :
Et oui ! il y a un saut dans le dernier lac de désert yoshi ! :D
Ui dakor mé on en a ri1 un foutre en féte :}:}:}

Attends , j'ai pas fini ! Ce saut ne marche tout simplement pas :s @supercop1 , pourrait-tu corriger ce bug ( ou @Wargor )

Je vois ça comme in oubli volontaire personnellement. Quand j'étais arrivé sur le site, j'avais nommé quelques raccourcis ne marchant pas, notamment sur Bord du lac et GBA Route arc-en-ciel,
mais on m'a expliqué qu'ils avaient été considérés comme "cheatés" ; c'est à dire trop excessifs et qui procurent un trop grand avantage par rapport à la route normale. A ce point, le raccourci pourrait être réalisé sans champignon,
ce qui ruinerait complètement la route normale, puisqu'à quoi bon ?
Bref je trouve que c'est bien comme ça.

Top 100!

Messages 10074 - King Mario King Mario
vs35405 pts ★ Legend
battle6102 pts ★ Racer
W00MY wrote:
I mean if it's the most useless topic to you then don't interact with it at all. Didn't have to ruin the moment Pianta.

When it's an useless topic it's good to point it out but this topic wasn't useful and Pianta was too rude indeed
Messages 10074 - King Mario King Mario
vs35405 pts ★ Legend
battle6102 pts ★ Racer
I'm sorry Pianta but I completely disagree with what you said, having a top 15-20 isn't neceessary to be just "okay" it's an actual achievement and it's something you are alloweed to be proud of. Secondly, the person is proud, you don't need to say that in a super rude way, sure it's maybe low to your standards, but you don't need to be that brutal with him.

The lack of animaions and sounds in MKPC

Messages 10074 - King Mario King Mario
vs35405 pts ★ Legend
battle6102 pts ★ Racer
Honestly, it's such a pleasure and it's really refreshing to have a civil debate, with actual points, and actually arguments to prove the points. Compared to the repetitive kindergarten fights that we've got lately "It's all his fault! No, it's yours. This track sucks ! No, you do !" Honestly the points mentioned by Anthcny are very interesting, but I agree with Ahmad, and with Kraze, this somehow simplistic yet modern style is what made MKPC.  
Messages 10074 - King Mario King Mario
vs35405 pts ★ Legend
battle6102 pts ★ Racer
Anthcny wrote:
Invu wrote:
Je ne partage pas ceg avis, au contraire je trouve que ce style discret est aussi bien, après les petits effets pourquoi pas
mais à mon sens il y en a assez ^^ pour les doublages je suis pas pour, le fait que les personnes ne parlent pas rendent ce jeu meilleur, dans MKWii jouer avec Daisy ou Funky Kong avec leurs combos respectueux est satisfaisant, mais je n'aime pas leurs voix criardes. 😅 Bref, ton point semble intéressant, même si nous ne partageons pas la même vision des choses. :)

En vrai ouais les sons encore ça passe je trouve, c'est surtout les détails graphiques, y a tellement de trucs qui peuvent être ajoutés je trouve 😭

Moi j'aime bien ce côté simple, rapide etc. De plus c'est classique et on aura toujours eu ça, une évolution peut être intéressante mais je ne suis pas sûr :s
Messages 10074 - King Mario King Mario
vs35405 pts ★ Legend
battle6102 pts ★ Racer
Je ne partage pas ceg avis, au contraire je trouve que ce style discret est aussi bien, après les petits effets pourquoi pas
mais à mon sens il y en a assez ^^ pour les doublages je suis pas pour, le fait que les personnes ne parlent pas rendent ce jeu meilleur, dans MKWii jouer avec Daisy ou Funky Kong avec leurs combos respectueux est satisfaisant, mais je n'aime pas leurs voix criardes. 😅 Bref, ton point semble intéressant, même si nous ne partageons pas la même vision des choses. :)


Messages 10074 - King Mario King Mario
vs35405 pts ★ Legend
battle6102 pts ★ Racer
Ssg-132 wrote:
BowserJr03 wrote:
You've been warned for mass advertising on unrelated topics, so avoid it in the future.

(btw I didn't even warn you, so idk if that's from this event or a past infraction)

I'm also deleting some of the posts.

Next time it will likely be a ban.

Not to mention reviving 2 topics

reviving isnt against the rules

up which is, I believe, forbidden is basically the same thing as revive. 😐
Edit : Well it's not, but it is said "Don't up too much topics in a day, that can be considered as flood". And anyways, it's highly recommended not to, nobody appreciates it tvh. Specifically if it's not relevant to the topic or relevant in any form.
Messages 10074 - King Mario King Mario
vs35405 pts ★ Legend
battle6102 pts ★ Racer
Lucklord wrote:
Man’s so special he gets a whole topic about him

I'm really special, yes. I'm very special when it comes to being an horrible and useless person. But anyways, I won't start to whine publicly about myself. I just think there is better people out there and I don't feel like creating a new account. I'll sometimes log on my other account, but not often because it's just not possible due to complex stories. Anyways, I'll wait, like I always should have.
@Anthcny faut savoir ce que tu veux, entre les facepalms et les ups là je ne comprends pas ce que tu essaies de me dire
Messages 10074 - King Mario King Mario
vs35405 pts ★ Legend
battle6102 pts ★ Racer
Je ne le sens pas trop perso. Je ne vois pas quelle adresse mail utiliser... et ouïs ce n'est pas comme si vous aviez besoin de moi de toute façon, genre y a des tonnes de meilleurs joueurs

What is the best custom track you have ever made (in MKPC)?

Messages 10074 - King Mario King Mario
vs35405 pts ★ Legend
battle6102 pts ★ Racer
My most popular : National Park of Instruments (vaqu)

My personal favorite : Shy Guy Bay (Fways)
Messages 10074 - King Mario King Mario
vs35405 pts ★ Legend
battle6102 pts ★ Racer
Mario Kart PC Powered Up, This Custom Multicup Is My Favourite, Go Check It Out, Guys, you will love him : https://mkpc.malahieude.net/map.php?mid=5925

This is full of either stolen or bad circuits...

Birthday in 2 days!

Messages 10074 - King Mario King Mario
vs35405 pts ★ Legend
battle6102 pts ★ Racer
I don't really know if it holds any point to create a topic to say your birthday is coming. But I guess that I'll stop nitpicking, raise my glasses and wish you an happy birthday. :D

French Abreviations and what they mean

Messages 10074 - King Mario King Mario
vs35405 pts ★ Legend
battle6102 pts ★ Racer
Anthcny wrote:
Invu wrote:
Anthcny wrote:
Invu wrote:
Anthcny wrote:
Invu wrote:
Anthcny wrote:
Invu wrote:
Anthcny wrote:
If only french people could just write in english... That would make things easier

That's not how it works, if French people feel like talking their native language then they do and that's it. The charm of this community is that it's spread worldwide so different la gages and different countries socialize together and I find that great. If it becomes a full English community, it kind of loses its charms. Also, what about French people who don't speak English well ? You're not gonna ask them to either learn hard or else go on Google traduction. I understand your point, but the community being bilingual is also a charm and a chance, and I don't see why you would delete a language that some people still use. I don't see a reason to that. Maybe English is the international language, but that isn't a reason.
This topic is pretty useful, it's on the good enough range on the relevancy scale,  but it doesn't deserve to be an official topic in any means. Official topics are supposed to be important, this one is simply useful.

Yeah if the majority of french players were above 7 they could speak english / use Google Translate

But it would be weird. Why should French members use English ? Sure, that would be easier for english members, but as I said the community being bilingual is a chance and I don't think everyone should speak English if that's not their native language

Have you seen spanish players speak in spanish? Or german people talk in german?

I don't remember well, but how would that be a problem lmfao ? Just let french people talk in french if that's what they feel like doing.

Yes. You've never seen spanish people speaking their native language, because they don't, that was the point I was trying to make you understand... There's only french people to talk in their native language even if half of the players don't speak french 💀

Maybe because French used to be the most used language on this website in the past ? Thus website became more English in the latter years, but if you look, the older topics are full of French, so that's why there's there's French people talking in French on this website.
Also I understand your point jut it's not because Spanish people don't talk in their native language that French people have to do the same. It's the decision of Spanish people to talk in English, it's their own decision for themselves, and that shouldn't affect the French part of the community.
Again, asking French members to speak English sounds weird. A community where a lot of languages are spoken at once is a chance. We shouldn't change it. You're telling me I'm not understanding your point but you don't really seem to understand mine.

No no I know that the game was full of french people in the past, but the website never did any transition , it stayed mostly french despite the new people coming from different countries, which sucks to be honest, typical french behavior

And that's sort of a good thing, MKPC is sticking to its roots. I really don't see what's the point of continuing this debate. French people, but also everyone can speak the language they want. Stop.
Messages 10074 - King Mario King Mario
vs35405 pts ★ Legend
battle6102 pts ★ Racer
Anthcny wrote:
Invu wrote:
Anthcny wrote:
Invu wrote:
Anthcny wrote:
Invu wrote:
Anthcny wrote:
If only french people could just write in english... That would make things easier

That's not how it works, if French people feel like talking their native language then they do and that's it. The charm of this community is that it's spread worldwide so different la gages and different countries socialize together and I find that great. If it becomes a full English community, it kind of loses its charms. Also, what about French people who don't speak English well ? You're not gonna ask them to either learn hard or else go on Google traduction. I understand your point, but the community being bilingual is also a charm and a chance, and I don't see why you would delete a language that some people still use. I don't see a reason to that. Maybe English is the international language, but that isn't a reason.
This topic is pretty useful, it's on the good enough range on the relevancy scale,  but it doesn't deserve to be an official topic in any means. Official topics are supposed to be important, this one is simply useful.

Yeah if the majority of french players were above 7 they could speak english / use Google Translate

But it would be weird. Why should French members use English ? Sure, that would be easier for english members, but as I said the community being bilingual is a chance and I don't think everyone should speak English if that's not their native language

Have you seen spanish players speak in spanish? Or german people talk in german?

I don't remember well, but how would that be a problem lmfao ? Just let french people talk in french if that's what they feel like doing.

Yes. You've never seen spanish people speaking their native language, because they don't, that was the point I was trying to make you understand... There's only french people to talk in their native language even if half of the players don't speak french 💀

Maybe because French used to be the most used language on this website in the past ? Thus website became more English in the latter years, but if you look, the older topics are full of French, so that's why there's there's French people talking in French on this website.
Also I understand your point jut it's not because Spanish people don't talk in their native language that French people have to do the same. It's the decision of Spanish people to talk in English, it's their own decision for themselves, and that shouldn't affect the French part of the community.
Again, asking French members to speak English sounds weird. A community where a lot of languages are spoken at once is a chance. We shouldn't change it. You're telling me I'm not understanding your point but you don't really seem to understand mine.

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