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Thanksgiving Track Contest!
On 2023-11-23 at 19:08:07
Thanksgiving is near the corner, so let's make a track contest! Make a thanksgiving themed track until December 1st, and I will rank the top 12!
MK8DX New Meta
On 2023-11-13 at 14:31:32
Also why, there's absolutely no problem with doing that mate It's not a good idea to revive old topics
On 2023-11-13 at 14:30:45
How the heck do u have a competition about a Mario Kart Game at your school?! I have a huge Mario kart 8 deluxe tournament at my school tomorrow and my entire grade is counting on me to win. There are high expectations for me to win. You guys know what the best combos are for 150cc offline? And what the best combos are for mario?
The problem on reverse drifting
On 2023-11-15 at 15:25:53
I completely agree with Senko, and Reverse drifting is so overpowered, that touching offroad once does basically nothing.
Oh the fuck yes it does do something, it wastes more than half a second sometimes. That's a lot
Most logical Jujucamer post:
On 2023-11-14 at 16:28:40
I completely agree with Senko, and Reverse drifting is so overpowered, that touching offroad once does basically nothing.
Oh the fuck yes it does do something, it wastes more than half a second sometimes. That's a lot
Wii Rainbow Road doesn't seem likely to be in MK8D DLC
On 2023-11-01 at 18:01:01
No Luigi circuit
Just Another TBC
On 2023-11-20 at 16:13:04
Shy Guy Desert! That's a good one!
On 2023-11-20 at 16:12:19
This doesn't have to be the name of your track, just the theme. For example, I would have to make a Koopa-themed (I swear I didn't do that on purpose) plains track, but I wouldn't have to call it Koopa Plains. (I would've done nicknames instead of irl names, but I worried people would change their nicknames to get a better character.)
You have until November 22nd to build your track. Work hard, play hard, have fun, and may the best track win.
Edit: I forgot to mention that this is complete mode only.
Suggestion d'amélioration du mode complet (Mur / Hors Piste)
On 2023-11-20 at 14:20:49
Je propose qu'on mette en place dans le mode complet de création de circuit une fonction qui permet de déterminer un mur ou un hors piste en sélectionnant une couleur.
Exemple : j'associe tout ce qui est vert à de l'herbe, noir à un mur etc
Vous en pensez quoi ?
oui et non , cette requests date de 2022 voir avant , mais elle a jamais été très partagé
On 2023-11-20 at 12:50:29
Je propose qu'on mette en place dans le mode complet de création de circuit une fonction qui permet de déterminer un mur ou un hors piste en sélectionnant une couleur.
Exemple : j'associe tout ce qui est vert à de l'herbe, noir à un mur etc
Vous en pensez quoi ?
On 2023-11-20 at 12:49:40
En soit c'est vraiment pas con, mais ça a quand même ses limites, prenons une piste random de RHcks (bon ok j'ai pris une des plus détaillées) là ça risque d'être compliqué xd, et plus généralement la présence de textures peuvent rendre la chose plus complexe, mais quand t'en as pas ça peut être intéressant
Ce mec là n'est pas normal, il fait des circuits surréaliste en sahMKPC OC Commissions :)
On 2023-11-20 at 16:06:05
Idk, I need a clear anwser about it.
On 2023-11-20 at 12:47:02
I fr don't get why reviving a topic is bad... Can anybody explain?
On 2023-09-27 at 19:12:16
Your drawings are Masterpieces! I love them all
What items or tracks should MKPC add
On 2023-11-17 at 18:03:33
@Aven, it's really annoying when people ask for MK64 and MKDD tracks when they quite literally can't be added. The only items that could be added are the Fire Flower and I guess the Super Horn
And how about you stop facepalming everyone's message? Do you think you're the perfect guy here? Idiot ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Especially you How would you rate yourself in MKPC
On 2023-11-16 at 10:36:02
I think this is the best rating for me:
- Regular Online: Extreme - Impossible
- Time Trials: Medium - Difficult
- Lounge: Difficult
- Regular Online: Extreme - Impossible
- Time Trials: Medium - Difficult
- Lounge: Difficult
On 2023-11-16 at 10:29:10
If I'm in lounge and I think I'm going to perform well: easy
If I'm doing TTs: medium
If I'm in lounge and I think I'm going to suck: difficult
If I'm playing regular MKPC online: extreme-impossible for sure, I rarely find anyone better than me online these days
What game are you playing right now?
On 2023-10-05 at 13:09:29
Geometry Dash and Mario Kart PC Edition Yum Yum
Suggestion: New challenge difficulties
On 2023-11-11 at 21:53:11
@PixelMK's message, but I should probably switch some difficulty names (especially impossible with the 2 above):
Honestly this is the chart I had in mind recently after reading Null: 0 point (for mere effortless, non-challenging tasks)
Easy: 1 point (for challenges that aren't difficult even for beginners)
Medium: 2 points (tricky for a beginner, but easy for experienced players)
Hard: 5 points (beginners have to tryhard for minutes or even hours, but experienced players can beat it in a small number of attempts)
Extreme: 10 points (out of the beginner range, experienced players will need 15 minutes to 1 hour of tryhard to beat)
Impossible: 20 points (experienced players will need a few hours to a day of tryhard)
Nightmarish: 50 points (experienced players will need multiple days of tryhard)
Infernal: 100 points (for the insanely difficult challenges that require such a high number of days or weeks of tryhard, that even Nightmarish challenges feel like a cakewalk in comparison)
Easy: 1 point (for challenges that aren't difficult even for beginners)
Medium: 2 points (tricky for a beginner, but easy for experienced players)
Hard: 5 points (beginners have to tryhard for minutes or even hours, but experienced players can beat it in a small number of attempts)
Extreme: 10 points (out of the beginner range, experienced players will need 15 minutes to 1 hour of tryhard to beat)
Impossible: 20 points (experienced players will need a few hours to a day of tryhard)
Nightmarish: 50 points (experienced players will need multiple days of tryhard)
Infernal: 100 points (for the insanely difficult challenges that require such a high number of days or weeks of tryhard, that even Nightmarish challenges feel like a cakewalk in comparison)
If you have 2 difficulties above Impossible, then Impossible starts to lose its value
On 2023-11-11 at 18:47:25
I actually have a slightly different idea for this!
Challenges could have 6 difficulties:
Easy - This difficulty should be easy to complete for a beginner
Medium - This difficulty should serve as a tricky challenge for a beginner, but should be relatively easy to beat after a few attempts for players of low skill levels
Difficult - This difficulty should be tricky to beat for advanced players, but completable after several attempts
Extreme - This difficulty should require advanced players to tryhard and may take several hours before completion
Impossible - This difficulty should require advanced players to tryhard and may take several days before completion
Demonic - This difficulty will be for the very few challenges that are stupidly difficult to beat, making Impossible rated challenges look like a cakewalk in comparison (+50 points)
Challenges could also have a points multiplier as an optional bonus that the challenge creator allows the option for. Multipliers can range from x1.00 to x1.50 and your point multiplier will increase depending on the level for your performance. For example, if you were to play a challenge that is to complete a track in 1:50.000, if you manage to complete the track in 1:35.000, you will get additional points from the multiplier!
Note: Challenges with harder difficulties will value your actions more than what easier challenges would (as you have less room for error), meaning that you don't have to improve as much to get a better multiplier, but it will be more difficult to improve. Once you complete a challenge, you will not gain any additional points from the multiplier (even if you improve the multiplier) if you decide to beat the challenge again. If your points from the multiplier earned from the challenge results in a decimal, your points will round up.
Challenges could have 6 difficulties:
Easy - This difficulty should be easy to complete for a beginner
Medium - This difficulty should serve as a tricky challenge for a beginner, but should be relatively easy to beat after a few attempts for players of low skill levels
Difficult - This difficulty should be tricky to beat for advanced players, but completable after several attempts
Extreme - This difficulty should require advanced players to tryhard and may take several hours before completion
Impossible - This difficulty should require advanced players to tryhard and may take several days before completion
Demonic - This difficulty will be for the very few challenges that are stupidly difficult to beat, making Impossible rated challenges look like a cakewalk in comparison (+50 points)
Challenges could also have a points multiplier as an optional bonus that the challenge creator allows the option for. Multipliers can range from x1.00 to x1.50 and your point multiplier will increase depending on the level for your performance. For example, if you were to play a challenge that is to complete a track in 1:50.000, if you manage to complete the track in 1:35.000, you will get additional points from the multiplier!
Note: Challenges with harder difficulties will value your actions more than what easier challenges would (as you have less room for error), meaning that you don't have to improve as much to get a better multiplier, but it will be more difficult to improve. Once you complete a challenge, you will not gain any additional points from the multiplier (even if you improve the multiplier) if you decide to beat the challenge again. If your points from the multiplier earned from the challenge results in a decimal, your points will round up.
I feel like calling it Demonic would be a bit impractical 💀
GD's hardest challenges are called "Demon"