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Regarding the forums...

Messages 5031 - King Mario King Mario
vs47334 pts ★ Titan
battle6798 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
-Invu- wrote:
40KsKool68 wrote:
Perhaps if we slightly lower the mod standards we can get some of the people who are really committed to helping the site out to become mods more easily. People who might be a little over-aggressive but can still be responsible with the ban hammer would be a better choice than continuing to deal with daily dramas while max twists himself in circles trying to sort them out.

Also doesn't @Invu have discord again now? He's obviously committed to restoring the peace here and makes really strong efforts to calm arguments down and avoid taking sides. So he likely has all the qualifications, and so long as he feels able , he'd do well. (Not trying to force you to apply, Invu)

In addition, there are a number of people who while perhaps mischievous, are pretty dedicated to the community and could be a big help. Not gonna mention any specific names here, y'all know each other better than I do, so draw your own conclusions.

Anyway when all is said and done it ain't up to us, it's up to the admin/mod team, but hopefully this'll all be worked out soon.

Tbh I feel Lely lacks the mentality required to be mod.
Also would I by any chance be one of those mischievous but good people?

That was NOT the plan ! You were supposed to make it clear that you wanted to improve the moderation, not make it seem like an attempt to get mod ! Also bro 40KsKool68 literally just said I could perhaps be mod, and apparently it summoned Nudge...
"Tbh Lely can't be mod, could I perhaps be one ?"

True I should have added /j or a cringy emoji to the end of second sentence mbmb
Messages 5031 - King Mario King Mario
vs47334 pts ★ Titan
battle6798 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
40KsKool68 wrote:
Perhaps if we slightly lower the mod standards we can get some of the people who are really committed to helping the site out to become mods more easily. People who might be a little over-aggressive but can still be responsible with the ban hammer would be a better choice than continuing to deal with daily dramas while max twists himself in circles trying to sort them out.

Also doesn't @Invu have discord again now? He's obviously committed to restoring the peace here and makes really strong efforts to calm arguments down and avoid taking sides. So he likely has all the qualifications, and so long as he feels able , he'd do well. (Not trying to force you to apply, Invu)

In addition, there are a number of people who while perhaps mischievous, are pretty dedicated to the community and could be a big help. Not gonna mention any specific names here, y'all know each other better than I do, so draw your own conclusions.

Anyway when all is said and done it ain't up to us, it's up to the admin/mod team, but hopefully this'll all be worked out soon.

Tbh I feel Lely lacks the mentality required to be mod.
Also would I by any chance be one of those mischievous but good people?
Messages 5031 - King Mario King Mario
vs47334 pts ★ Titan
battle6798 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
-Max- wrote:
Lelyyyy wrote:
Okay now that we all commonly agreed that this post is simply common sense, we need to find actual solutions.
And that's the part where most of the people present here leave the chat.

Well I didn't create this post for nothing so of course I had solutions, and the first was to get a better/more active moderation team. At this point we're only relying on Max, and he's at his wit's end with everything. The problem with Tox and Ahmad is time zones, most active members here are European or American, so I think it'd be a good idea to have a new election in the near future, because we need more European and American mods since those time zones are where the drama peaks. We can't rely on Max forever, eventually he's gonna collapse from the stress.

ahmad doesn't have any timezones issues (only +2 compared to Europe and +3 for you, and anyways he just don't have a good sleep schedule soo), and for "elections" I think you mean "applications" since I don't think we would let the forum decide who would be a mod lol, also who could be a mod AND have the will to take care of the forum

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Those are my actual answers (+ is better because positive>negetive)
Messages 5031 - King Mario King Mario
vs47334 pts ★ Titan
battle6798 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
MysteryMan wrote:
NUDGAKI wrote:
Well I know similar topics have been made before this, but anyway, I'm gonna start by saying this game's forums are a fucking nightmare. Why? Well, three reasons. The D-word, useless requests, and trolling.

1. Useless requests

Just now, I was scrolling through the forums and I saw another topic requesting a useless update to the game. This has been going on ever since I joined back in August last year, even before that, and it's driving me up the fucking wall. Now I could see the point of requesting updates, like when Toto requested a bug fix, and that's fine, by all means go ahead if you notice a bug. But that's not what I'm talking about here, I'm talking about the topics that say stuff like 'ADD MORE QM STYLES!', 'ADD MORE TRACKS TO THE BASE GAME!', you know the ones I mean. Really guys? It's enough pressure on Wargor even developing this site, and all these bitches wanna do is request some shitty update that's not even gonna do anything to the quality of the game, and that's putting it rather bluntly. Just stop, guys. It's annoying and useless.


I put this in capitals for a reason. This is the main reason why I dread using the forums and comment sections. It's no better on the Discord server either. I cannot go for a DAY without seeing some form of easily avoidable drama. Just yesterday, for example, there was a drama on Pirate Battle due to Nodac saying something or other and Max taking offence or something (I don't know I wasn't there for all of it, I just wanted it over with but I didn't even take sides when I heard about it both ways). Another constant type of drama I see is drama that was instigated due to a communication or translation error. I have to confess that I too was guilty of this kind of drama in the past and even though it's quite easily avoidable, it's rather easy to instigate this type of drama unknowingly. However, it's frankly annoying and useless seeing this kind of drama too, so my advice is to please stop causing dramas.

3. Trolling

This is probably the second largest reason I dread using the chat sections of the game. The community here is very mixed, there are some people who are nice, others who are total sweethearts, but then you have the trolls. And with said trolls I think it's a good idea to categorize them into 3 'Levels':

Dumbasses: These guys are the kinds of trolls who keep whinging if they get proven wrong or get told they will receive a sanction for their misbehavior on the forums. They're the most annoying Level but probably the most benign since they don't cause much hassle.

Nitpickers: These guys are straight up annoying. They're the kinds of trolls who are like 'ErM aCkShUaLlY yOu CoNtRaDiCtEd YoUrSeLf YoUr OpInIoN iS nOw InVaLiD 8)' - to be honest, they're more common among the English speaking community of MKPC but I've seen this stuff happen with the French speaking community too (probably because the French speaking community is nicer on average in my honest opinion, not here to discriminate btw)

Pisstakers: Probably the worst Level of trolls, these are the guys who take the piss out of anyone and everyone. I'm the least fond of these guys. They just mass stereotype too, like 'OmG tHiS gUy pOsTeD sOmEtHiNg So CrInGe' or 'OmG tHaT dUdE sAiD sOmEtHiNg I dOn'T lIkE cRiNgE'
At this point, it's just annoying but then it starts to get toxic, I've even seen people saying 'HoW dO yOu TaKe SoMeOnE sAyInG kYs SeRiOuSlY gEt HeLp' - like are you fucking kidding me? Actually show some fucking compassion for once people, there are people on this site who've been through tough shit and all you can say is 'kill yourself' and write it off as banter? There's a similar problem with homophobia and transphobia too, which pisses me off equally since some of the most active site members are LGBTQ+.


In conclusion, I'm not here to berate you if you think any of this applies to you, but please try and find a way to change and make this community better, and don't pass off such awful remarks as a joke.

This is the exact same thing Princess Anarchy said.

Pure coincidence
Messages 5031 - King Mario King Mario
vs47334 pts ★ Titan
battle6798 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
Well I know similar topics have been made before this, but anyway, I'm gonna start by saying this game's forums are a fucking nightmare. Why? Well, three reasons. The D-word, useless requests, and trolling.

1. Useless requests

Just now, I was scrolling through the forums and I saw another topic requesting a useless update to the game. This has been going on ever since I joined back in August last year, even before that, and it's driving me up the fucking wall. Now I could see the point of requesting updates, like when Toto requested a bug fix, and that's fine, by all means go ahead if you notice a bug. But that's not what I'm talking about here, I'm talking about the topics that say stuff like 'ADD MORE QM STYLES!', 'ADD MORE TRACKS TO THE BASE GAME!', you know the ones I mean. Really guys? It's enough pressure on Wargor even developing this site, and all these bitches wanna do is request some shitty update that's not even gonna do anything to the quality of the game, and that's putting it rather bluntly. Just stop, guys. It's annoying and useless.


I put this in capitals for a reason. This is the main reason why I dread using the forums and comment sections. It's no better on the Discord server either. I cannot go for a DAY without seeing some form of easily avoidable drama. Just yesterday, for example, there was a drama on Pirate Battle due to Nodac saying something or other and Max taking offence or something (I don't know I wasn't there for all of it, I just wanted it over with but I didn't even take sides when I heard about it both ways). Another constant type of drama I see is drama that was instigated due to a communication or translation error. I have to confess that I too was guilty of this kind of drama in the past and even though it's quite easily avoidable, it's rather easy to instigate this type of drama unknowingly. However, it's frankly annoying and useless seeing this kind of drama too, so my advice is to please stop causing dramas.

3. Trolling

This is probably the second largest reason I dread using the chat sections of the game. The community here is very mixed, there are some people who are nice, others who are total sweethearts, but then you have the trolls. And with said trolls I think it's a good idea to categorize them into 3 'Levels':

Dumbasses: These guys are the kinds of trolls who keep whinging if they get proven wrong or get told they will receive a sanction for their misbehavior on the forums. They're the most annoying Level but probably the most benign since they don't cause much hassle.

Nitpickers: These guys are straight up annoying. They're the kinds of trolls who are like 'ErM aCkShUaLlY yOu CoNtRaDiCtEd YoUrSeLf YoUr OpInIoN iS nOw InVaLiD 8)' - to be honest, they're more common among the English speaking community of MKPC but I've seen this stuff happen with the French speaking community too (probably because the French speaking community is nicer on average in my honest opinion, not here to discriminate btw)

Pisstakers: Probably the worst Level of trolls, these are the guys who take the piss out of anyone and everyone. I'm the least fond of these guys. They just mass stereotype too, like 'OmG tHiS gUy pOsTeD sOmEtHiNg So CrInGe' or 'OmG tHaT dUdE sAiD sOmEtHiNg I dOn'T lIkE cRiNgE'
At this point, it's just annoying but then it starts to get toxic, I've even seen people saying 'HoW dO yOu TaKe SoMeOnE sAyInG kYs SeRiOuSlY gEt HeLp' - like are you fucking kidding me? Actually show some fucking compassion for once people, there are people on this site who've been through tough shit and all you can say is 'kill yourself' and write it off as banter? There's a similar problem with homophobia and transphobia too, which pisses me off equally since some of the most active site members are LGBTQ+.


In conclusion, I'm not here to berate you if you think any of this applies to you, but please try and find a way to change and make this community better, and don't pass off such awful remarks as a joke.

what is this new trend oh god

Messages 5031 - King Mario King Mario
vs47334 pts ★ Titan
battle6798 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
Messages 5031 - King Mario King Mario
vs47334 pts ★ Titan
battle6798 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
mememo wrote:

So what if our profile pictures are anime characters? At least they look good unlike your non-existent one. If you want to complain, at least have a good profile picture yourself

[Game] Remember when ?

Messages 5031 - King Mario King Mario
vs47334 pts ★ Titan
battle6798 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
So it's just a race for who can react fastest...


Messages 5031 - King Mario King Mario
vs47334 pts ★ Titan
battle6798 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
- Nudge
- #F60
- Kokichi
- Ultra intelligence
- Nothing
- Hampter Bunny
- Be like Kokichi
- Kokichi

what one thing that make you mad about mario kart pc?

Messages 5031 - King Mario King Mario
vs47334 pts ★ Titan
battle6798 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
1# The game's community which is filled with nothing but little kids who cause CONSTANT drama to happen on the forums. The worst aspect of MKPC imo. How can an unofficial Mario Kart game have this??

2# The fact that there are hardly any moderators to take action on such things. Senko is the only one who is that active tbh

3# The main game being rather underrated due to the forums. I really wish this wasn't true...

4# The rather bad-looking UI design. The title explains everything.

5# Inability to customize anything other than characters and tracks. Seriously, Wargor! Give us an update where we can change the PNGs of items, the text font and add an option where we can have custom music on the regular tracks.

6# No "proper" custom tracks online. *[

7# CPU rubberbanding. This explained in just 2 words: Last place.

1# The game's community which is filled with nothing but little kids who cause CONSTANT drama to happen on the forums. That's what happens with little kids

2# The fact that there are hardly any moderators to take action on such things. We only have 0.5 active moderators, so I agree

3# The main game being rather underrated due to the forums. I really wish this wasn't true...

4# The rather bad-looking UI design. Nah it looks fine imo

5# Inability to customize anything other than characters and tracks. More customisable than most Mario Karts

6# No "proper" custom tracks online. There is something on discord but I have no invite perms

7# CPU rubberbanding. This explained in just 2 words: Skill Issue.

mkpc: retail edition

Messages 5031 - King Mario King Mario
vs47334 pts ★ Titan
battle6798 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom

£9.99 Warp Pipes
£8.99 Slow Pipes
£10.99 Fast Pipes
£11.99 Insta Pipes
£11.99 Heat Pipes
£11.99 Cooler Pipes

What is the weirdest glitch you’ve encountered in a game

Messages 5031 - King Mario King Mario
vs47334 pts ★ Titan
battle6798 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
Anyway, should probably say my one. Was in Pikmin 3 (Wii U version) and after beating the Sandbelching Meerslug (Tropical Wilds boss) the day ended. When I went back to the arena the next day, the crimson banquet (watermelon) had its big piece missing. Looked on the map, it was in a completely different part of the map. When I went back with all pikmin types, I at some point went over the big piece and found it in the Shaggy Long Legs arena
Messages 5031 - King Mario King Mario
vs47334 pts ★ Titan
battle6798 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom

Username problem

Messages 5031 - King Mario King Mario
vs47334 pts ★ Titan
battle6798 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
Dietsoda wrote:
Is there anything you can do about it?

Yes but he is too pussy

fr en

Messages 5031 - King Mario King Mario
vs47334 pts ★ Titan
battle6798 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
Shit I’ve been exposed

Max Kart World - Official Topic

Messages 5031 - King Mario King Mario
vs47334 pts ★ Titan
battle6798 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
Max-Bros wrote:
quadruple post brrrrr

@Max-Bros ban this guy
Messages 5031 - King Mario King Mario
vs47334 pts ★ Titan
battle6798 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
I forgot this topic even existed
Messages 5031 - King Mario King Mario
vs47334 pts ★ Titan
battle6798 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
Also, uSeLeSs ToPiC pOsT tHiS oN mKpC nEwS
Messages 5031 - King Mario King Mario
vs47334 pts ★ Titan
battle6798 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
Senko wrote:
English translation soon...

Bon je sens que je vais me faire démonter par des "uSeLeSs ToPiC pOsT tHiS oN mKpC nEwS", mais voici le topic officiel de mon projet Max Kart World, et de mes plans pour cette future multicoupe ;)

Officiellement 15 pistes ont été postées pour MKW, dont 2 remakes, ce qui fait 13 pistes sur 16 prévues, mais ça ne veut pas dire que ça sera bientôt fini, car
- Je prévois de remaker plusieurs pistes, j'en parlerai plus en détail plus bas
- Et vu que mon rythme de créations de pistes est inexistant, je ne peux pas fixer de date limite :p

Pour les pistes pas encore sorties, j'ai
- Strange Tunnel, à peine commencé, une piste dans un tunnel sombre et mystérieux, si vous trouvez l'inspiration de cette piste vous gagnerez quelque chose (ne demandez pas quoi jsp ce que ça sera hap )
- Galactic Rainbow ?, 0% de progression, pas encore commencé, aucune idée pour le moment
- Spirit Town, très avancé niveau graphismes, et c'est une des pistes les plus ambitieuses que j'ai fait jusque là, si ça arrive à bout ça sera du lourd 👀

J'ai aussi mentionné des remakes, et je vais lister ce que je prévois :
- Pirate Battle, pas commencé mais comme d'autres remakes j'ai des concept arts faits sur une feuille de papier en cours XD, à remaker car cette piste n'est pas une piste lmao
- Snorlax Stadium, ou Rampes Ronflex, j'ai commencé, j'ai un concept art pour cette piste aussi, à remaker car même si c'est bien graphiquement c'est un trou noir et révélations niveau gameplay
Ah et j'ai peut-être un peu envie de renommer en Senko Stadium (ne me butez pas svp 😅)
- Yoshi River, commencé aussi, surtout une remise à niveau graphique, même si la piste reste correcte, c'était presque un port qui fixait juste des problèmes, j'ai aussi un concept art
- Tropical Island ?, là j'ai pas de concept art donc jsp quoi faire, pas commencé du coup, et pas vrm une priorité
- Dash City, commencé il y a un moment, j'ai posté l'image sur le serveur de SBOK, jsp trop quoi faire, pas non plus une priorité

A propos de l'ordre des coupes, le voici :p :

Red Mushroom Cup
Yoshi River
Sunrise Beach
Chocolate Cliffside
Box Gap
ordre potentiellement à revoir

Green Mushroom Cup
Monty Mole Farm
Vanilla's Valley Village
Tropical Island
Spirit Town
ordre aussi à revoir peut-être

Blue Mushroom Cup
Arid Canyon
Cursed Mansion
Dash City
Snorlax Stadium
je crois que vous avez compris

Golden Mushroom Cup
Burning Volcano
Strange Tunnel
Pirate Battle
Galactic Rainbow
encore pareil sauf pour Galactic Rainbow

Bon ben merci d'avoir lu ces infos, et bonne journée je suppose ? :p

Ok, I feel that I'm going to be dismantled by "uSeLeSs ToPiC pOsT tHiS oN mKpC nEwS", but here is the official topic of my Max Kart World project, and my plans for this future multicup ;)

Officially 15 tracks have been posted for MKW, including 2 remakes, which makes 13 tracks out of 16 planned, but that doesn't mean it will be over soon, because
- I plan to remake several tracks, I'll talk about it in more detail below
- And since my track creation rhythm is non-existent, I can't set a deadline :p

For the tracks not yet released, I have
- Strange Tunnel, barely started, a track in a dark and mysterious tunnel, if you find inspiration from this track you will win something (don't ask what jsp what it will be hap)
- Galactic Rainbow?, 0% progress, not started yet, no idea yet
- Spirit Town, very advanced in terms of graphics, and it's one of the most ambitious tracks I've done so far, if it gets to the end it will be heavy 👀

I also mentioned remakes, and I'll list what I'm planning:
- Pirate Battle, not started but like other remakes I have concept art done on a sheet of paper in progress XD, to be remade because this track is not an lmao track
- Snorlax Stadium, or Ronflex Ramps, I started, I have a concept art for this track too, to remake because even if it's graphically good it's a black hole and gameplay revelations
Oh and I might want to rename it to Senko Stadium (don't bump into me please 😅)
- Yoshi River, also started, mostly a graphics upgrade, although the track is still ok, it was almost a port just fixing some issues, I have concept art too
- Tropical Island?, there I have no concept art so jsp what to do, not started suddenly, and not vrm a priority
- Dash City, started a while ago, I posted the image on the SBOK server, jsp too much what to do, also not a priority

About the cut order, here it is :p :

Red Mushroom Cup
Yoshi River
Sunrise Beach
Chocolate Cliffside
Box Gap
order potentially to be reviewed

Green Mushroom Cup
Monty Mole Farm
Vanilla's Valley Village
Tropical Island
Spirit Town
order also to be reviewed perhaps

Blue Mushroom Cup
Arid Canyon
Cursed Mansion
Dash City
Snorlax Stadium
I think you understood

Golden Mushroom Cup
Burning Volcano
Strange Tunnel
Pirate Battle
Galactic Rainbow
again the same except for Galactic Rainbow

Well thank you for reading this info, and have a nice day I guess? :p

Best Mario Kart Music?

Messages 5031 - King Mario King Mario
vs47334 pts ★ Titan
battle6798 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
another normal day at Drama Kart PC, shouldn't be surprised
Well pls stop or there will be sanctions, ok ?

Signed - causer of many dramas

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