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On 2025-02-21 at 17:33:10
Those stupid mobile game ads or the actually disgusting YT shorts ads
mobile game ads stink, they show players failing an ezpz mobile game and guess what, mobile games are also a waste of your life for simply being too ez and filled to the brim with 30 second ads after 10 second levels, and they require online connection while also being single player, so dont ever buy mobile games
On 2025-02-21 at 17:21:11
double 15 second unskippable ad
Something similar happened to me, but it was worse, triple 15 second unskip ads
that has never happened to me
On 2025-02-21 at 17:02:22
double 15 second unskippable ad

What is your favorite Soda/Bubbly drink
On 2025-03-01 at 15:04:18
Coca cola
Which shortcut you wished was possible in the base MKPC?
On 2025-03-01 at 03:28:36
Make it so that if you take any big shortcut, you never lose lapcount (this can allow for massive shortcuts in most base game tracks)
Mario kart 9 predictions
On 2025-03-01 at 03:17:02
DS Figure 8 Circuit
SNES Bowser Castle 2
Shy guy falls
Wario stadium
Wii Luigi Circuit
Vanilla Lake 2
Thwomp Ruins
Mario Circuit 4
Wii Mario Circuit
Cheep Cheep Lagoon
Yoshi Desert
Wario Colosseum
Koopa Beach 1
Broken Pier
DS Bowser's Castle
GCN Rainbow Road
First off, some tracks are too easy or too hard for their cups
Green = Too easy
Red = Too hard
Black = Accurate
Figure 8 Circuit
SNES Bowser Castle 2
Shy Guy Falls
Wario Stadium
Wii Luigi Circuit
Vanilla Lake 2
Thwomp Ruins
Mario Circuit 4
Wii Mario Circuit
Cheep Cheep Lagoon
Yoshi Desert
Wario Colosseum
Koopa Beach 1
Broken Pier
DS Bowser's Castle
GCN Rainbow Road
Second, there are TOO MANY circuits
You literally have figure 8 circuit, wii luigi circuit, wii mario circuit, and snes mario circuit 4, which adds up to 4 circuits, and in the banana cup, there are 2 circuits
Wii luigi circuit and wii mario circuit do not fit into the cups you put them in
At least you added wario colosseum and double dash rainbow road, which are goated tracks
On 2025-03-01 at 02:29:45
Send your predictions in this topic
My predictions (this was made before BCP)
Figure 8 circuit
Riverside park
Thwomp ruins
Wuhu loop
Shroom ridge
Rock rock mountain
Toads factory
SNES Bowser castle 2
Wario stadium
Sunset wilds
DK Summit
Mushroom city
Ghost valley 3
Cloudtop cruise
Wario colosseum
GBA Rainbow road
Rate my predictions (Don't just use numbers, give reasoning with your rating)
My predictions (this was made before BCP)
Figure 8 circuit
Riverside park
Thwomp ruins
Wuhu loop
Shroom ridge
Rock rock mountain
Toads factory
SNES Bowser castle 2
Wario stadium
Sunset wilds
DK Summit
Mushroom city
Ghost valley 3
Cloudtop cruise
Wario colosseum
GBA Rainbow road
Rate my predictions (Don't just use numbers, give reasoning with your rating)
What is the best base game MKPC track
On 2025-02-22 at 16:07:49
Figure 8 circuit

On 2025-02-22 at 00:43:08
ds bowsers castle
[Fanfic] SuperMega7 Party
On 2025-02-17 at 22:40:54
can i join
Track ideas
On 2025-02-23 at 19:04:10
create a track as bad as you can possibly make it

What's your favorite mkpc character?
On 2025-02-23 at 04:51:51
funky kong flame runner
Play this track
On 2025-02-23 at 18:48:11
What was your first Mario Kart Game?
On 2025-02-22 at 22:24:40
mario kart ds
What retro tracks would you like to see in MK9
On 2025-02-21 at 22:31:25
Wii luigi circuit
SNES koopa beach 1
DS luigis mansion
Wii U thwomp ruins
N64 frappe snowworld
SNES choco mountain 1
Wii U shy guy waterfalls
Wii toads factory
N64 wario colosseum
GBA broken pier
3DS shy guy bazaar
GCN mushroom city
GCN wario stadium
DS airship fortress
3DS make wuhu
GBA rainbow road
Inspiration from @Mistertoad: Battle tracks
SNES battle course 2
N64 double decker
GBA battle course 4
GCN block fort
DS tart top
Wii funky stadium
3DS honeybee hive
Wii U lunar colony
That's Switch not Wii U
Also Moo Moo Meadows Should Come Back For Battle
wii u battle mode should not come back because i know its trash from looking at it, i just know its bad even though i never had a wii u so no mariokart 8 for me
What's up with the rise in kids joining matches and acting like weirdos?
On 2025-02-18 at 17:06:48
This has happened to me countless times where i find middle schoolers doing this
Also me: this topic is about cringe kids joining the game and this is literally a game that kids play often so........................................
Therefore, its hateful 💀
Also me: this topic is about cringe kids joining the game and this is literally a game that kids play often so........................................
Therefore, its hateful 💀
Hardest Decisions Ever? (HDE)
On 2025-02-23 at 06:22:00
1. Mario Kart
On 2025-02-23 at 02:23:18
Funky Kong with Flame Runner
Daisy with Mach Bike
funky kong flame runner rules
On 2025-02-23 at 02:16:07
A. elect a dog as the president of your country
B. quit gaming
C. eat poop with every meal
i edited my comment so you need to make your opinion again
On 2025-02-23 at 02:13:46
would you rather
A. give your country the worst laws in the world
B. quit gaming
C. eat poop with every meal
A. give your country the worst laws in the world
B. quit gaming
C. eat poop with every meal