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Messages 454 - Metal Luigi Metal Luigi
vs22051 pts ★ Legend
battle7475 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
day 1 of mario kart tracks from memory:
Messages 454 - Metal Luigi Metal Luigi
vs22051 pts ★ Legend
battle7475 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
Messages 454 - Metal Luigi Metal Luigi
vs22051 pts ★ Legend
battle7475 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
Dudzi wrote:
So, even before I knew what MKPC was, I was on my pokemon phase, and then I found a Site, a Site that let you make fusions of the 1st 151 pokemon. I drawed some of these fusions, here they are:
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whats the website called
Messages 454 - Metal Luigi Metal Luigi
vs22051 pts ★ Legend
battle7475 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
@xrunner48, can i draw you?
Messages 454 - Metal Luigi Metal Luigi
vs22051 pts ★ Legend
battle7475 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom

this looks familiure:o

Fun Facts

Messages 454 - Metal Luigi Metal Luigi
vs22051 pts ★ Legend
battle7475 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
YoshiLOVER wrote:
fun facts about pixel kart:
did you know that pixel karts short name:
was origanaly be:
also did you know that pxel kart is actually called 'super pixel kart'
fun facts for ya!

Fun fact about Super Yoshi LOVER Kart: it is older than the Vl2 Stuff for QM

Messages 454 - Metal Luigi Metal Luigi
vs22051 pts ★ Legend
battle7475 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
fun facts about pixel kart:
did you know that pixel karts short name:
was origanaly be:
also did you know that pxel kart is actually called 'super pixel kart'
fun facts for ya!

Meme of 2025

Messages 454 - Metal Luigi Metal Luigi
vs22051 pts ★ Legend
battle7475 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
POV:you sent the wrong meme...

/!\ Report / Signalements /!\

Messages 454 - Metal Luigi Metal Luigi
vs22051 pts ★ Legend
battle7475 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom

Okay "color brown species monkey" was funny for all of like a week, calling you an idiot is just low, but the n-word? Does the guy even know you?

no, he said the stupidest 'mabye exuse' about he needed to talk badly to someone, like the flip? AND THE N WORD? BLIMIN ELL
Messages 454 - Metal Luigi Metal Luigi
vs22051 pts ★ Legend
battle7475 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
Messages 454 - Metal Luigi Metal Luigi
vs22051 pts ★ Legend
battle7475 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
Messages 454 - Metal Luigi Metal Luigi
vs22051 pts ★ Legend
battle7475 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
YoshiLOVER wrote:
@AndrewIsCool keeps making alt accounts

theyre not alts, hes just changing his name or hes makin them cuz he forgot his password
Messages 454 - Metal Luigi Metal Luigi
vs22051 pts ★ Legend
battle7475 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
Rather than reporting messages to this topic, please just report messages using the report feature. If you need help with that, it's the red emergency button next to the quote button. Feel free to test out the feature using this message, hope it helps 😉

it does, thanks;)
Messages 454 - Metal Luigi Metal Luigi
vs22051 pts ★ Legend
battle7475 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
TwilightGD wrote:
coolmonkey wrote:
@twiliteGD,@x_xsupercariotsx_x off topicing on a topic called draw mariokart tracks from memory, talking about how old andrew is



its ok now when someone apoligises, its now ok, just dont carry on with this irrelavent comfersation
Messages 454 - Metal Luigi Metal Luigi
vs22051 pts ★ Legend
battle7475 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
@twiliteGD,@x_xsupercariotsx_x off topicing on a topic called draw mariokart tracks from memory, talking about how old andrew is

Messages 454 - Metal Luigi Metal Luigi
vs22051 pts ★ Legend
battle7475 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
TwilightGD wrote:
coolmonkey wrote:
coolmonkey wrote:
coolmonkey wrote:
is it legal to ask someone to unban someone

It's legal to ask but dont expect a positive response

so could you pls unban @at-atgamer, he promeses not to do anything wrong

wait hold up what did he even do?

so apparently, 'he made' alt accounts, many of them but its actually not his fault, you see there is all of these alt account of @at-atgamer, a guy named @suslover6912, @cool_monkeylover6996 and @suslover2029
but heres the the thing, HE DIDNT MAKE THEM

then who did?? also if he did make those, then why did they have the same tracks as AT-ATgamer?

do you know that other people can get onto another ones account basically it was probably someone else trying to pull a plank, with the cosapence of getting banned, and i know the lore of at-atgamer aswell as who is suslover,

the alts were actually made by @suslover6996
Messages 454 - Metal Luigi Metal Luigi
vs22051 pts ★ Legend
battle7475 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
coolmonkey wrote:
coolmonkey wrote:
is it legal to ask someone to unban someone

It's legal to ask but dont expect a positive response

so could you pls unban @at-atgamer, he promeses not to do anything wrong

wait hold up what did he even do?

so apparently, 'he made' alt accounts, many of them but its actually not his fault, you see there is all of these alt account of @at-atgamer, a guy named @suslover6912, @coolmonkey_lover6996(who apparently deleated their account) and @suslover2029
but heres the the thing, HE DIDNT MAKE THEM
Messages 454 - Metal Luigi Metal Luigi
vs22051 pts ★ Legend
battle7475 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
coolmonkey wrote:
is it legal to ask someone to unban someone

It's legal to ask but dont expect a positive response

so could you pls unban @at-atgamer, he promeses not to do anything wrong
Messages 454 - Metal Luigi Metal Luigi
vs22051 pts ★ Legend
battle7475 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
Senko wrote:
coolmonkey wrote:
is it legal to ask someone to unban someone

@someone can you unban @someone ?

ye is that legal
Messages 454 - Metal Luigi Metal Luigi
vs22051 pts ★ Legend
battle7475 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
is it legal to ask someone to unban someone

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