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On 2023-03-11 at 18:22:48
icône qui prie
icône qui saute
the icon who hops
icône qui saute
the icon who hops
On 2023-03-11 at 18:33:37
walter white be like
i am the one who hops
i am the one who hops
On 2023-03-11 at 18:41:46
Nitpickish : Useless topic
Hopingicon : Icone who has hope in something (Komaeda's bestie)
Hoppingicon : Icône qui saute
Hoppingicon (member) : Creator of the overall most popular creation on MKPC
Hoppingicon (YouTube) : Music creator
Hoppingicon (Scratch) : Program creator
Hoppingicon (BFDI) : Fanboy
Hoppingicon (Choco Mountain) : Simp
<----- Get back to Wikipedia
Hopingicon : Icone who has hope in something (Komaeda's bestie)
Hoppingicon : Icône qui saute
Hoppingicon (member) : Creator of the overall most popular creation on MKPC
Hoppingicon (YouTube) : Music creator
Hoppingicon (Scratch) : Program creator
Hoppingicon (BFDI) : Fanboy
Hoppingicon (Choco Mountain) : Simp
<----- Get back to Wikipedia
On 2023-03-11 at 18:58:05
walter white be like
i am the one who hops
i am the one who hops
your jokes are the opposite of nudgy's lol
they are actually funny
What's the point of bringing up NUdge when we're on an hoppingicon topic 🐲
On 2023-03-11 at 19:02:49
Nitpickish : Useless topic
Hopingicon : Icone who has hope in something (Komaeda's bestie)
Hoppingicon : Icône qui saute
Hoppingicon (member) : Creator of the overall most popular creation on MKPC
Hoppingicon (YouTube) : Music creator
Hoppingicon (Scratch) : Program creator
Hoppingicon (BFDI) : Fanboy
Hoppingicon (Choco Mountain) : Simp
<----- Get back to Wikipedia
Hopingicon : Icone who has hope in something (Komaeda's bestie)
Hoppingicon : Icône qui saute
Hoppingicon (member) : Creator of the overall most popular creation on MKPC
Hoppingicon (YouTube) : Music creator
Hoppingicon (Scratch) : Program creator
Hoppingicon (BFDI) : Fanboy
Hoppingicon (Choco Mountain) : Simp
<----- Get back to Wikipedia
did bro literally add a cringe kpop vid 💀
Ok but who asked
On 2023-03-11 at 19:03:54
Nitpickish : Useless topic
Hopingicon : Icone who has hope in something (Komaeda's bestie)
Hoppingicon : Icône qui saute
Hoppingicon (member) : Creator of the overall most popular creation on MKPC
Hoppingicon (YouTube) : Music creator
Hoppingicon (Scratch) : Program creator
Hoppingicon (BFDI) : Fanboy
Hoppingicon (Choco Mountain) : Simp
<----- Get back to Wikipedia
Hopingicon : Icone who has hope in something (Komaeda's bestie)
Hoppingicon : Icône qui saute
Hoppingicon (member) : Creator of the overall most popular creation on MKPC
Hoppingicon (YouTube) : Music creator
Hoppingicon (Scratch) : Program creator
Hoppingicon (BFDI) : Fanboy
Hoppingicon (Choco Mountain) : Simp
<----- Get back to Wikipedia
did bro literally add a cringe kpop vid 💀
Ok but who asked
He Asked Himself
On 2023-03-11 at 19:08:38
Nitpickish : Useless topic
Hopingicon : Icone who has hope in something (Komaeda's bestie)
Hoppingicon : Icône qui saute
Hoppingicon (member) : Creator of the overall most popular creation on MKPC
Hoppingicon (YouTube) : Music creator
Hoppingicon (Scratch) : Program creator
Hoppingicon (BFDI) : Fanboy
Hoppingicon (Choco Mountain) : Simp
<----- Get back to Wikipedia
Hopingicon : Icone who has hope in something (Komaeda's bestie)
Hoppingicon : Icône qui saute
Hoppingicon (member) : Creator of the overall most popular creation on MKPC
Hoppingicon (YouTube) : Music creator
Hoppingicon (Scratch) : Program creator
Hoppingicon (BFDI) : Fanboy
Hoppingicon (Choco Mountain) : Simp
<----- Get back to Wikipedia
did bro literally add a cringe kpop vid 💀
Ok but who asked
bro hates 'who asked' but says it himself
I know, but this topic is a shitpost so might as well not be totally serious
On 2023-03-11 at 19:09:51
walter white be like
i am the one who hops
i am the one who hops
your jokes are the opposite of nudgy's lol
they are actually funny
I think you mixed up me and you
On 2023-03-11 at 19:11:27
Nitpickish : Useless topic
Hopingicon : Icone who has hope in something (Komaeda's bestie)
Hoppingicon : Icône qui saute
Hoppingicon (member) : Creator of the overall most popular creation on MKPC
Hoppingicon (YouTube) : Music creator
Hoppingicon (Scratch) : Program creator
Hoppingicon (BFDI) : Fanboy
Hoppingicon (Choco Mountain) : Simp
<----- Get back to Wikipedia
Hopingicon : Icone who has hope in something (Komaeda's bestie)
Hoppingicon : Icône qui saute
Hoppingicon (member) : Creator of the overall most popular creation on MKPC
Hoppingicon (YouTube) : Music creator
Hoppingicon (Scratch) : Program creator
Hoppingicon (BFDI) : Fanboy
Hoppingicon (Choco Mountain) : Simp
<----- Get back to Wikipedia
did bro literally add a cringe kpop vid 💀
With pleasure ! Check carefully before clicking next time. 😊
On 2023-03-11 at 19:13:41
This is the sincerest form of flattery
On 2023-03-11 at 19:14:48
walter white be like
i am the one who hops
i am the one who hops
your jokes are the opposite of nudgy's lol
they are actually funny
your bitches are the opposite of mine lol
they are actually real
On 2023-03-11 at 19:19:20
walter white be like
i am the one who hops
i am the one who hops
your jokes are the opposite of nudgy's lol
they are actually funny
your bitches are the opposite of mine lol
they are actually real
You don't got any, especially if you're talking about the whole MKPCverse squad, according to Ralsei
However, you got Nudge as a consolation prize.
On 2023-03-11 at 19:21:47
walter white be like
i am the one who hops
i am the one who hops
your jokes are the opposite of nudgy's lol
they are actually funny
On 2023-03-11 at 23:56:43
I love how I tried to make a joke with different "types" of hoppingicon which sure wasn't funny, but Pianta, xrunner, and Noob68 are more worried about the song Without You that I hidden in an extra link 😐 like c'mon at least tell me my joke sucked or find something else to say than simply... oh well whatever. And this topic is a shitpost anyways, so of course I'm going to link out of context things because my message isn't serious...
This is just episode 69 of me having enough to see my tastes criticized once again...
This is just episode 69 of me having enough to see my tastes criticized once again...
On 2023-03-12 at 00:09:53
What does it serve ?🤔
On 2023-03-12 at 00:25:37
I love how I tried to make a joke with different "types" of hoppingicon which sure wasn't funny, but Pianta, xrunner, and Noob68 are more worried about the song Without You that I hidden in an extra link 😐 like c'mon at least tell me my joke sucked or find something else to say than simply... oh well whatever. And this topic is a shitpost anyways, so of course I'm going to link out of context things because my message isn't serious...
This is just episode 69 of me having enough to see my tastes criticized once again...
This is just episode 69 of me having enough to see my tastes criticized once again...
that was my opinion. i don't like kpop bc it focuses on what made pop bad in general
its only made to be liked by as many ppl as possible
idc whats ur music taste
That's specifically what I'm talking about, you're only talking about an extra link but you didn't even react to the rest which was more interesting 💀
On 2023-03-12 at 00:50:17
I love how I tried to make a joke with different "types" of hoppingicon which sure wasn't funny, but Pianta, xrunner, and Noob68 are more worried about the song Without You that I hidden in an extra link 😐 like c'mon at least tell me my joke sucked or find something else to say than simply... oh well whatever. And this topic is a shitpost anyways, so of course I'm going to link out of context things because my message isn't serious...
This is just episode 69 of me having enough to see my tastes criticized once again...
This is just episode 69 of me having enough to see my tastes criticized once again...
that was my opinion. i don't like kpop bc it focuses on what made pop bad in general
its only made to be liked by as many ppl as possible
idc whats ur music taste
That's specifically what I'm talking about, you're only talking about an extra link but you didn't even react to the rest which was more interesting 💀
Maybe He Did React to It but He Didn't Say So
On 2023-03-12 at 11:08:55
I love how I tried to make a joke with different "types" of hoppingicon which sure wasn't funny, but Pianta, xrunner, and Noob68 are more worried about the song Without You that I hidden in an extra link 😐 like c'mon at least tell me my joke sucked or find something else to say than simply... oh well whatever. And this topic is a shitpost anyways, so of course I'm going to link out of context things because my message isn't serious...
This is just episode 69 of me having enough to see my tastes criticized once again...
This is just episode 69 of me having enough to see my tastes criticized once again...
that was my opinion. i don't like kpop bc it focuses on what made pop bad in general
its only made to be liked by as many ppl as possible
idc whats ur music taste
That's specifically what I'm talking about, you're only talking about an extra link but you didn't even react to the rest which was more interesting 💀
Maybe He Did React to It but He Didn't Say So
That's my point, je didn't react openly then, but whatever forget this message
On 2023-03-12 at 11:44:23
I love how I tried to make a joke with different "types" of hoppingicon which sure wasn't funny, but Pianta, xrunner, and Noob68 are more worried about the song Without You that I hidden in an extra link 😐 like c'mon at least tell me my joke sucked or find something else to say than simply... oh well whatever. And this topic is a shitpost anyways, so of course I'm going to link out of context things because my message isn't serious...
This is just episode 69 of me having enough to see my tastes criticized once again...
This is just episode 69 of me having enough to see my tastes criticized once again...
I know pianta doesn't like kpop and felt *jokingly* sorry for him clicking on that link.
On 2023-03-12 at 11:52:34
«Για τον ίδιο λόγο, αναμφίβολα, όλοι όσοι από τότε προσκολλήθηκαν στις στοχαστικές επιστήμες θεωρούνταν σοφοί και ονομάζονταν τέτοιοι, μέχρι την εποχή του Πυθαγόρα, που ήταν ο πρώτος που έφερε στη μόδα το όνομα των φιλοσόφων. Ο Héraclide du Pont, μαθητής του Πλάτωνα, και πολύ ικανός άνθρωπος ο ίδιος, αφηγείται την ιστορία με αυτόν τον τρόπο. Μια μέρα, λέει, ο Λέων, ο βασιλιάς των Φλιάσιων, άκουσε τον Πυθαγόρα να μιλάει για ορισμένα σημεία με τόση γνώση και ευγλωττία, που αυτός ο πρίγκιπας, καταλαμβανόμενος από θαυμασμό, τον ρώτησε ποια τέχνη επαγγέλλει. Στο οποίο ο Πυθαγόρας απάντησε, ότι δεν ήξερε κανένα. αλλά ότι ήταν φιλόσοφος. Και τότε ο βασιλιάς, έκπληκτος από την καινοτομία αυτού του ονόματος, τον παρακάλεσε να του πει ποιοι ήταν οι φιλόσοφοι και πώς διέφεραν από τους άλλους ανθρώπους. »
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