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The letter E isn't allowed

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Messages 2 - Goomba Goomba
Messages 2 - Goomba Goomba
Messages 1815 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
BMKRacer wrote:

Caution about posting useless messages please
Messages 1113 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs15717 pts ★ Master
battle8214 pts ★ Expert
Puerto Rico
BMKRacer wrote:

I have never seen someone leave so soon and fast
Messages 996 - Mario Mario
vs8311 pts ★ Expert
battle5276 pts ★ Novice
United States
fuck you, i am still going to use the letter e
Messages 1815 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
fuck you, i am still going to use the letter e

lmao ok then I can use it too
Messages 10123 - King Mario King Mario
vs36958 pts ★ Legend
battle6102 pts ★ Racer
Okay so I was originally just going to report the topic but I'm addressing this bc too much of these topics are being created. The first one was fun, the others are just wannabes of the first one with no originality, no fun. It just leaves space for more irrelevant messages, and is a good place for forum kids as well since the ambiance in there is already kind of immature (e.g. : "I DONT CARE I WILL USE IT !!!!11!1!1) So please stop with these topics, especially since some people who create these are acting like minimods as well...
Messages 573 - Mario Mario
vs20245 pts ★ Legend
battle8625 pts ★ Expert
United States
Lely wrote:
Okay so I was originally just going to report the topic but I'm addressing this bc too much of these topics are being created. The first one was fun, the others are just wannabes of the first one with no originality, no fun. It just leaves space for more irrelevant messages, and is a good place for forum kids as well since the ambiance in there is already kind of immature (e.g. : "I DONT CARE I WILL USE IT !!!!11!1!1) So please stop with these topics, especially since some people who create these are acting like minimods as well...

I completely agree with this. Only one topic is ENOUGH (Refering to the letter "a" isn't allowed. I hope that's right) anyways.
Messages 701 - Mario Mario
vs32175 pts ★ Legend
battle11333 pts ★ Champion
United States
MKPC_ wrote:
Kommisar_K wrote:
tendokiddo wrote:
i guess I am called tndokddo now?

So "I" isn't allowed?


Why Is _v_ryon_ Stupid In This

Don't worry, I know what I did. I shall now go back to this "glyph not shown" thing. Just pointing a thing out in that post. That individual's nick is t_ndokiddo and said individual said "tndokddo" was his nick with that particular glyph not shown. Glyph "I" is OK to show, though, so the nick can say "tndokddo"! That is why I said tindok_ddo.

Not surprising that you of all is having difficulty with that post. It is in unusual format for such a post.
Messages 219 - Toad Toad
vs9505 pts ★ Expert
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
Fiery wrote:
Fuck you super

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It's a slight nod to a YT guy's clip

You thought you did something there, didn't you? Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but numerous sentences could be constructed without employing the fifth letter of the English Lexicon.
Messages 842 - Mario Mario
vs15944 pts ★ Master
battle7485 pts ★ Racer
Fiery wrote:
Fuck you super

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It's a slight nod to a YT guy's clip

You thought you did something there, didn't you? Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but numerous sentences could be constructed without employing the fifth letter of the English Lexicon.

your string had that conlang’s fifth glyph, this isn’t about that first glyph. but i know about that quotation
Messages 172 - Bowser Bowser
I don't want to. It's not a thing that I would find joyful. I should not do it. Making a short paragraph without using a common word is hard. Do you know how many words contain that symbol? It's difficult and dumb to try to do an activity such as that. I find it highly unusual that I could gain utility from such an activity.

Yah so, I can't do it; my brain is too dumb to try. Writing a small paragraph is a big task for a guy who must avoid a bunch of basic words. If you ask again tomorrow, I will still say no. I know this is not important though, so you can go away now.

But thanks so much for sharing that sandwich. I had always thought that intaking without using particular, common factors was fairly difficult, but obviously not to folks who actually try and do it constantly. I will admit, though, that my first go at this was frustrating and just plain awful, but I think that occurs a lot for most who try it.

Messages 4 - Goomba Goomba
vs10746 pts ★ Champion
battle6186 pts ★ Racer
United States
Hai Guys! hey
Messages 254 - Toadsworth Toadsworth
vs10413 pts ★ Champion
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
HiImAndrew wrote:
I don't want to. It's not a thing that I would find joyful. I should not do it. Making a short paragraph without using a common word is hard. Do you know how many words contain that symbol? It's difficult and dumb to try to do an activity such as that. I find it highly unusual that I could gain utility from such an activity.

Yah so, I can't do it; my brain is too dumb to try. Writing a small paragraph is a big task for a guy who must avoid a bunch of basic words. If you ask again tomorrow, I will still say no. I know this is not important though, so you can go away now.

But thanks so much for sharing that sandwich. I had always thought that intaking without using particular, common factors was fairly difficult, but obviously not to folks who actually try and do it constantly. I will admit, though, that my first go at this was frustrating and just plain awful, but I think that occurs a lot for most who try it.


Messages 1815 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
There is too much topics related to this, I'm locking the topic

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