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[Fanfic] - MKPC Archipel (2024 Season)
On 2024-03-08 at 01:59:36
A super long episode just deleted itself. I am TIRED.
Why do writers always do this? They be like, "I lost everything", like just lie, say it was unsatisfactory, hell don't even mention it, attention seeker, clearly rent is due

On 2024-02-29 at 18:21:13
Nudge - 9
Lely - 7
VC - 6
Eli - 6
Max - 5
Ben - 5
Alice - 4
James - 3
Krazey - 3
Dayzi - 3
Choco - 3
Line distribution be pretty fair though
Also, new episode this evening
Lely - 7
VC - 6
Eli - 6
Max - 5
Ben - 5
Alice - 4
James - 3
Krazey - 3
Dayzi - 3
Choco - 3
Line distribution be pretty fair though
Also, new episode this evening

yo but can James show my gentle giant side? and don't kill me plz
also I bet the person is pixelss
At this point your crush on my girlfriend is just gross and annoying, and don't even try saying you don't know she's my girlfriend cause I know you're not illiterate or anything
In fact I doubt you even can call it a crush you're just being a simp, I apologize if this message seems harsh in any way but Pixel's told me so many times that you're making her uncomfortable
Dude your wildin
Anyway, I'mma be honest
I wouldn't be trusting Illu's taste in women
Yours is probably worse though, you don't seem like a trustworthy one
True, but Illu's isn't much better.
Now Nudge is someone I'd trust to like good bitches.

No disrespect to you, Pixelss, that wasn't what I intended.
Albeit, could be worse with the joke that I originally intended to send.
Okay on a serious note tho, I really don't think that this can be taken out of context in any way, you said what you said with full intention, which ended up being pretty harmful.
Yeah, but it was more so aimed at IlluZhion than you, and I apologize for how it sounded. It was just supposed to be a playful jab.
I mean IlluZhion is my girlfriend so anything that upsets her upsets me vice versa + don't water it down by calling it a "joke" or being "playful"
I said "supposed to be a playful jab". I wouldn't have said it if I known it would have been taken like this, I would've kept it to myself. And yes, I know my track record doesn't exactly help my case saying that, but I genuinely meant no harm.
On 2024-02-29 at 18:02:52
Nudge - 9
Lely - 7
VC - 6
Eli - 6
Max - 5
Ben - 5
Alice - 4
James - 3
Krazey - 3
Dayzi - 3
Choco - 3
Line distribution be pretty fair though
Also, new episode this evening
Lely - 7
VC - 6
Eli - 6
Max - 5
Ben - 5
Alice - 4
James - 3
Krazey - 3
Dayzi - 3
Choco - 3
Line distribution be pretty fair though
Also, new episode this evening

yo but can James show my gentle giant side? and don't kill me plz
also I bet the person is pixelss
At this point your crush on my girlfriend is just gross and annoying, and don't even try saying you don't know she's my girlfriend cause I know you're not illiterate or anything
In fact I doubt you even can call it a crush you're just being a simp, I apologize if this message seems harsh in any way but Pixel's told me so many times that you're making her uncomfortable
Dude your wildin
Anyway, I'mma be honest
I wouldn't be trusting Illu's taste in women
Yours is probably worse though, you don't seem like a trustworthy one
True, but Illu's isn't much better.
Now Nudge is someone I'd trust to like good bitches.

No disrespect to you, Pixelss, that wasn't what I intended.
Albeit, could be worse with the joke that I originally intended to send.
Okay on a serious note tho, I really don't think that this can be taken out of context in any way, you said what you said with full intention, which ended up being pretty harmful.
Yeah, but it was more so aimed at IlluZhion than you, and I apologize for how it sounded. It was just supposed to be a playful jab.
On 2024-02-29 at 15:55:17
@Mario100 don't worry, t wasn't that bad, it basically boils down to
Something something over stimulated something something your boy should be helping you with that something something him and his member something something I know your not the first something something I'd watch myself, he do be picking girls up like coupons
Nothing horrible, just a little more rude to Pixelss.
Albeit, I left a couple parts out for the comfort of all directly affected parties.
Something something over stimulated something something your boy should be helping you with that something something him and his member something something I know your not the first something something I'd watch myself, he do be picking girls up like coupons
Nothing horrible, just a little more rude to Pixelss.
Albeit, I left a couple parts out for the comfort of all directly affected parties.
On 2024-02-29 at 13:25:51
Nudge - 9
Lely - 7
VC - 6
Eli - 6
Max - 5
Ben - 5
Alice - 4
James - 3
Krazey - 3
Dayzi - 3
Choco - 3
Line distribution be pretty fair though
Also, new episode this evening
Lely - 7
VC - 6
Eli - 6
Max - 5
Ben - 5
Alice - 4
James - 3
Krazey - 3
Dayzi - 3
Choco - 3
Line distribution be pretty fair though
Also, new episode this evening

yo but can James show my gentle giant side? and don't kill me plz
also I bet the person is pixelss
At this point your crush on my girlfriend is just gross and annoying, and don't even try saying you don't know she's my girlfriend cause I know you're not illiterate or anything
In fact I doubt you even can call it a crush you're just being a simp, I apologize if this message seems harsh in any way but Pixel's told me so many times that you're making her uncomfortable
Dude your wildin
Anyway, I'mma be honest
I wouldn't be trusting Illu's taste in women
Yours is probably worse though, you don't seem like a trustworthy one
True, but Illu's isn't much better.
Now Nudge is someone I'd trust to like good bitches.

No disrespect to you, Pixelss, that wasn't what I intended.
Albeit, could be worse with the joke that I originally intended to send.

On 2024-02-29 at 03:42:29
Chapter 1 : One Spark
As they arrived, someone came up.
??? : Welcome to MKPC Archipel ! My name is Chuck. We are used to see this type of accident occurring, planes often crash due to the air change.
Max : Yeah, it definitively happens often
Choco : The air indeed feels very different, a fresh breeze and a soft sun yet a globally mild weather. Not what you would expect from a tropical archipel.
Chuck : I understand, I was born here and I have seen a lot of tourists surprised by such a soft weather. It never changes though, whether it's January or August. Anyways, for now we will guide you to the huts and answer your questions.
Two more Piantas arrive, visibly looking pretty much like Chuck.
??? : Hi, I'm named Ster. Don't ask me why but every tourist has cracked up about it, it isn't that funn- oh you too ?
??? : Oh shut up. I'm Cameron.
Ster : Why tf are you agressive ?
Cameron : Why tf do you exist ?
Ster decided to remain quiet. Chuck and the MKPCians were put in an awkward situation, but Chuck finally managed to say something.
Chuck : Let's try not to lose any more time. starts walking and the others along with him The island you arrived on is called the Airstrip, which is where planes land and boat arrive. From that point, you can see the most of the archipelago. The island that's the farthest away from here is the Crown Island, an island that has a volcano erupting quite often. It is not recommended to visit it, but it is not illegal. The core is the Central Island, where you can find a city, a mall, a market, etc. It is like a plaza. On the left is the Wild Island, which has a very... wlld nature. On the right is the Balnear Island, a balnear station with many tourists who came to watch MKPC Archipel... the competition that starts in 2 days, and that is why you seem to be here. The huts are on the Central Island. I will guide you to them.
They all entered a bus that led them quite quickly to their huts.
Chuck : For now you will discover the huts by yourself, this is where our ways part, see you tomorrow.
Chuck left.
Eli : Wow. There is some hard beef between Ster and Cameron.
Lely : Cameron kinda sounds like a bitch to me. It's the kind of person you befriend when they're nice, only for them to slowly become toxic over time. And then you wonder why the fuck you have them as staff
Krazey : I cannot take them seriously, like did Chuck hire Ster purposefully ?
Max : Nobody knows
Dayzi : Let's just enter the huts
They entered.
Choco : Woww... it looks really luxury in there... yet so discret and modest
Max : Yeah it's beautiful
James : The architectural work of this hut is incredible. It looks like a luxury villa, yet it still keeps a modesty in its charm. I mean, it still looks like a hut ! And yet the wood color is beautiful. The shape of it too ! You can feel the softness of the branch yet the firmness of a proper rooftop. Everything feels like you are diving back into the bare nature. It is so beautiful
Krazey : Is it just a trend that people who write in greeen will make essays as statements ??
Dayzi : I'm going to go to sleep
Ben : Why though, we are in the middle of the afternoon
Dayzi : I don't really mind
Max : Nah we have to pair because the dorm huts are made for 2 people to sleep together
Krazey : ... I see...
Max : Your mind is way too perverted to function
Krazey : You are too innocent to function
Dayzi : Let's just get this over with so U can sleep
Eli : Well Alice ?
Alice : Sure I guess
James : Ben ? Are you... okay with pairing ?
Ben : I guess..
Krazey : Wow. Thought he'd cause far more fuss.
Ben : Nah, I can be gentle if I want to
Choco : Dayzi, would you perhaps want to pair ? I'm an introvert and I'm quite silent, so you won't have to deal with a lot of noise and excitation
Dayzi : Yeah you sound cool
VC : I guess I will remain alone for now... sadly.
Nudge : Fair enough. Krazey come here you pervert, I don't wanna pair with a French person
Krazey : Aye captain !
Max : Do you want to go with VC or...
Lely : Nah it's fine, tbh it's cool to recreate memories from 2022
And once they went in their dorms...
VC : It feels really alone. The sun ain't even shining in my direction. This afternoon is going to be long--
Chuck : I am sorry to distutb you but someone just arrived here, his name is Noob and no other dorm is free... can he come with you ?
VC : Of course !!
Noob came in.
Noob : Hello...
VC : Hey ! How are you ? I'm pretty sure I have encountered you before.
Noob : I'm... pretty good... how about you ?
VC : I'm good. You seem uneasy though, is everything alright ?
Noob : Well... it's quite hard to arrive later... like, if I had gone with you all it would have been fine but right now I feel excluded, I feel like a guest...
VC : I get that... Anyways, where were you born ? For example Lely and Max are French, Nudgy is British...
Noob : I am... from Canada.
VC : Oh, me too !
Noob : Oh, well... that's cool.
Later, at dinnertime
Ben : She is perfect, I love her, I would serenade her, I would hug her and cuddle her under the blankets while we are watching Netflix and I would throw a popcorn in her mouth just to kiss her
Dayzi : Oh my god just be quiet for a second please, you are insuferable
Ben : Yeah but she is the perfect girl,the way she is not too sweet and clingy but not too distant and agressive makes her a beautiful person. I would offer her roses so that she can notice how much of a charmer I am. I got everything. Muscles, back, clothes, abs... the full package you know π
Lely : Excuse me but there is nothing
Alice : The package is as full as a chips bag from Walmart though...
Ben : Nope. My intelligence, my class and my flirt skills place my figure above yours in the scale that society has provided to us when we were born. I look prettier than you and my actions are smarter. See what I meant by full package ?
Alice : Bro thinks he is an Alpha male leading some sort of group... you are a forum kid you have as much rizz as the vegan teacher
Nudge : Stolen
Max : ok wtf happened here
Lely : Ben having an identity crisis and thinking he is on the smash list
Noob : He is buff. Pass.
Nudge : He isn't buff, it's a silicone costume. We all saw him without before arriving here, and he didn't have that kind of physique
Dayzi : I'm hungry
Ben : Anyways, let's get back to me being a seductor. Her lips are beautiful and only appeal my name. Her hair holds secrets, the secrets of the love I feel for her. Everything about her is perfect, she is the representation of heaven and I have nothing to say in front of her beauty yet I have so many words to describe her and I only wish to whisper them to her ear softly someday. She is so beautiful, she is so much yet she fits in only one... pixel.
Alice glared at Ben. Her eyes were filled with absolute rage.
Alice : Do not play with me. Do not play with the fire that I am and with the fire that runs in my veins.
Ben : Aww... May the princess fight me to keep the beautiful pixel away from me ? Or at least, try ?
MKPC Archipel - 2024 Season
The end
As they arrived, someone came up.
??? : Welcome to MKPC Archipel ! My name is Chuck. We are used to see this type of accident occurring, planes often crash due to the air change.
Max : Yeah, it definitively happens often
Choco : The air indeed feels very different, a fresh breeze and a soft sun yet a globally mild weather. Not what you would expect from a tropical archipel.
Chuck : I understand, I was born here and I have seen a lot of tourists surprised by such a soft weather. It never changes though, whether it's January or August. Anyways, for now we will guide you to the huts and answer your questions.
Two more Piantas arrive, visibly looking pretty much like Chuck.
??? : Hi, I'm named Ster. Don't ask me why but every tourist has cracked up about it, it isn't that funn- oh you too ?
??? : Oh shut up. I'm Cameron.
Ster : Why tf are you agressive ?
Cameron : Why tf do you exist ?
Ster decided to remain quiet. Chuck and the MKPCians were put in an awkward situation, but Chuck finally managed to say something.
Chuck : Let's try not to lose any more time. starts walking and the others along with him The island you arrived on is called the Airstrip, which is where planes land and boat arrive. From that point, you can see the most of the archipelago. The island that's the farthest away from here is the Crown Island, an island that has a volcano erupting quite often. It is not recommended to visit it, but it is not illegal. The core is the Central Island, where you can find a city, a mall, a market, etc. It is like a plaza. On the left is the Wild Island, which has a very... wlld nature. On the right is the Balnear Island, a balnear station with many tourists who came to watch MKPC Archipel... the competition that starts in 2 days, and that is why you seem to be here. The huts are on the Central Island. I will guide you to them.
They all entered a bus that led them quite quickly to their huts.
Chuck : For now you will discover the huts by yourself, this is where our ways part, see you tomorrow.
Chuck left.
Eli : Wow. There is some hard beef between Ster and Cameron.
Lely : Cameron kinda sounds like a bitch to me. It's the kind of person you befriend when they're nice, only for them to slowly become toxic over time. And then you wonder why the fuck you have them as staff
Krazey : I cannot take them seriously, like did Chuck hire Ster purposefully ?
Max : Nobody knows
Dayzi : Let's just enter the huts
They entered.
Choco : Woww... it looks really luxury in there... yet so discret and modest
Max : Yeah it's beautiful
James : The architectural work of this hut is incredible. It looks like a luxury villa, yet it still keeps a modesty in its charm. I mean, it still looks like a hut ! And yet the wood color is beautiful. The shape of it too ! You can feel the softness of the branch yet the firmness of a proper rooftop. Everything feels like you are diving back into the bare nature. It is so beautiful

Krazey : Is it just a trend that people who write in greeen will make essays as statements ??
Dayzi : I'm going to go to sleep
Ben : Why though, we are in the middle of the afternoon
Dayzi : I don't really mind
Max : Nah we have to pair because the dorm huts are made for 2 people to sleep together
Krazey : ... I see...
Max : Your mind is way too perverted to function
Krazey : You are too innocent to function
Dayzi : Let's just get this over with so U can sleep
Eli : Well Alice ?
Alice : Sure I guess
James : Ben ? Are you... okay with pairing ?
Ben : I guess..
Krazey : Wow. Thought he'd cause far more fuss.
Ben : Nah, I can be gentle if I want to
Choco : Dayzi, would you perhaps want to pair ? I'm an introvert and I'm quite silent, so you won't have to deal with a lot of noise and excitation
Dayzi : Yeah you sound cool
VC : I guess I will remain alone for now... sadly.
Nudge : Fair enough. Krazey come here you pervert, I don't wanna pair with a French person
Krazey : Aye captain !
Max : Do you want to go with VC or...
Lely : Nah it's fine, tbh it's cool to recreate memories from 2022
And once they went in their dorms...
VC : It feels really alone. The sun ain't even shining in my direction. This afternoon is going to be long--
Chuck : I am sorry to distutb you but someone just arrived here, his name is Noob and no other dorm is free... can he come with you ?
VC : Of course !!
Noob came in.
Noob : Hello...
VC : Hey ! How are you ? I'm pretty sure I have encountered you before.
Noob : I'm... pretty good... how about you ?
VC : I'm good. You seem uneasy though, is everything alright ?
Noob : Well... it's quite hard to arrive later... like, if I had gone with you all it would have been fine but right now I feel excluded, I feel like a guest...
VC : I get that... Anyways, where were you born ? For example Lely and Max are French, Nudgy is British...
Noob : I am... from Canada.
VC : Oh, me too !
Noob : Oh, well... that's cool.
Later, at dinnertime
Ben : She is perfect, I love her, I would serenade her, I would hug her and cuddle her under the blankets while we are watching Netflix and I would throw a popcorn in her mouth just to kiss her
Dayzi : Oh my god just be quiet for a second please, you are insuferable
Ben : Yeah but she is the perfect girl,the way she is not too sweet and clingy but not too distant and agressive makes her a beautiful person. I would offer her roses so that she can notice how much of a charmer I am. I got everything. Muscles, back, clothes, abs... the full package you know π
Lely : Excuse me but there is nothing
Alice : The package is as full as a chips bag from Walmart though...
Ben : Nope. My intelligence, my class and my flirt skills place my figure above yours in the scale that society has provided to us when we were born. I look prettier than you and my actions are smarter. See what I meant by full package ?
Alice : Bro thinks he is an Alpha male leading some sort of group... you are a forum kid you have as much rizz as the vegan teacher
Nudge : Stolen
Max : ok wtf happened here
Lely : Ben having an identity crisis and thinking he is on the smash list
Noob : He is buff. Pass.
Nudge : He isn't buff, it's a silicone costume. We all saw him without before arriving here, and he didn't have that kind of physique
Dayzi : I'm hungry
Ben : Anyways, let's get back to me being a seductor. Her lips are beautiful and only appeal my name. Her hair holds secrets, the secrets of the love I feel for her. Everything about her is perfect, she is the representation of heaven and I have nothing to say in front of her beauty yet I have so many words to describe her and I only wish to whisper them to her ear softly someday. She is so beautiful, she is so much yet she fits in only one... pixel.
Alice glared at Ben. Her eyes were filled with absolute rage.
Alice : Do not play with me. Do not play with the fire that I am and with the fire that runs in my veins.
Ben : Aww... May the princess fight me to keep the beautiful pixel away from me ? Or at least, try ?
MKPC Archipel - 2024 Season
The end
Did you know that Chuck owns the store-
Anyway, Alice is Fire? What? What happened to Ifrit? When was this summon added? Why are y'all leaking Final Fantasy XVII? I have to block you all now smh
Wtf are you even saying anymore ? Are random thoughts just babbling out of your mouth and then proceed to press on your keyboards ?
Yes, finally, we're on the same page.
On 2024-02-29 at 01:42:21
Chapter 1 : One Spark
As they arrived, someone came up.
??? : Welcome to MKPC Archipel ! My name is Chuck. We are used to see this type of accident occurring, planes often crash due to the air change.
Max : Yeah, it definitively happens often
Choco : The air indeed feels very different, a fresh breeze and a soft sun yet a globally mild weather. Not what you would expect from a tropical archipel.
Chuck : I understand, I was born here and I have seen a lot of tourists surprised by such a soft weather. It never changes though, whether it's January or August. Anyways, for now we will guide you to the huts and answer your questions.
Two more Piantas arrive, visibly looking pretty much like Chuck.
??? : Hi, I'm named Ster. Don't ask me why but every tourist has cracked up about it, it isn't that funn- oh you too ?
??? : Oh shut up. I'm Cameron.
Ster : Why tf are you agressive ?
Cameron : Why tf do you exist ?
Ster decided to remain quiet. Chuck and the MKPCians were put in an awkward situation, but Chuck finally managed to say something.
Chuck : Let's try not to lose any more time. starts walking and the others along with him The island you arrived on is called the Airstrip, which is where planes land and boat arrive. From that point, you can see the most of the archipelago. The island that's the farthest away from here is the Crown Island, an island that has a volcano erupting quite often. It is not recommended to visit it, but it is not illegal. The core is the Central Island, where you can find a city, a mall, a market, etc. It is like a plaza. On the left is the Wild Island, which has a very... wlld nature. On the right is the Balnear Island, a balnear station with many tourists who came to watch MKPC Archipel... the competition that starts in 2 days, and that is why you seem to be here. The huts are on the Central Island. I will guide you to them.
They all entered a bus that led them quite quickly to their huts.
Chuck : For now you will discover the huts by yourself, this is where our ways part, see you tomorrow.
Chuck left.
Eli : Wow. There is some hard beef between Ster and Cameron.
Lely : Cameron kinda sounds like a bitch to me. It's the kind of person you befriend when they're nice, only for them to slowly become toxic over time. And then you wonder why the fuck you have them as staff
Krazey : I cannot take them seriously, like did Chuck hire Ster purposefully ?
Max : Nobody knows
Dayzi : Let's just enter the huts
They entered.
Choco : Woww... it looks really luxury in there... yet so discret and modest
Max : Yeah it's beautiful
James : The architectural work of this hut is incredible. It looks like a luxury villa, yet it still keeps a modesty in its charm. I mean, it still looks like a hut ! And yet the wood color is beautiful. The shape of it too ! You can feel the softness of the branch yet the firmness of a proper rooftop. Everything feels like you are diving back into the bare nature. It is so beautiful
Krazey : Is it just a trend that people who write in greeen will make essays as statements ??
Dayzi : I'm going to go to sleep
Ben : Why though, we are in the middle of the afternoon
Dayzi : I don't really mind
Max : Nah we have to pair because the dorm huts are made for 2 people to sleep together
Krazey : ... I see...
Max : Your mind is way too perverted to function
Krazey : You are too innocent to function
Dayzi : Let's just get this over with so U can sleep
Eli : Well Alice ?
Alice : Sure I guess
James : Ben ? Are you... okay with pairing ?
Ben : I guess..
Krazey : Wow. Thought he'd cause far more fuss.
Ben : Nah, I can be gentle if I want to
Choco : Dayzi, would you perhaps want to pair ? I'm an introvert and I'm quite silent, so you won't have to deal with a lot of noise and excitation
Dayzi : Yeah you sound cool
VC : I guess I will remain alone for now... sadly.
Nudge : Fair enough. Krazey come here you pervert, I don't wanna pair with a French person
Krazey : Aye captain !
Max : Do you want to go with VC or...
Lely : Nah it's fine, tbh it's cool to recreate memories from 2022
And once they went in their dorms...
VC : It feels really alone. The sun ain't even shining in my direction. This afternoon is going to be long--
Chuck : I am sorry to distutb you but someone just arrived here, his name is Noob and no other dorm is free... can he come with you ?
VC : Of course !!
Noob came in.
Noob : Hello...
VC : Hey ! How are you ? I'm pretty sure I have encountered you before.
Noob : I'm... pretty good... how about you ?
VC : I'm good. You seem uneasy though, is everything alright ?
Noob : Well... it's quite hard to arrive later... like, if I had gone with you all it would have been fine but right now I feel excluded, I feel like a guest...
VC : I get that... Anyways, where were you born ? For example Lely and Max are French, Nudgy is British...
Noob : I am... from Canada.
VC : Oh, me too !
Noob : Oh, well... that's cool.
Later, at dinnertime
Ben : She is perfect, I love her, I would serenade her, I would hug her and cuddle her under the blankets while we are watching Netflix and I would throw a popcorn in her mouth just to kiss her
Dayzi : Oh my god just be quiet for a second please, you are insuferable
Ben : Yeah but she is the perfect girl,the way she is not too sweet and clingy but not too distant and agressive makes her a beautiful person. I would offer her roses so that she can notice how much of a charmer I am. I got everything. Muscles, back, clothes, abs... the full package you know π
Lely : Excuse me but there is nothing
Alice : The package is as full as a chips bag from Walmart though...
Ben : Nope. My intelligence, my class and my flirt skills place my figure above yours in the scale that society has provided to us when we were born. I look prettier than you and my actions are smarter. See what I meant by full package ?
Alice : Bro thinks he is an Alpha male leading some sort of group... you are a forum kid you have as much rizz as the vegan teacher
Nudge : Stolen
Max : ok wtf happened here
Lely : Ben having an identity crisis and thinking he is on the smash list
Noob : He is buff. Pass.
Nudge : He isn't buff, it's a silicone costume. We all saw him without before arriving here, and he didn't have that kind of physique
Dayzi : I'm hungry
Ben : Anyways, let's get back to me being a seductor. Her lips are beautiful and only appeal my name. Her hair holds secrets, the secrets of the love I feel for her. Everything about her is perfect, she is the representation of heaven and I have nothing to say in front of her beauty yet I have so many words to describe her and I only wish to whisper them to her ear softly someday. She is so beautiful, she is so much yet she fits in only one... pixel.
Alice glared at Ben. Her eyes were filled with absolute rage.
Alice : Do not play with me. Do not play with the fire that I am and with the fire that runs in my veins.
Ben : Aww... May the princess fight me to keep the beautiful pixel away from me ? Or at least, try ?
MKPC Archipel - 2024 Season
The end
As they arrived, someone came up.
??? : Welcome to MKPC Archipel ! My name is Chuck. We are used to see this type of accident occurring, planes often crash due to the air change.
Max : Yeah, it definitively happens often
Choco : The air indeed feels very different, a fresh breeze and a soft sun yet a globally mild weather. Not what you would expect from a tropical archipel.
Chuck : I understand, I was born here and I have seen a lot of tourists surprised by such a soft weather. It never changes though, whether it's January or August. Anyways, for now we will guide you to the huts and answer your questions.
Two more Piantas arrive, visibly looking pretty much like Chuck.
??? : Hi, I'm named Ster. Don't ask me why but every tourist has cracked up about it, it isn't that funn- oh you too ?
??? : Oh shut up. I'm Cameron.
Ster : Why tf are you agressive ?
Cameron : Why tf do you exist ?
Ster decided to remain quiet. Chuck and the MKPCians were put in an awkward situation, but Chuck finally managed to say something.
Chuck : Let's try not to lose any more time. starts walking and the others along with him The island you arrived on is called the Airstrip, which is where planes land and boat arrive. From that point, you can see the most of the archipelago. The island that's the farthest away from here is the Crown Island, an island that has a volcano erupting quite often. It is not recommended to visit it, but it is not illegal. The core is the Central Island, where you can find a city, a mall, a market, etc. It is like a plaza. On the left is the Wild Island, which has a very... wlld nature. On the right is the Balnear Island, a balnear station with many tourists who came to watch MKPC Archipel... the competition that starts in 2 days, and that is why you seem to be here. The huts are on the Central Island. I will guide you to them.
They all entered a bus that led them quite quickly to their huts.
Chuck : For now you will discover the huts by yourself, this is where our ways part, see you tomorrow.
Chuck left.
Eli : Wow. There is some hard beef between Ster and Cameron.
Lely : Cameron kinda sounds like a bitch to me. It's the kind of person you befriend when they're nice, only for them to slowly become toxic over time. And then you wonder why the fuck you have them as staff
Krazey : I cannot take them seriously, like did Chuck hire Ster purposefully ?
Max : Nobody knows
Dayzi : Let's just enter the huts
They entered.
Choco : Woww... it looks really luxury in there... yet so discret and modest
Max : Yeah it's beautiful
James : The architectural work of this hut is incredible. It looks like a luxury villa, yet it still keeps a modesty in its charm. I mean, it still looks like a hut ! And yet the wood color is beautiful. The shape of it too ! You can feel the softness of the branch yet the firmness of a proper rooftop. Everything feels like you are diving back into the bare nature. It is so beautiful

Krazey : Is it just a trend that people who write in greeen will make essays as statements ??
Dayzi : I'm going to go to sleep
Ben : Why though, we are in the middle of the afternoon
Dayzi : I don't really mind
Max : Nah we have to pair because the dorm huts are made for 2 people to sleep together
Krazey : ... I see...
Max : Your mind is way too perverted to function
Krazey : You are too innocent to function
Dayzi : Let's just get this over with so U can sleep
Eli : Well Alice ?
Alice : Sure I guess
James : Ben ? Are you... okay with pairing ?
Ben : I guess..
Krazey : Wow. Thought he'd cause far more fuss.
Ben : Nah, I can be gentle if I want to
Choco : Dayzi, would you perhaps want to pair ? I'm an introvert and I'm quite silent, so you won't have to deal with a lot of noise and excitation
Dayzi : Yeah you sound cool
VC : I guess I will remain alone for now... sadly.
Nudge : Fair enough. Krazey come here you pervert, I don't wanna pair with a French person
Krazey : Aye captain !
Max : Do you want to go with VC or...
Lely : Nah it's fine, tbh it's cool to recreate memories from 2022
And once they went in their dorms...
VC : It feels really alone. The sun ain't even shining in my direction. This afternoon is going to be long--
Chuck : I am sorry to distutb you but someone just arrived here, his name is Noob and no other dorm is free... can he come with you ?
VC : Of course !!
Noob came in.
Noob : Hello...
VC : Hey ! How are you ? I'm pretty sure I have encountered you before.
Noob : I'm... pretty good... how about you ?
VC : I'm good. You seem uneasy though, is everything alright ?
Noob : Well... it's quite hard to arrive later... like, if I had gone with you all it would have been fine but right now I feel excluded, I feel like a guest...
VC : I get that... Anyways, where were you born ? For example Lely and Max are French, Nudgy is British...
Noob : I am... from Canada.
VC : Oh, me too !
Noob : Oh, well... that's cool.
Later, at dinnertime
Ben : She is perfect, I love her, I would serenade her, I would hug her and cuddle her under the blankets while we are watching Netflix and I would throw a popcorn in her mouth just to kiss her
Dayzi : Oh my god just be quiet for a second please, you are insuferable
Ben : Yeah but she is the perfect girl,the way she is not too sweet and clingy but not too distant and agressive makes her a beautiful person. I would offer her roses so that she can notice how much of a charmer I am. I got everything. Muscles, back, clothes, abs... the full package you know π
Lely : Excuse me but there is nothing
Alice : The package is as full as a chips bag from Walmart though...
Ben : Nope. My intelligence, my class and my flirt skills place my figure above yours in the scale that society has provided to us when we were born. I look prettier than you and my actions are smarter. See what I meant by full package ?
Alice : Bro thinks he is an Alpha male leading some sort of group... you are a forum kid you have as much rizz as the vegan teacher
Nudge : Stolen
Max : ok wtf happened here
Lely : Ben having an identity crisis and thinking he is on the smash list
Noob : He is buff. Pass.
Nudge : He isn't buff, it's a silicone costume. We all saw him without before arriving here, and he didn't have that kind of physique
Dayzi : I'm hungry
Ben : Anyways, let's get back to me being a seductor. Her lips are beautiful and only appeal my name. Her hair holds secrets, the secrets of the love I feel for her. Everything about her is perfect, she is the representation of heaven and I have nothing to say in front of her beauty yet I have so many words to describe her and I only wish to whisper them to her ear softly someday. She is so beautiful, she is so much yet she fits in only one... pixel.
Alice glared at Ben. Her eyes were filled with absolute rage.
Alice : Do not play with me. Do not play with the fire that I am and with the fire that runs in my veins.
Ben : Aww... May the princess fight me to keep the beautiful pixel away from me ? Or at least, try ?
MKPC Archipel - 2024 Season
The end
Did you know that Chuck owns the store-
Anyway, Alice is Fire? What? What happened to Ifrit? When was this summon added? Why are y'all leaking Final Fantasy XVII? I have to block you all now smh
On 2024-02-28 at 21:11:33
Nudge - 9
Lely - 7
VC - 6
Eli - 6
Max - 5
Ben - 5
Alice - 4
James - 3
Krazey - 3
Dayzi - 3
Choco - 3
Line distribution be pretty fair though
Also, new episode this evening
Lely - 7
VC - 6
Eli - 6
Max - 5
Ben - 5
Alice - 4
James - 3
Krazey - 3
Dayzi - 3
Choco - 3
Line distribution be pretty fair though
Also, new episode this evening

yo but can James show my gentle giant side? and don't kill me plz
also I bet the person is pixelss
At this point your crush on my girlfriend is just gross and annoying, and don't even try saying you don't know she's my girlfriend cause I know you're not illiterate or anything
In fact I doubt you even can call it a crush you're just being a simp, I apologize if this message seems harsh in any way but Pixel's told me so many times that you're making her uncomfortable
Dude your wildin
Anyway, I'mma be honest
I wouldn't be trusting Illu's taste in women
Yours is probably worse though, you don't seem like a trustworthy one
True, but Illu's isn't much better.
Now Nudge is someone I'd trust to like good bitches.
On 2024-02-28 at 20:28:11
Nudge - 9
Lely - 7
VC - 6
Eli - 6
Max - 5
Ben - 5
Alice - 4
James - 3
Krazey - 3
Dayzi - 3
Choco - 3
Line distribution be pretty fair though
Also, new episode this evening
Lely - 7
VC - 6
Eli - 6
Max - 5
Ben - 5
Alice - 4
James - 3
Krazey - 3
Dayzi - 3
Choco - 3
Line distribution be pretty fair though
Also, new episode this evening

yo but can James show my gentle giant side? and don't kill me plz
also I bet the person is pixelss
At this point your crush on my girlfriend is just gross and annoying, and don't even try saying you don't know she's my girlfriend cause I know you're not illiterate or anything
In fact I doubt you even can call it a crush you're just being a simp, I apologize if this message seems harsh in any way but Pixel's told me so many times that you're making her uncomfortable
Dude your wildin
Anyway, I'mma be honest
I wouldn't be trusting Illu's taste in women

On 2024-02-27 at 15:03:51
guesssin its senko or somthin
That's Max
Definitively not, it's an original character
@Mario100 thank you for your detailed feedback, I appreciate it a lot. And I was glad that I was able to reproduce your personnality right ^^
Thank you all for the positive comments also ! It is really appreciated.

I meant to tell him that Senko & Max are the same person. And like I said, Lely Tu.
It isn't Lely Tu neither
That's just what the creator would want us to think.
On 2024-02-27 at 13:43:45
guesssin its senko or somthin
That's Max
Definitively not, it's an original character
@Mario100 thank you for your detailed feedback, I appreciate it a lot. And I was glad that I was able to reproduce your personnality right ^^
Thank you all for the positive comments also ! It is really appreciated.

I meant to tell him that Senko & Max are the same person. And like I said, Lely Tu.
On 2024-02-27 at 02:43:31
guesssin its senko or somthin
That's Max
On 2024-02-27 at 02:30:06
Launching Chapter
Sometimes, you look at pictures of yourself, or at other traces of the past. You feel nostalgic, you just wish you could turn back the clock. Sometimes it's impossible.
But sometimes it is possible.
Nudge : This situation we are in is so boring. We live peacefully on the border of Mario Circuit waiting for cars to have the same race over and over again. I want some action to happen.
Max : Wow chill, I'm good. The world is overwhelming enough, I'm glad to enjoy the blue sky and the yellow sun.
Lely : How about we do something that is still fairly peaceful yet still fairly exciting ? I agree with Nudge, watching flowers bloom can be nice but it gets boring after quite a while.
James : Well, I heard about a mathematic contest and I totally wanna participate in it because it seems entertaining--
Nudge : If it's trigonometry ? Don't count me in. And I am not in a math mood anyways, maybe I will be once I actually killed someone.
VC : Ah no, you are NOT going to trick me this time. We are not making a normal day turn into a killing game. Nope. No chance.
Nudge : You're a boring girl
Alice : Hey, a bit of craziness is okay, but sometimes you have to breathe, y'know ? Totally get her on that.
Krazey : Girl you stole my phrasing. I have nothing left to be an original character now. Can we please get a F chain going in the chat ?
Ben : Can you guys shut up ? I am busy lifting my weights. π
Alice : Wow impressive, you are trying to glow up from forum kid to gigachad, but that's... working mildly
Ben : The fuck ? I have more muscle than you you fucking wimp.
Alice : Shut up or I call Pixel.
Eli : Also who on Earth are you calling a wimp ??
Ben : Oh yes my wife π₯°
Nudge : She isn't your wife because if she was, she would have cheated on you with Max, which hardly anybody wants to do
Max : why are we here just to suffer
Krazey : Can we try to get back on track and not get into any romantic fight bullshit ? Because if we are engaging in that, better buckle up cause that'd be one hell of a ride.
VC : I do have an idea... which will inspire Nudgy, Dayzi, Lely and Max for sure lmfao
Dayzi : Hmm ?
VC : Okay. Well, who here remembers MKPC Archipel ?
The OGs (Max, Dayzi, Nudgy, Lely) looked interested and surprised. The others were just staring in blank confusion.
Lely : Well I only have one thing to say, pack your bags, we'll explain on the flight on the way there.
Eli : Wait ! We need to know right now.
Lely : πΆ Why don't you know it's funny cause the answer is unknown πΆ
Dayzi : Lol he half changed, far less emojis but still singing and making weird song references every 2 seconds
Lely : Sorry. I'm trying not to.
Nudge : Okay I am going to explain because if we listen to Lely we are not done before the sun sets. We are taking a plane to an archipel. Once we get there, we will be in huts, most likely paired, and daily we will compete. There will be a ranking, and if you come out on top you gain money, but the most important is not the money, but the people you can easily kill there.
Eli : Come near Alyssa and I swear to God I will make bunny meat out of you.
Nudge : Hmmm. Interesting opponent I see. Well well. Hehehehehe.
Eli : I am pretty sure. Do you want to experience a greater than nature experience of dying in hardcore mode ? Do anything to her, and you'll get free tickets to hell.
VC : I was looking forward to a fun vacation, but we literally cannot stop fighting ! Please give me a break !
Lely : I think both Alice and Eli are nice, however the moment you look in their family's direction they are NOT the same. But for now, let's get packing.
At the airport...
Eli : What are we being dragged into
Alice : Well a fun holiday, but I am pretty sure things won't go as expected.
Ben : I am not pairing with anyone π
Nudge : Have fun being alone because nobody is gonna beg for your presence
James : Oh, I think I'll try pairing with him. He doesn't seem too mean, just way too arrogant if I'm honest.
VC : Well for now the plane has yet to arrive
30 minutes later...
Lely : The steward who had a very familiar face told me it was a 2 hour flight. That reduces the probability of an accident arriving.
James : Look at what I discovered about this place ! It is apparently populated by 420 Piantas and has quite a warm water in some lagoons, but quite a cold water in others. The landscape for sure looks absolutely breathtakingly beautiful
Dayzi : Be quiet I'm trying to sleep
Max : Me too
Nudge : You both sound like old people and the other one sounds like either a bot or a NPC. I think the real question is with who I am dragged into this rather than what I am dragged into
VC : At least Toadboi isn't here to try and kill someone on the flight just because he felt like it
Nudge : Well that's my role now
Eli : Just because you felt like it ? Really ? That's pathetic.
15 minutes before the plane lands...
Pilot : Alert to everyone on this plane : We are undergoing severe storms and tornados as of right now. The crew of the plane will try its best to solve the situation as fast as possible without hurting anybody.
Choco : It's already dangerous ??
Max : yeah. Usually it gets a bit quirky 15 minutes before landing.
Choco : Hope we can be fi--
Pilot : Little update as of right now, the plane has a damaged wing who is slowly breaking apart. For the safety of our trustful users who decided to travel with us, we-- *wing cracking*
As they arrive on the shoreline...
Nudge : I hope I never have to swim again. Due to me almost drowning, I had to be helped by Max, who smelled like wet fox fur.
Max : And you smelled like wet hamster fur. Which is not really any better.
Ben : You stink ? Well just take a shower π
Krazey : Bro took "YOU THOUGHT YOU ATE" to a whole new extent
Choco : Will there be any locals to welcome us ?
Lely : Well usually they're Piantas, who are fairly easy to recognize.
??? : Hey there ! Welcome ! My name is...
MKPC Archipel - 2024 Season
The end
Sometimes, you look at pictures of yourself, or at other traces of the past. You feel nostalgic, you just wish you could turn back the clock. Sometimes it's impossible.
But sometimes it is possible.
Nudge : This situation we are in is so boring. We live peacefully on the border of Mario Circuit waiting for cars to have the same race over and over again. I want some action to happen.
Max : Wow chill, I'm good. The world is overwhelming enough, I'm glad to enjoy the blue sky and the yellow sun.
Lely : How about we do something that is still fairly peaceful yet still fairly exciting ? I agree with Nudge, watching flowers bloom can be nice but it gets boring after quite a while.
James : Well, I heard about a mathematic contest and I totally wanna participate in it because it seems entertaining--
Nudge : If it's trigonometry ? Don't count me in. And I am not in a math mood anyways, maybe I will be once I actually killed someone.
VC : Ah no, you are NOT going to trick me this time. We are not making a normal day turn into a killing game. Nope. No chance.
Nudge : You're a boring girl
Alice : Hey, a bit of craziness is okay, but sometimes you have to breathe, y'know ? Totally get her on that.
Krazey : Girl you stole my phrasing. I have nothing left to be an original character now. Can we please get a F chain going in the chat ?
Ben : Can you guys shut up ? I am busy lifting my weights. π
Alice : Wow impressive, you are trying to glow up from forum kid to gigachad, but that's... working mildly
Ben : The fuck ? I have more muscle than you you fucking wimp.
Alice : Shut up or I call Pixel.
Eli : Also who on Earth are you calling a wimp ??
Ben : Oh yes my wife π₯°
Nudge : She isn't your wife because if she was, she would have cheated on you with Max, which hardly anybody wants to do
Max : why are we here just to suffer
Krazey : Can we try to get back on track and not get into any romantic fight bullshit ? Because if we are engaging in that, better buckle up cause that'd be one hell of a ride.
VC : I do have an idea... which will inspire Nudgy, Dayzi, Lely and Max for sure lmfao
Dayzi : Hmm ?
VC : Okay. Well, who here remembers MKPC Archipel ?
The OGs (Max, Dayzi, Nudgy, Lely) looked interested and surprised. The others were just staring in blank confusion.
Lely : Well I only have one thing to say, pack your bags, we'll explain on the flight on the way there.
Eli : Wait ! We need to know right now.
Lely : πΆ Why don't you know it's funny cause the answer is unknown πΆ
Dayzi : Lol he half changed, far less emojis but still singing and making weird song references every 2 seconds
Lely : Sorry. I'm trying not to.
Nudge : Okay I am going to explain because if we listen to Lely we are not done before the sun sets. We are taking a plane to an archipel. Once we get there, we will be in huts, most likely paired, and daily we will compete. There will be a ranking, and if you come out on top you gain money, but the most important is not the money, but the people you can easily kill there.
Eli : Come near Alyssa and I swear to God I will make bunny meat out of you.
Nudge : Hmmm. Interesting opponent I see. Well well. Hehehehehe.
Eli : I am pretty sure. Do you want to experience a greater than nature experience of dying in hardcore mode ? Do anything to her, and you'll get free tickets to hell.
VC : I was looking forward to a fun vacation, but we literally cannot stop fighting ! Please give me a break !
Lely : I think both Alice and Eli are nice, however the moment you look in their family's direction they are NOT the same. But for now, let's get packing.
At the airport...
Eli : What are we being dragged into
Alice : Well a fun holiday, but I am pretty sure things won't go as expected.
Ben : I am not pairing with anyone π
Nudge : Have fun being alone because nobody is gonna beg for your presence
James : Oh, I think I'll try pairing with him. He doesn't seem too mean, just way too arrogant if I'm honest.
VC : Well for now the plane has yet to arrive
30 minutes later...
Lely : The steward who had a very familiar face told me it was a 2 hour flight. That reduces the probability of an accident arriving.
James : Look at what I discovered about this place ! It is apparently populated by 420 Piantas and has quite a warm water in some lagoons, but quite a cold water in others. The landscape for sure looks absolutely breathtakingly beautiful
Dayzi : Be quiet I'm trying to sleep
Max : Me too
Nudge : You both sound like old people and the other one sounds like either a bot or a NPC. I think the real question is with who I am dragged into this rather than what I am dragged into
VC : At least Toadboi isn't here to try and kill someone on the flight just because he felt like it
Nudge : Well that's my role now
Eli : Just because you felt like it ? Really ? That's pathetic.
15 minutes before the plane lands...
Pilot : Alert to everyone on this plane : We are undergoing severe storms and tornados as of right now. The crew of the plane will try its best to solve the situation as fast as possible without hurting anybody.
Choco : It's already dangerous ??
Max : yeah. Usually it gets a bit quirky 15 minutes before landing.
Choco : Hope we can be fi--
Pilot : Little update as of right now, the plane has a damaged wing who is slowly breaking apart. For the safety of our trustful users who decided to travel with us, we-- *wing cracking*
As they arrive on the shoreline...
Nudge : I hope I never have to swim again. Due to me almost drowning, I had to be helped by Max, who smelled like wet fox fur.
Max : And you smelled like wet hamster fur. Which is not really any better.
Ben : You stink ? Well just take a shower π
Krazey : Bro took "YOU THOUGHT YOU ATE" to a whole new extent
Choco : Will there be any locals to welcome us ?
Lely : Well usually they're Piantas, who are fairly easy to recognize.
??? : Hey there ! Welcome ! My name is...
MKPC Archipel - 2024 Season
The end
The fuck is the plane crew gonna do about a tornado? Call God? Anyway, intersting start. I predict that the new character is LelyTu, Lely's alter ego sho is the opposite of Lely: calm, collected, reasonable, etc. Thoughts?

On 2024-02-26 at 01:40:54
Can you make me, like, a rambler? That's kinda what I do. And also deranged.

New Feature Recommendations
On 2024-12-26 at 14:51:09
Alright I will do one
This would be a item called the green star. You would find this around 8th to 7th place. This item would spawn a green like magical shield for a 5 seconds. What this item would is if anything came in contact with the shield that would usually make your kart spin out. Well it won't spin out!
Here is a spoiler for what the item would look like 
"Well it wouldn't spin out!" So like an actual Star then, without the speed boost? That you get in the same position as a normal Star? What's the point in getting one when you could just have a star? Stars last longer than 5 seconds too, I'm pretty sure
On 2024-12-26 at 14:46:12
Gliding wouldn't work well in 2D
If this was 3D like Mario Kart 64 then maybe
Danganronpa MKPC 2 (Feedbacks)
On 2024-12-24 at 20:59:15
Is it to late to join
Yep. It's already started. (3(soon to be 4) people are already dead)
On 2024-12-24 at 18:14:31
I feel bad for Eli ngl. Like, he needs psychological help, but instead he's playing a killing game in Isle Delfino.

On 2024-12-24 at 15:29:18
Not enough info, tbh. We need more.
Everyone would've wanted Ben dead(I hope)
Also say what you will about Dudzi but atleast he was smooth with it. Ben sounds like a nightmare to clean up. This was a crime of pure unadulterated passion.
Everyone would've wanted Ben dead(I hope)
Also say what you will about Dudzi but atleast he was smooth with it. Ben sounds like a nightmare to clean up. This was a crime of pure unadulterated passion.

On 2024-12-23 at 03:44:39
No he's going to leak my C.Ai chatbot logs
Somebody stop him!
Somebody stop him!